ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
August 6, 2013
This is a letter to our friends –
Principles of American Government (PAG) – Fall 2013
These are lofty words, indeed – BUT – true!! The fact that they are “lofty” attests to our generation’s having lowered the bar of expectation!
· I ask every parent reading this – “Are your parental goals high enough?”
· I ask every young adult reading this – “Have you set yourself sufficient goals?”
· I ask every teen reading this – “Have you set your life-goals high enough?”
Please re-read John Adams’ paragraph.
The word “government” is generally related to civil-government (Washington, D.C., or City Council). That is insufficient.
To govern is to direct, regulate, control, restrain. The word may be applied to self-government, family-government, church-government, AND civil-government. All four of these forms of government have principles unique to America.
Thus – A three-month online course in “Principles of American Government”.
I know that every teacher believes his course and subject to be the greatest thing since sliced bread! If they do not – perhaps they should develop another course.
I have a distain for “certification”! The quality of the product should be certification enough – NOT the view of a board, committed to uniform mediocrity! GOD MAKES NO DUPLICATES!!!
Monday, September 9 (1 month hence) begins the fall PAG online course. Details available by phone and on our web site. Classes usually have parents and teens seeking truth and understanding. – Please review “student comments” on the web site.
If the true American culture is ever to be repaired, rebuilt and restored, it MUST be based upon the unique principles of American government. Dear reader – I am shouting from the housetop – BESTIR YOURSELF!