ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
May 18, 2017
This is a letter to our friends –
Honoring The Vision update
The organizing committee members are grateful for the $1650 contributions toward the targeted $10K we have budgeted. We are using it to purchase the first air fares for honored guests. Yet to be covered – TV crew, caterer, hotel, venue, honoraria. If you plan to join us please register soon. If you care to help us share news of this event and help us raise funds -Please do so.
Please – everyone who reads this – Pray for the success of this significant event. Pray for our committee. Pray for America!
Those who were active in the 1960’s when this restoration movement was beginning are beginning to age (smile). We want to gather their memories and preserve them for future researchers. If you are among them we want you included.
Those of you who are younger need to be there to learn and be inspired (living history). Understanding God’s hand in human history and what He has done and is doing in America is vital in today’s society. Come network with master teachers and browse their books.
Remember this please – The unrighteous want to do everything they can to convince you that God and His ways are unproductive and unreliable. We must respond in the opposite spirit – one of faith and optimism.
These columns are archived since 12/10/09
“Ben’s Blog”