
Ben Interviewed on Wallbuilders

Ben was recently interviewed on Wallbuilders Live regarding the book John Locke: Philosopher of American Liberty by Mary-Elaine Swanson.

To Listen, Click the play button:

Audio file courtesy of

Ben was also previously interviewed on The Author’s Show here:

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Ben Interviewed on The Author’s Show


Ben was recently interviewed on The Author’s Show regarding the book John Locke: Philosopher of American Liberty by Mary-Elaine Swanson.

To Listen, Click the play button:

Ben was also recently interviewed on Wallbuilders Live here:

Ben Interviewed on The Author’s Show Read More »

Looking Forward

–By Ben Gilmore

For the past year, Fran and I have focused on the 4-day ACH American History & Government Study Seminar, which concluded last Saturday. Last year at William Jessup University, the Seminar drew 75 students.

All this year we prayed and “believed” for a hundred students plus staff. We had 30 world changing students and a staff of ten. Everyone involved agreed the event was a blessing and a success.

Now we turn our eyes forward. We want to encourage everyone to drop by the new ACH web site for updates on presentations. The information we share is of vital importance in rebuilding, repairing and restoring our American society and government.

The 3 month online course, “Principles of American Government” (PAG) begins in Monday, July 12 July 19. Our best advertising is word-of-mouth. Please tell a friend. Have them read the “students comments”.

Regarding the next Study Seminar: We are working on appropriate dates and will post them on the web site.

For His-story & Government,


Ben & Fran Gilmore
Cofounders of ACH

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Patriotism is Not Enough!

–By Ben Gilmore

We have lots of apathetic patriots! The easiest course is to do nothing!

After reading this – go to the website and become part of the 100 member class! If you can not get away 4 days next week why not send a teen!

YOU need to be there! Your kids and grand kids need to be there!


Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way you can understand
them. This quote came from the Czech Republic . Someone over there has it
figured out. We have a lot of work to do.

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of
entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to
limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the
necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to
have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more
serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming
the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of
fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama,
who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude
of fools such as those who made him their president.”

Fran responded with these golden words words:

“This is so true. Part of the problem is that Americans no longer know their heritage. We no longer teach in school the biblical principles that God established, based on His word, in this nation. Instead, the “fools” are like Esau who was willing to sell his birthright for a bowl of stew. Ben and I have dedicated our lives to teaching these principles. Love you all, Fran”

Class begins at 9am a week from tomorrow – Bring someone and join us!


Ben & Fran Gilmore,
ACH Co-founders.

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Just Three Weeks!

Publish freely-
with attribution

–By Ben Gilmore

Three weeks from today!

Last fall this column was among the first to say, “It appears we may have treason in the White House.” Today, the evidence of treason and corruption is overwhelming. Our “check & balance” system appears to have failed. We must place great hope in the elections this fall to redirect our ship of state.

What will happen this summer and fall is only conjecture. Who can say?

Of these facts, I am certain: Damage is being done which must be repaired; The current generation has little concept of American history or government; Their parents’ generation is little better off; And – Much the same can even be said of their grand-parents!

For America’s sake – PLEASE – Hear my heart-cry and pray.

We MUST train our adults and teens in the sound principles that inspired America’s founders. Without that, efforts at repair and restoration will be futile! “Patriotism” is not enough.

Such sound principles must first be clearly biblical, the ultimate source of truth. But “biblical” carries little weight in today’s market-place of ideas. Sound principles must also be clearly illustrated in history. Further, sound principles must pass the test of reason. True history and sound reason do have weight in the market-place of ideas. Truth always fights to the surface.

Where can you get such instruction today? Among the best is the 4-day American History and Government Study Seminar, in Rocklin, California June 23 – 26 (just 3 weeks from today).

I pray- beseech- beg! you to review the student comments on the web site

Then arrange your schedule to join us. Send your teens and college kids. Get them to Sacramento. ACH Staff and friends will see to their transportation and housing (gratis). You/They will need cash for their meals and $145 for Registration and Tuition. A bargain for 4 days with master teachers! We are “believing” for at least 100 students this year. There is room for 200! I believe EVERY church should be sponsoring such an event!

For His-story & Government

Ben Gilmore

[Contact Ben]

Just Three Weeks! Read More »

What’s Right With America

Just 30 Days —

–By Ben Gilmore

Most of us have teens or college kids and friends we wish knew more about what is going on in America. I’m not talking about what is wrong, there is information everywhere.

Consider seriously sending someone to the American History and Government Study Seminar June 23-26, 2010. Registration and tuition is $145 for an exciting 4 days and commissioning banquet. Once here, we’ll supply housing & transportation (gratis)! You can brown bag to class.

PLEASE do not pass up this opportunity until having first read the “student comments” on our web page:

America needs people who have studied and who know what is RIGHT about America.

America needs people who have learned how to present what is RIGHT in the market place of ideas.

Ben Gilmore
ACH Co-founder

[Contact Ben]  |  [Read More About the Seminar]

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Earn High School Credits with Our Course!

This should be of interest to parents and grandparents. We have made previous mention of the upcoming American History and Government Study Seminar.

ACA (see below), a major (K-12) Private School Satellite Program, is offering American Government and American History credits to those attending this 4-day 30 hour course. A survey of the material covered in this course will reassure most academic evaluators.

William Jessup University is offering Public Service Credits to those who participate.

The focus will be upon those principles that inspired our founders. Americans need to recapture the founders’ vision, largely ignored for several generations now.

American Government and American History (5 credits each)

Students enrolled for the four-day ACH Seminar June 23-26, 2010 may earn up to ten (10) high school credits, five (5) each toward American Government and five (5) for American History, by attending all the lectures and submitting written answers to questions posed by the faculty.

Students will receive assigned questions at the start of the seminar. Each question will be addressed during the seminar from the instructors own research and expertise and from the three seminar textbooks. Students should take careful notes, ask questions, meet with each instructor as you will, then answer the short essay questions. Email your answers to Mr. Rose by August 30, 2010 or earlier. Answers will be “graded” according to the reasonableness, completeness and documentation of the supporting arguments.

Mr. James Rose, Superintendent of American Christian Academy (K-12) Private School Satellite Program, and one of the three instructors, will read and evaluate your answers, make comments, award appropriate credits and return your work by email.

Complete the enrollment form below and send with your seminar application to register for the credit-completion program.

For further information, email Mr. Rose at or call him at (530) 221-1740.



First/Last name:


Age:                              Grade:

Email:                              Phone:

Earn High School Credits with Our Course! Read More »

Significant Moments in His-Story

–By Ben Gilmore

Boston Tea Party

December 7th (Pearl Harbor) was such a moment for America. 9/11 was another. These are dates when major changes in momentum and direction took place for America. I guess you could say that all moments in His-story are significant. “Big doors swing on little hinges!”

One of the things that make tomorrow (Sunday March 21st, 2010) one of those “moments” will never show in the media. I believe there is more focused prayer being sent Heavenward from Americans, than at any time in my 80 years. Those who know Jewish history are familiar with the times when things reached a point that enough members of a society prayed for divine help – and it was granted.

At issue tomorrow, is godliness vs. ungodliness. Liberty is as evangelical as it is political. Are we to be a nation (society) governed by laws that reflect and protect our liberty? – or – Are we to be a nation (society) governed by force and manipulation?

By the time most of you read this, tomorrow’s political events in Washington D.C. will have taken place. I wish to speak to the alternatives. “Pundits” for either side will be busy putting their own “spins” to the results. My council remains unchanged. [Faith & confidence]

If the tide supports what appears to be a treasonous administration, enhanced by a significant portion of the legislature, there appears to be little to avoid chaos. The root question will be, “Do we bow to tyranny and forsake our pretense of liberty?” Apathy (inaction) and ignorance (of the principles that make our system of government work) caused this problem. There will be a danger of rushing out the other side into angry anarchy (uncontrolled rebellion).

If the tide goes against the administration, there will be a renewed sense of confidence in the system and an enhanced momentum focused upon returning our ship of state to its intended course. Following the “Boston Tea Party” Samuel Adams wrote, “You cannot imagine the height of joy that sparks in the eyes and animates the countenances as well as the hearts of all we meet on this occasion.” Those who oppose principles of American government have been doing everything they can to prevent a sense of victory. Both camps have taken Sunday’s events for a showdown.

“Success” also carries its share of dangers. After the Boston Tea Party, the colonists remained active. “Apathy” was not a problem! Those colonists were not “ignorant” of the principles that were inspiring them. I fear we are.

Should the good guys win tomorrow (I expect that to happen!), “ignorance and apathy” remain our foes. For several generations, we have not learned our history, or the fundamental principles that make us a great nation. Without those proven principles, our efforts to repair and rebuild will be futile. Further, we must be careful not to take credit for answered prayer. That belongs to heaven. We must remain actively involved, as He directs, and not drift again into inaction.

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When Life Goes By Too Fast

–By Ben Gilmore

SLOW DOWN! After all, it is YOUR life isn’t it? Take dominion of it. If you don’t, someone else will be happy to do so! ” … [C]hoose you this day whom you will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell: But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
[Josh 24:15]

Things in our American society are changing and shifting rapidly. Political upheavals one way and then another; Jobs and the economy and all the stress that causes; Family pressures (rebellious teens, faltering husbands, frustrated wives) … Nothing is standing still, everything is rushing past and swinging us this way and that! “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth” [Psa 46:10]

I believe the world would be a far better place if every man would take just one hour and sit alone under a tree somewhere! THERE IS ONE GOD WORKING! Recognize that He really does love you! Realize that EVERYTHING He permits to happen to you is intended to draw you closer to Him! If you let that “sink in,” and pause long enough to have faith in that fact, you can relax a little and let some things pass without your involvement!

Our nation is under attack from within. There is every indication we have treason in the White House! I look around, and it appears to me, the hand of God is raising up a righteous spiritual army in defense of His plans for our nation.

There are prayer projects popping up everywhere. Never doubt it! “… The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” [James 5:16] Prayer DOES change things. Moses interceded for the Israelites, and God said, even He, would change His mind!

Activist movements are alive and growing across the nation. The well publicized “Tea Parties” are just the manifestation of far deeper shift in our “body politic.” Every day’s batch of e-mail offers endless opportunities to join this and contribute to support that. Most of these projects are good and are being effective. Our job is to discern where, and upon what, the Lord wants us involved.

In that regard, my passion is to contribute to the restoration and understanding of Biblical principles of government (family-, church-, and civil-government as well as self-government) in our society. Critical thinking and sound reason based upon reliable history and logic have been systematically drained out of our education for generations now!

Earlier this month I wrote about our “Principles of American Government” online course. Registration closed on 1/18/10. After just four interactive classes we are well into the three month course.

Please do yourself and someone else a good service and …


Saturday, February 20 in Sacramento. Stephen McDowell of Providence Foundation is keynoting a one-day conference. What makes this conference so significant that I single it out? Providence Foundation (founded by McDowell) has lead the way in teaching Biblical Principles of Government for a generation! This is one of those teachers who will plant seeds in your understanding that will grow for years. If you are not in our area and have friends here, tell them about it and have them contact me.

Wednesday-Saturday, June 23-26, 2010 in Sacramento. ACH Study Groups present an American History & Government Study Seminar. Wife, Fran, and I founded ACH over 20 years ago. Four 12-hour days, back-to-back, under master teachers, skilled in presenting governmental principles biblically, historically and logically … We designed it to be “inconvenient!” Our purpose was to separate the world changer from the casual student! Well over a thousand world changers have taken this seminar. They are our major promoters. We arrange hospitality (gratis) for out of the area participants.

Unless there are enough leaders in this, and the next few generations, who have learned what our founding fathers learned, our ship of state is likely to remain in dangerous seas!

For His-story & Government, Ben Gilmore

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: