Speaking Out

Let us Speculate

–By Ben Gilmore

Recently, this column has predicted a GOP landslide across the nation.  Next, we considered what a “worst case” scenario might look like.  It might be fun to speculate about what a “best case” scenario could look like :-).

First – America swaps an administration with all the signs of a traitorous Juhadist association for a patriotic moralist, likely to honor the Constitution.  Romney is predicted to have a strong House and Senate to “hold his feet to the fire” constitutionally.

Moral light exposes corruption.  We can expect “rats” to begin scurrying for cover on November 7th.  Major exposures of financial corruption can be expected.  America’s wealth has been drained.  The bleeding will stop.

As fraud and waste are skimmed off, and the regulation boot is lifted from the throat of American creativity and productivity, we may expect wealth to begin flowing once more.  Energy costs will drop rapidly (ahead of production).  Transportation and associated cost of goods sold will begin dropping across the board.  All this to say, in spite of a possible worldwide economic crash, economies will begin to grow.

Next – American society has been denied the thrill of “victory” for generations with only a few exceptions.  That denial is important in suppressing individual self-government and initiative.  This particular “victory” carries with it a major moral factor.  Society will begin paying attention.  Judges will begin upholding the law and courts will begin dealing in reason and justice.  Civil authority will regain our respect.

Third – Let us assume this is an opportunity for our society (you, me – us!) to turn from our selfishness toward the liberty “endowed by our Creator” by submitting to “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”  Our society cannot do that alone.  God cannot do it alone.

If He chooses to open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out His Holy Spirit upon America as our society is turning toward Him, the combination will reveal our “enemies” to be the paper tigers I believe them to be.  America’s beacon tower will once more shine bright before a suffering world.

Even those who say they hate us are, I believe, secretly crying for America to repent and sail a true course.  As their hope is restored, we may expect popular movements for God-centered liberty to sweep south-east Asia (China), then the Indian sub-continent, and finally the Moslem world.

Such a movement in a short time, creates a wave of righteousness that grows and spreads as it sweeps across Europe and north Africa, the Atlantic, and back across America again!  There will still be selfish, evil people – but – They will be subordinated by the righteous.

Many will believe we have reached the “millennium”.  Not so!  Every tidal wave has an ebb tide.  Biblical end-time prophesy will not be denied.  However worldwide righteousness could exist for a short time.

It is fun to speculate!

Ben Gilmore
[Contact Ben]

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Limits on Authority

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with attribution

–By Ben Gilmore

Only the Creator God of the Bible is all-knowing, all-present, and all-powerful. With those unlimited attributes, there can be no limits upon God’s authority. Thus all other sources of power and authority must have limits.

For example – Consider the Bible account of King David and his neighbor, Bathsheba. God placed King David on the throne on Judah. In those days kings had lots of authority! Folks are supposed to submit to the authority God places over them – right?

King David sends for Bathsheba. She comes, as she should. He propositions her. Now what does she do? If she agrees, she breaks her marriage vows! If she refuses, she rebels against authority!

She should refuse. When King David propositioned her, he had figuratively stepped out from behind his office desk. God made him king. Certain authority came with that office. David stepped outside that authority and she was free to decline without rebelling against the authority God had given David.

Here is another example from the Book of Esther. The King was named King Ahasuerus. His wife was named Vashti. The king was having a major party with all his V.I.P. types. Everybody was pretty drunk. The king decided he wanted Vashti to come show off her beauty for his drunken friends. (Not a good way to honor one’s wife I’d say.)

Well, Vashti refused and lost her position as Queen. Why? Because the other husbands crowded around the King and pointed out that Vashti’s apparent disrespect for her husband would cause their wives to show disrespect to them.

I think Vashti said, “No” to the wrong request. She should have come to the brawl as requested. She should walk in, wearing a loose fitting turtleneck gown that reached the floor. She should have smiled and said, “You sent for me?” When the King said, “Dance for my buddies, honey.” THEN she should have refused. The King would then have stepped outside his authority as a husband and dishonored his wife.

Some years back we lived in a town called Morgan Hill. The state of California had ruled that, in certain emergencies, towns and cities were free to impose a tax upon city utilities to raise needed emergency funds. The citizens of Morgan Hill petitioned and voted to narrow that rule. They ruled that such a utility tax could not be imposed without a vote of the people (of Morgan Hill).

Several years later, we elected three of my friends to the five-man City Council. The city manager and city treasurer said we had an emergency and needed to impose a utility tax. My friend, the new Mayor, said to the local newspaper, “We can’t put it to a vote, the people will reject it.” The city lawyer said to the councilmen, “You should go ahead and impose the tax. State law says you can.”

My three friends voted to impose the tax. When they did, they had stepped outside the authority we gave them when we voted them into office. Granted: The state said they could levy the tax. BUT the people of Morgan Hill had ruled that they could – only – after a local vote.

Citizens were left with this dilemma: Submit to tyranny, or recall the Councilmen. We voted to recall the Council members who voted for the tax. It sent political shock waves up and down the city administrations of California!

God’s “Law of liberty” imposes limits upon each of us. We discover those limits by observation and reason. Such “Natural Law” indicates, no one should harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions. When someone in authority steps outside those limits, they lose their authority.

In modern societies it is necessary to set further limits within those: Slow to 20 mph in a school zone, for example. Step outside those limits and penalty follows.

Our wonderful U.S. Constitution was written by “We the people” and sets limits, NOT upon the people, BUT upon the national government. We vote (i.e. we “hire”) men and women to exercise authority within the limits we have set. Should they step outside those limits they lose their authority and should be voted out of office.

[Contact Ben]

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Just Three Weeks!

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with attribution

–By Ben Gilmore

Three weeks from today!

Last fall this column was among the first to say, “It appears we may have treason in the White House.” Today, the evidence of treason and corruption is overwhelming. Our “check & balance” system appears to have failed. We must place great hope in the elections this fall to redirect our ship of state.

What will happen this summer and fall is only conjecture. Who can say?

Of these facts, I am certain: Damage is being done which must be repaired; The current generation has little concept of American history or government; Their parents’ generation is little better off; And – Much the same can even be said of their grand-parents!

For America’s sake – PLEASE – Hear my heart-cry and pray.

We MUST train our adults and teens in the sound principles that inspired America’s founders. Without that, efforts at repair and restoration will be futile! “Patriotism” is not enough.

Such sound principles must first be clearly biblical, the ultimate source of truth. But “biblical” carries little weight in today’s market-place of ideas. Sound principles must also be clearly illustrated in history. Further, sound principles must pass the test of reason. True history and sound reason do have weight in the market-place of ideas. Truth always fights to the surface.

Where can you get such instruction today? Among the best is the 4-day American History and Government Study Seminar, in Rocklin, California June 23 – 26 (just 3 weeks from today).

I pray- beseech- beg! you to review the student comments on the web site www.ACHStudyGroups.com

Then arrange your schedule to join us. Send your teens and college kids. Get them to Sacramento. ACH Staff and friends will see to their transportation and housing (gratis). You/They will need cash for their meals and $145 for Registration and Tuition. A bargain for 4 days with master teachers! We are “believing” for at least 100 students this year. There is room for 200! I believe EVERY church should be sponsoring such an event!

For His-story & Government

Ben Gilmore

[Contact Ben]

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Significant Moments in His-Story

–By Ben Gilmore

Boston Tea Party

December 7th (Pearl Harbor) was such a moment for America. 9/11 was another. These are dates when major changes in momentum and direction took place for America. I guess you could say that all moments in His-story are significant. “Big doors swing on little hinges!”

One of the things that make tomorrow (Sunday March 21st, 2010) one of those “moments” will never show in the media. I believe there is more focused prayer being sent Heavenward from Americans, than at any time in my 80 years. Those who know Jewish history are familiar with the times when things reached a point that enough members of a society prayed for divine help – and it was granted.

At issue tomorrow, is godliness vs. ungodliness. Liberty is as evangelical as it is political. Are we to be a nation (society) governed by laws that reflect and protect our liberty? – or – Are we to be a nation (society) governed by force and manipulation?

By the time most of you read this, tomorrow’s political events in Washington D.C. will have taken place. I wish to speak to the alternatives. “Pundits” for either side will be busy putting their own “spins” to the results. My council remains unchanged. [Faith & confidence]

If the tide supports what appears to be a treasonous administration, enhanced by a significant portion of the legislature, there appears to be little to avoid chaos. The root question will be, “Do we bow to tyranny and forsake our pretense of liberty?” Apathy (inaction) and ignorance (of the principles that make our system of government work) caused this problem. There will be a danger of rushing out the other side into angry anarchy (uncontrolled rebellion).

If the tide goes against the administration, there will be a renewed sense of confidence in the system and an enhanced momentum focused upon returning our ship of state to its intended course. Following the “Boston Tea Party” Samuel Adams wrote, “You cannot imagine the height of joy that sparks in the eyes and animates the countenances as well as the hearts of all we meet on this occasion.” Those who oppose principles of American government have been doing everything they can to prevent a sense of victory. Both camps have taken Sunday’s events for a showdown.

“Success” also carries its share of dangers. After the Boston Tea Party, the colonists remained active. “Apathy” was not a problem! Those colonists were not “ignorant” of the principles that were inspiring them. I fear we are.

Should the good guys win tomorrow (I expect that to happen!), “ignorance and apathy” remain our foes. For several generations, we have not learned our history, or the fundamental principles that make us a great nation. Without those proven principles, our efforts to repair and rebuild will be futile. Further, we must be careful not to take credit for answered prayer. That belongs to heaven. We must remain actively involved, as He directs, and not drift again into inaction.

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Signs & Times

–By Ben Gilmore

[A]ll things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. [Rom 8:28]

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. [2 Tim 3:16-17]

What exciting times we are experiencing.  In  a short span, we have seen our American society go from prosperity, to devastation (for many), and (artificially) back again, on the heels of fiscal insanity.

We have witnessed tyrannical disregard for the wishes of “We the people”, and the coalescing of a deep seated counter movement across the nation.  Throughout these changes this column has encouraged faith and confidence.  “Faith” that everything the Lord allows to happen to and around us can be used to teach and train us about Him and his best for us.  “Confidence” in the unique foundation upon which He placed our American society.

It appears to me, we are headed for one of two alternatives.  Given: There is evidence of a firm political shift against traditional tax and spend politics:  Tea Parties;  recent Massachusetts, Virginia, New Jersey elections.

A)  The results of this shift appear to assure Republican majorities in the House and possibly the Senate next November!  All that appeared unlikely, only a year ago!  Such an event will slow, and likely reverse, our plunge into socialism, and the loss of individual and corporate liberty.

Given: Those who have taken “Liberalism” in its many forms into their bosoms as their true religion (i.e. The most significant thing in their lives.), will make any sacrifice to preserve the “advancements” they believe they have made.  They truly believe it to be for our best interests.  Among them, of course, are leaders addicted to the power they now hold.  It is a consuming addiction.

B)  The alternative result of this political shift appears to me to be equally possible.  Those in power will refuse to voluntarily relinquish it.  Uncharted territory for our American republic, at least in our past few generations.  How that refusal will manifest, is pure speculation at this point.

Our response, to either alternative should be the samefaith & confidence.

Should liberalism lose legislative power, we have a massive re-education task at hand.  We will be tempted to pridefully take credit for the overflow of public sentiment.  Overlooking the fervent prayers for the hand of God to intervene in our behalf.  In “our success” we may fail to learn and apply the proven Principles of American Government we neglected, which allowed us to fall so low!  Without faith in God’s hand, and confidence in His principles, we will lose the opportunity He has given us and drift again.

Should those in power ignore law and seek to establish tyranny as was done in Nazi Germany, we will again be called upon for faith & confidenceFaith that the hand of God will respond to the fervent prayers of American believers.  Confidence in the Judeo-Christian foundations of our American society.  The question is not, “Is this a Christian nation?”  The fact is, “THIS NATION HAS A CHRISTIAN FORM.”  That foundation is unique to our society.  I believe it will be the difference between European and American efforts to impose tyranny.

Thus – In either case:  We must turn to the Lord for our strength and guidance —  AND — We MUST learn again, the forgotten principles that make our American Christian Constitutional Republic function properly.

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A Time for Cool Heads and Critical Thinking

–By Ben Gilmore

The music plays nostalgic Christmas carols. The traditional joy of the season is all around us these days. We should enjoy it! The environment (economy, income, misuse of civil authority,…) all present a cause for gloom. This is NOT a time to consider the “half empty glass.” We MUST focus on the half full glass!

If you permit the externals to influence your internals, you are on a downward spiral. GET OFF THAT TRAIN! To quote the closing lines of Rudyard Kipling’s well known poem, “If”.

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

There is one God working, The glass is NEVER empty!

—- —- “We interrupt this message for a shameless commercial!” —- —-

For the past four or more generations, the art of critical thinking and sound reason have been systematically bred out of our society. Along with it, revisionist history (lies) has drained patriotic enthusiasm about the most magnificent example of Biblical civil government structure on earth. REMEMBER: “The question is NOT, ‘Was America formed by Christians?’ The question is, ‘Has America a Christian form?’ —- Indeed it has. We must relearn what we have forgotten.

I have just completed teaching my first online course in “Principles of American Government.” We use a virtual (computer) classroom. This course was first taught at San Jose Christian College, then at Shiloh Bible College. What a thrill to have teens and adults discovering the incredible significance of what they did not know they did not know!

Please, for the sake of what the hand of God has accomplished on this continent – LISTEN UP!

95% of those who read this (you know who you are!) will gloss over and say, “That is good for those other people.” This commercial message is addressed to you.

On January 18, 2010 we will begin the next online “Principles of American Government” (PAG) class. It consists of 24 interactive 75 minute classes. Each class is presented twice a day (miss one catch the other) on Monday and Wednesday at 9AM & 6PM Pacific time. Homeschoolers wanting academic credit may register with Harrington College Prep online school. Tuition is $195.

I will be pleased to put you in touch with those just finished with the course. Let them persuade you of your need to attend. There are several places you can go for such training. PAG is taught by a master teacher who was discipled in the principle approach to education by the founders of Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE).

Unless enough individuals take dominion of the principles that guided our founders, our efforts to repair and rebuild will be futile! Please take this invitation seriously. Phone and chat with me about it.


Contact Ben for more information or to get his phone number.

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: https://www.mykeeper.com/profile/BenGilmore/