Student Testimonials

Are you an alumnus of one of our programs or the parent of an alumnus?

April 2010

The Principles of American Government course has had a profound impact on my understanding of the principles on which the American system of government were founded. Mr. Gilmore brought these truths to light and nurtured each student in the class to think, reason and act upon the truths that formed our nation and are still working today! This class has also strengthened my faith in Christ and empowered me to speak with authority on the current issues of our day. I have already had the opportunity to apply some of these principles to my business. I would HIGHLY recommend this class and am considering taking it a second time! Thank you Mr. Gilmore!

Mark Wainwright
Business Ownder
DeKalb, Illinois

April 2010

I wanted to tell everyone who reads this, that this Principles of American Government course taught by Mr. Gilmore, has truly been LIFE-CHANGING to me, I would highly recommend this course to ANYONE who has the means to take it.
Harrison Dean
Shawnee, Kansas

April 2010

As a high schooler, having taken The Principles of American Government class, taught by Mr. Gilmore, I can now understand how and why different situations occur in politics and everyday life.

I am able to use what I learned about the seven fundamental principles that our founding fathers advocated for, when I engage in politics, conversations, and when I present speeches to the public.

On April 15, 2010, I had the honor to speak at the Downtown Fort Lauderdale Tax Day Tea Party. Although I had a three minute allotted speaking time, I was still able to choose one very essential principle of the seven that Mr. Gilmore teachings on.

I focused in on what I believe is the root cause of America’s “big government”-our lack of self-government.

For generations Americans have been dumbed down and indoctrinated with lies. Unless we change it and become reeducated with the importance of this nation’s founding principles and educate others about them and reincorporate them in our daily thoughts and actions, America will no longer stand.

As the people go, so goes the nation.

Yes, in America we have rights, but as citizens we also have duties. It is our duty to be stand up for these seven principles that are paramount for reclaiming America for what it once was.

I will leave you with this quote by the director of the Heritage Foundation’s B. Kenneth Simon Center for American Studies, Dr. Matt Spalding, who as Mr. Gilmore and everyone else who took this class now fights for, “If we intend to govern ourselves from this point forward, we have to go back to these principles. Otherwise, someone is going to govern us.”

I profoundly recommend every American citizen to take this extremely well taught course. It will leave a lasting impact on your life, as your every decision will be based on valuable principles and it will give you the urge to speak for the truth.

Do not think twice about enrolling for the PAG class.

Do it for you. Do it for your country.

Thank you so much, Mr. Gilmore, for sharing what you know with us!

May God be with you and continue to bless America,

Brittney Deoliveira
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

April 2010

I believe the phrase "life-changing" is probably overused, but I must say that it applies to my son's experience in the Principles of American Government course. The combination of the course content along with Mr. Gilmore's experience, teaching ability and heart for his students makes this course unique and unmatched. I highly recommend the course for your teen and expect that your teen's life will be changed as a result!
Maria Dean
Parent of Student
Shawnee, Kansas

April 2010

Dear Mr. Gilmore,

Thank you so much for your instruction these last three months. [PAG] What I have learned in this course allows me to appreciate and love this country even more. I also have a deeper understanding of The Lord's providence and provision for His people. Also, thank you for your kindness and care when I was deep in the "valley". Your words were very comforting to my soul. I will never forget that.

May our Lord bless you even more, and keep you safe.

Susan Brown
Hone-schooling Mother
Boca Raton, Florida

June 2010

When I first signed up for the American History & Government Seminar last June, I thought the twelve-hour days were excessive. But history came alive to me for the first time in my life and the days flew by. At the end, I thought the study could use a few more days and I didn't want it to be over! The instructors captivated my interest and sparked a zeal for wanting to learn more about our founding fathers, our Constitution, and what made America a great nation. I have since taken a keen interest in our government, become aware of the movement to dissolve and make irrelevant our Constitution and dismiss our founding fathers as archaic. Until we learn our history and Constitution—something that is not, and has not, been taught in American schools for some time—we are doomed to lose what those who went before us fought for so valiantly. I highly recommend this study to everyone and will definitely take it again.
Debra Jackson
Constitutional Activist
Rocklin, California
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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: