
2013-06-24 Dumbing-down our children

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


June 24, 2013

This is a letter to our friends –

Dumbing-down our children

“When human-nature does not like the message it throws rocks at the messenger!”

[Ben Gilmore]

The video link referenced below crossed my desk just now. I know nothing of the authors, nor have I documented their facts – outside of my own observations and reason. How universal is the problem? No doubt education “professionals” will scoff and deny – some may throw rocks.

The dumbing-down however; is very clear and correct for any viewer who is honest with himself. With understanding comes responsibility! Thus, human-nature often chooses ignorance and apathy (“I don’t know & I don’t care!”), rather than understanding and concern.

ACH 3-month online course – “Principles of American Government” begins on September 9th, 2013.

This course teaches adults and teens –

· What is right – NOT – what is wrong.

· We will focus upon what has inspired liberty under God.

· Learning again the science of critical thinking.

· The truth of American and Providential history.

Please view the video link below.

The deliberate dumbing-down of children!

Here is why today’s children cannot spell, write grammatically correct material, or answer
fairly simple questions. They are intentionally, strategically dumbed-down by ‘the Elitists.’
It’s a part of the “ME” Generations that say “to hell with others, I’m looking out for ME!”


We MUST, “Train up our children in the way that they should go … .” [Proverbs 22:6]

2013-06-24 Dumbing-down our children Read More »

Govt 101 – Exceptionalism

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How do you answer, when someone asks, “What is so exceptional about America?

For several generations the answer has not been taught. Today, few can give a sound answer. Rather, we have emphasized that America is just another nation in the family of nations.

My previous three posts to this column have presented “Separation of Powers”, “Democracy” (should have been named “Representation”), “Federalism”. None of those forms of government are unique to America. Each had been tried before with varying results.

Our founding fathers exhibited astounding wisdom and creativity by incorporating the advantages of each – while seeking to impede the defects of each. Amont the most unique attributes of American government –

For the first time in human history –

· Separation of Powers

· Representation

· Federalism

Were incorporated into a single governmental structure.

Our Constitution creates three Departments, Executive, Legislative, Judicial. Each is intended to be independent of the other two. Separation of Powers.

Our Constitution specifically requires that National and State governments must be “republics” i.e. by representation (as opposed to “majority rule” i.e. “democracy”.) Representation.

Our Constitution creates a vertical (national) and horizontal (state) relationship among our citizens. Federalism.

Our founders understood that there will always be a conflict between individual will (I want my space – back off) and corporate will (We have to go along to get along). “Internal vs. External.” “A conflict within and without.” [Neander – 1852]

The positive results of that combination of principles speaks for itself. The exponential shift away from those results is attributable to our failure to understand what our founders understood. We have permitted the external forces for ever more centralized power to overcome individual internal liberty.

Government created by “We the People” for the purpose of protecting our individual internal and external liberty is now challenging it!

By the way – Beside being sound history and reason, these principles are also Biblical!

The bottom line

Liberty is as evangelical as it is political!!!”

[Rosalie Slater – Co-founder,

Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE)]

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: