Significant Moments in His-Story

–By Ben Gilmore

Boston Tea Party

December 7th (Pearl Harbor) was such a moment for America. 9/11 was another. These are dates when major changes in momentum and direction took place for America. I guess you could say that all moments in His-story are significant. “Big doors swing on little hinges!”

One of the things that make tomorrow (Sunday March 21st, 2010) one of those “moments” will never show in the media. I believe there is more focused prayer being sent Heavenward from Americans, than at any time in my 80 years. Those who know Jewish history are familiar with the times when things reached a point that enough members of a society prayed for divine help – and it was granted.

At issue tomorrow, is godliness vs. ungodliness. Liberty is as evangelical as it is political. Are we to be a nation (society) governed by laws that reflect and protect our liberty? – or – Are we to be a nation (society) governed by force and manipulation?

By the time most of you read this, tomorrow’s political events in Washington D.C. will have taken place. I wish to speak to the alternatives. “Pundits” for either side will be busy putting their own “spins” to the results. My council remains unchanged. [Faith & confidence]

If the tide supports what appears to be a treasonous administration, enhanced by a significant portion of the legislature, there appears to be little to avoid chaos. The root question will be, “Do we bow to tyranny and forsake our pretense of liberty?” Apathy (inaction) and ignorance (of the principles that make our system of government work) caused this problem. There will be a danger of rushing out the other side into angry anarchy (uncontrolled rebellion).

If the tide goes against the administration, there will be a renewed sense of confidence in the system and an enhanced momentum focused upon returning our ship of state to its intended course. Following the “Boston Tea Party” Samuel Adams wrote, “You cannot imagine the height of joy that sparks in the eyes and animates the countenances as well as the hearts of all we meet on this occasion.” Those who oppose principles of American government have been doing everything they can to prevent a sense of victory. Both camps have taken Sunday’s events for a showdown.

“Success” also carries its share of dangers. After the Boston Tea Party, the colonists remained active. “Apathy” was not a problem! Those colonists were not “ignorant” of the principles that were inspiring them. I fear we are.

Should the good guys win tomorrow (I expect that to happen!), “ignorance and apathy” remain our foes. For several generations, we have not learned our history, or the fundamental principles that make us a great nation. Without those proven principles, our efforts to repair and rebuild will be futile. Further, we must be careful not to take credit for answered prayer. That belongs to heaven. We must remain actively involved, as He directs, and not drift again into inaction.

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