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Same sex marriage is derived from homosexuality, which is a derivative of rebellion, which is a derivative of universal depravity, which is a choice.
As I listened to the talking heads on TV news, it occurred to me that depravity is destined to win todays debate. In our “Principles of American Government” online course, we make a point of recognizing and not accepting false presuppositions. If you permit a false idea to be introduced at the beginning of a discussion – The whole structure of the discussion is built upon sand, NOT solid rock.
What is the false presupposition in the “same sex marriage” discussion?
God does not exist. Therefore the “laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” are invalid. Therefore the opinions, and not the sound reasoning, of humans is supreme (i.e. humanism).
Our unique American culture, based upon Christian self-government, has become so eroded that we are debating the un-debatable!
Liberty is not license. Nothing and no one is without a set of rules (laws) that govern it. Step outside those rules – chaos. Stay within those rules – peace. America’s founders understood that. Their reference to “natural law” and “revealed law” presupposed that God exists. (“We are endowed by our Creator … “.
Natural law may be discovered by observation and reason. We see the “edge” of the earth and conclude “the earth is flat”. Human reason is not always correct. Navigation based upon that false presupposition will not work! The truth – the earth is round – was not changed by faulty human reasoning.
Revealed law is found ONLY in the Holy Scriptures. Since there is a mountain of evidence that they resulted from the direct inspiration of God, “revealed law” is infinitely more authoritative than “natural law” which is based upon human observation and reason.
It is important to note that – natural law and revealed law will never be in conflict – since they come from the same source.
BUT – You say, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: … “. [1st Amendment to our Constitution] Therefore, you can not involve God and either natural law, or revealed law (the Bible), in discussing “same sex marriage.”
I believe “religion” here, refers to systems of doctrines and beliefs, created by man.
Separation of church and state makes sense. Our founders feared a state-sponsored church. Separation of God and state is insanity! Both the Declaration and the Constitution presuppose a supreme lawgiver. We are wrong to equate God and His will, with man-created systems. Fellowship with believers (i.e.”church” ), is a good thing. – BUT – It is not a substitute for a personal relationship with God.
Both human reason and the inspired word of God will validate the wisdom of staying within the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. Any law outside those limits should be no law at all.
This is the discussion we should be having — Do God and His rules exist? We will agree in advance to accept a better, more proven, set of rules. What have you to offer?
Let us agree – It would be unwise not to live and govern by the best set of rules available.
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