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"My ardent desire is, and my aim has been … to comply strictly with all our engagements foreign and domestic; but to keep the United States free from political connections with every other Country. To see that they may be independent of all, and under the influence of none. In a word, I want an American character, that the powers of Europe may be convinced we act for ourselves and not for others; this, in my judgment, is the only way to be respected abroad and happy at home."
—George Washington, letter to Patrick Henry, 1775
Granted: It is too late to follow the wise thoughts of President Washington. (Emphasis above is mine.)
“Radicalization” has become the buzz-word of the TV talking heads since last weekend in Boston. What does it mean? Webster associates “radical” with “root” and “fundamental”. Thus – Not to be “radical” is to be “compromised”, “complex”.
Washington wrote of an “American character”. That unique character has its “roots” in “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”.
When the talking heads speak of “the radicalization of Americans”, they appear to mean the switch from “American character” to another character with different “roots” and “fundamentals”.
If one has little understanding of his own “roots and fundamentals” (i.e. principles) – It should be an easy transition to a more attractive set of principles. One of which friends, teachers and mentors approve. With little understanding of America’s “roots” what have we to compare?
It should be expected that state-run education is going to train its students in things important to the state – State perpetuation and state power.
It is to be expected that church-run education is going to train its students in things important to the church – Church perpetuation and doctrine.
It should be expected that family-run education is going to train its students in things important to the family – Character and independence.
Family, church and state each have vested interests in educating your child!
Our current public school system appears to me, to be the definition of “child abuse!” Children are being used as lab mice in various indoctrination techniques!
My experience with many church-run schools are little better than public schools, with “Jesus” and “prayer” rubber-stamped on the outside!
It is imperative we once again radicalize American youth in the roots and fundamentals of
our unique American character.
The ACH three-month online course in “Principles of American Government” begins on Monday, June 3rd and again on Monday, September 9th. Any adult or teen will profit by this course.
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