ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
June 27, 2013
This is a letter to our friends –
“Come – Let us reason together, saith the Lord …” [Isaiah 1:8]
Earlier this month this column asked, “Is there a flag in your sanctuary?” Several answered, “Yes, there is.” Only one responded, “The [American] flag was removed.” I have observed many American sanctuaries that fail to honor our nation’s flag.
Our flag represents one nation under God. It represents an idea –
· God created and intends for men to live free. That liberty is “unalienable” (i.e. it cannot be legally or justly transferred to another).
· God created only three human organizations: family, church, civil-government. Christ summed up all of God’s law with, “Love God (vertical) and Love your neighbor (horizontal). [Mt 22:36-40 & Mk 12:29-31]
· Such men (We the people) chose to design a civil government under God for the purpose of protecting and preserving that God-granted liberty. The first in himan history!
That idea displayed in a sanctuary represents the civil-government under God that protects our liberty from tyrants. Do American pulpits and pews need desperately to understand that idea? Indeed they do! Freedom is NOT free!
By abandoning the third leg of human relationships (civil-government) the pulpit is tacitly telling the pew it not important. Thus – Offering the enemy a base from which to dominate all three!
By tacitly accepting that situation, the pew is accepting the approaching tyranny.
Remember – God said, “There is the promised land. I give it to you. – Now go fight for it!” A responsibility is attached to being “endowed by our Creator.”
Many have never read through the Declaration of Independence. It is among the outstanding documents ever penned by man. I have attached a copy for someone to stand and read aloud during your 4th of July celebration next week.