ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
November 22, 2014
This is a letter to our friends –
Principles of American Government (PAG)
Our fall PAG online course is drawing to a close. Those who take ACH Study Groups courses are invited to write “Student Comments” to be added to the tab in our web site.
The next 3-month course begins on Monday, January 5th. Using Skype as a virtual interactive classroom, we meet at 9AM (Pacific time), M &W for 75 minutes. Please see the detailed syllabus on our web site
Miss Mattanah D. just posted a comment that speaks of the course:
Subject: Student Comment Submission
First Name: Mattanah
Home State: Tennessee
Your Role: Student
Your Comments: I’m incredibly thankful that God opened the door for me to participate in the PAG course taught by Mr. Gilmore. This program has helped me grow in many ways, but I’ll try to condense them into 3 things.
1. The PAG course has given me a more solid foundation for my faith – which is most important. Understanding the faith of those who have gone before me and learning how they put action to their faith motivates me to do the same.
2. The PAG course has given me a greater ability to think critically and deeply about a variety of topics. I have gained excellent study habits and debate skills. Participating in this class has helped me to excel in my other classes as well, because the skills taught are applicable to every area of life.
3. The PAG course has prepared me for my future career. I have an interest in inter-cultural studies and political science. My goal is to work in the political arena. I can see now that before I began working toward this goal, it was essential that I have a firm foundation on which to base my ideas and decisions. This course is so important for people entering the political field because they will not only learn principles that apply to past circumstances, but principles that will apply to all future circumstances.
If you are reading this and considering participation in the PAG class, I HIGHLY recommend that you do. Even if your career goals aren’t necessarily political, this class will equip you for whatever field you enter.
Thank you, Mr. Gilmore, for your investment in my walk with The Lord and my education. I know that He has used you to speak into my life, and I pray that He blesses you and your family beyond measure for it!
An ACH alum sent me a soda straw I have taped atop my monitor. Have you ever enjoyed a milk shake and commented, “That was a great straw!” Comments like Mattanah’s (above) remind me of the blessings of being a “straw”.