ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
March 4, 2015
This is a letter to our friends –
The Vote
The ability to make choices is a gift to man from God. I speculate that the sum-total of each and every choice we make, determines the condition and future of our individual soul. I am uniquely responsible – and answerable – for each choice I have, or ever will make.
Some choices have little significance – “Do you want fries with that?”
Some choices change the direction of your life, “Choose you this day, whom you will serve!”
Thus, your choices are sacred. Choosing to vote or not to vote is a choice. Once elected, a politician possesses a vote given to him by his constituents. While in office, that vote is his exclusive property. No matter how many calls and letters he receives from his constituents, his choice in casting his vote is exclusively his. He is answerable to his constituents ONLY when seeking re-election. He is answerable to God forever! Since we cannot know, in advance, about all the votes he will cast, we must consider carefully, his character and understanding of his role in safeguarding our liberty (the purpose of American government) BEFORE casting our vote for him.
Think about it – Can anyone – even God – demand that you have a given opinion, or that you choose this way or that? Your choice is your exclusive property. “Conscience is the most sacred of all property!” [James Madison] You should protect your conscience with your life.
Here is a point that judges and lawyers hate. If you are on an American jury – The jury, not the judge, is in charge. For example – Joe is accused of hate crime because he will not make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. The judge will “instruct” the jury members about what the law says. Then he will say, “Your purpose is to decide whether or not Joe broke the law – Is Joe guilty or innocent?”
As a jury member, your choice will determine whether or not Joe is to be punished for breaking a bad law. Your jury vote is exclusively yours. It cannot be directed or demanded. The jury is sovereign. They are voting on the quality of the law as well as upon Joe’s choices! The principle is called, Jury Nullification.
All that to say this – The Vote is indeed sacred. Use it wisely!