ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
June 29, 2015
This is a mail-merge letter to PAG Participants –
Things you can do now
Most of the folks I know are worried about America’s moral decline. They feel helpless to do anything about it that is effective. This causes frustration and – if we are not careful – anger and fear. I have some thoughts about truly effective things each of us is capable of doing.
Each of us can prepare in some way. When the economy collapses, and it must, unless there is a move of God that prevents it, a stock of food, water, and other emergency supplies will be good to have on hand.
Think about this Biblical principle – Those supplies are not just for your survival, they are to be shared with others in need. The principle is that in giving, God has the option of multiplying. (five loaves and two fish) If we hoard for ourselves – supply becomes finite.
Every day now, we hear reports of gruesome atrocities being committed by ISIS. The Natzi’s usually hid their atrocities, but ISIS broadcasts them all over the world. Why is that?
They do it in order to strike fear in our hearts. If we, you and I, accept fear, they win. Rather, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, joy, and a sound mind. By rebuking fear we can individually defeat their effort. Love casts out fear! A fearless attitude communicates to those we deal with. Your fearlessness makes ripples that spread to others.
So here are two truly effective things each of us can do.
Think about survival supplies, little things you can afford. Even just thinking about it can do wonders. Prepare to share with those in need that your unselfishness might multiply.
Choose to rebuke fear. If you are martyred, you are with Jesus. Death for your faith will multiply faith in others. What is to fear?
God wins! Love wins!