ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
August 16, 2015
This is a letter to our friends –
I believe it was the Lord who prompted me – Whenever I speak with someone about abortion I must also speak about forgiveness and salvation. Otherwise, I may succeed in showing that abortion is murder without showing the way out of guilt.
A friend of mine had an idea a few years ago about a memorial garden as a place to grieve and gain closure after losing an unborn. Fran and I walked the proposed site and sensed the peace of God. I told my friend that we felt we were to help when the project began to take shape.
Today he brought the plan and the web site for “New Hope Memorial Garden”
The timing for this project seems to synchronize with the present full court press attack upon the Planned Parenthood organization. God’s hand appears to be at work!
By the way, next Saturday, August 22nd, Pro-life groups have scheduled a national protest against Planned Parenthood centers across the country. Those in the Sacramento area may call 916-993-8673. Those outside the area may call their local pro-life activist for information.
Those of you who have never participated in public demonstrations are missing an opportunity. Good people have been passive for far too long. Such demonstrations have been part of American culture since colonial days.
I hope you will surf the New Hope Memorial Garden web site (above). Read the text, enlarge and contemplate the pictures (artist’s conceptions). Pray about sending $ for this project. By comparison with other national projects it is small potatoes. In terms of its potential healing power, it is huge!
This column has long reminded readers that God’s hand is at work. This is not a time for inaction. This is the first time this column has been used as a fund raiser. The reason? – Because I believe in the project and I believe the Lord is prompting me to do so. Please open the web site and contribute what you can.
In Christian love
Ben & Fran Gilmore