ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
March 6, 2018
This is a letter to our friends –
Basics and Manipulation
For the benefit of inexperienced patriots – some political basics.
America will hold a “General Election” next November 6th, a Tuesday. The date for counting the votes, November 6, is the same for the whole country. Each state makes its own rules about early voting, absentee voting, voting by mail, and the like. City, county, state, and national candidates will be up for election or re-election.
Generally there are candidates from each of the major political parties on the November ballot. The winners in the General Election will be in authority until their term is up (2, 4, 6 years). At issue here, is which party will have a majority. You may not like your party’s candidate, but his election may provide a majority that puts your party and what it stands for in power. By the time November rolls around you have no say about who is on the ballot.
This spring (now through mid-summer) the states will be holding “Primary Elections”. Primary Election dates are set by each state. This is the time when those on the November General Election ballot are determined. The General Election decides who will be in power. The Primary Election offers you a choice of political philosophies. They are very important!
Anyone who meets the qualifications may file with the county or state registrar of voters and have his name on the Primary Ballot. This is the time you can make your vote count for philosophy. The power brokers want to manipulate your vote. They will seek to downplay the Primary Vote importance, or discourage you from voting. Trump was nominated by voters who ignored the power brokers and voted for principle in the Primary Election.
If you have not been involved in political things, but want to make your vote count for your beliefs there are a few simple things you can do.
Recognizing that evil is deeply rooted in our civil system, begin listening to news sources you can trust. I have found radio’s Rush Limbaugh to be the most reliable. Among the least compromised TV News sources is FOX News. If you share philosophy with a politically active friend, that should be a source for guidance.
If you are willing to leave your comfort zone, attend local rallies and evaluate candidates for yourself. Your Registrar of Voters will give you a list of Primary candidates. Most of them are hungry for exposure. Phone or write the one(s) in which you are interested. Ask them about their philosophy. If you like their answers ask for their recommendations.
Every candidate needs money! I recommend making political contributions directly to candidates you support. Let others support the political groups.
There are three questions to ask candidates to determine their goal: i.e. are they running on sound principles, or just seeking power.
· What is your position on same sex marriage?
· What is your position on abortion?
· What is your position on the 2nd amendment (gun control)?
A candidate who equivocates on any of these cannot be trusted to vote wisely.
You must register to vote. Post offices and fire stations usually have a supply of registration forms.
Corruption is rampant in today’s politics. That is why you MUST exercise your right to vote. The bad guys will lie, cheat, and steal to manipulate your vote, or keep you from voting in the Primary Election. They are well funded and far more experienced. But – you have the advantage of choice in what are still reasonably honest elections. You also have a vital advantage in being able to pray for the hand of God to guide and direct the results.
Bottom line – After you have done what you can – Pray, pray, pray!!!
These columns are archived since 12/10/09
“Ben’s Blog”