2019-10-08 Things to know

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621

916-722-2501 histbuff@garlic.com


January 29, 2020

This is a letter to our friends –

Things to know

It is vitally important to your liberty that you understand a few American political basics -NOW!!

There will be two elections next year (2020)- the “primary election” (in the spring) and the “general election” (in November). The candidates that will be on the November ballot will be nominated in the spring primary election. Once the primary is over, we are stuck with a choice between those nominated.

Many voters ignore the primary election because there are so many choices and they are confused. Politicians like it that way! Remember – It is within the rules of the game to lie, cheat, coerce, extort, steal if you are an enemy of truth, liberty and self-government.

The incumbent, running to remain in office has many advantages over the challenger; name recognition, party support, funding base, voting record (perhaps?), uninformed voters, etc. The challenger has to overcome opposition efforts to block his fundraising. His opposition will make every effort to keep his message from being heard. It is cut-throat in the trenches.

OK – Where do you fit in? First choose whom you will serve – – The God of Christian self-government – or – the god of everything opposed to that. Next find a way to learn who is running for U.S. Senate and Congress in your neighborhood. (Usually available from your county Registrar of Voters.) The “down ticket” races are important – but – these two races are of vital significance in 2020. American liberty is at stake. We must have quality candidates on the ballot in November.

Do some basic research for yourself (internet), then talk with politically aware friends if you know some. Seek to meet the primary candidates in person, if you can. Ask their position on guns, gay marriage, and abortion. Pick your candidate and do whatever you are able, to support him (generic). Remember – The perfect candidate does not exist.

Lastly – Please do not put it off. In California, our primary is on March 2nd.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09

See www.ACHStudyGroups.com

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: https://www.mykeeper.com/profile/BenGilmore/