ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
May 23, 2020
This is a letter to our friends –
Day Dream
We read from 2nd Chronicles this morning. As we read, my mind wandered – – –
President Trump was in the oval office, on his knees in the center of the room. National television cameras were on. He appeared to finish his prayer and stood facing the camera.
“Since the beginning, God has been doing everything He can to teach us how to love Him and get along lovingly with one another. We are slow learners!
“God doesn’t change His message. It is the same message He gave those He led out of Egypt centuries ago. Obey my instructions and live in peace, or rebel and suffer.
“The nation just saw their President in humble prayer on his knees before God. Now they see their leader boldly standing before the people seeking God’s will for America and confessing our sins before the world.
“Lord, we have sinned. We turn, as a nation from the sin of abortion, homosexuality, pride, greed, and the rest of the things our nation has accepted against Your will.
“Now we turn to You, seeking mercy rather than justice. Lord, heal our land as you promised.”
At that moment, the oval office filled with bright white smoke. A few moments later TV screens showed a wide-shot of the White House, bathed in light with a column of fire hovering over it.
A wave of righteousness swept across the nation. People on city sidewalks across the nation
fell to their knees in prayer confessing and repenting. That wave swept the globe for a time.
Fruit trees grew in Washington where the swamp used to be!
These columns are archived since 12/10/09
“Ben’s Blog”