ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
Friday, May 28, 2021
This is a letter to our friends –
Just sayin’ don’t make it so!
The leftist media repots that Mike Lindell’s evidence has been debunked. I have had folks tell me they don’t need to see what he has because it has been refuted! I ask how it was refuted. “None of the machines were connected to the internet.” Lindell has terabytes of internet data connected to county level election machines.
Their words are hollow unless they can dispute the evidence. That cannot be done until they have reviewed it!
On the other hand – You have no business defending it until you are convinced it is valid. Have you done your due diligence?
Americans have become passive. We are used to having things done for us. “Passivity” will not get it done this time!
Unless there is a true groundswell of patriots willing to stand and face-down evil in God’s name, evil will win the battle for the soul of America.
Count the cost. How real is your trust in God? When the battle is over, will you be proud, or ashamed of the part you played – – or did not play?
Please review
I copied this yesterday from
From the desk of –
Donald J. Trump
1:12pm May 27, 2021
“Breaking News! Massive numbers of dead people “voted” in the 2020 Presidential Election, far greater than anyone has known or seen before. Some of these “dead people” even applied for an application to vote. This is just one of the many fraudulent aspects of the 2020 Presidential Election. People are just now beginning to understand!”
Do not be silent. Tell others. “Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor”, our liberty, and honest elections again, depend on it. These columns are archived since 12/10/09
“Ben’s Blog”