ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
Friday, September 17, 2021
This is a letter to our friends –
Stay focused!
Unless we can manage to stay focused on the root problems, every new thing that wants our attention will serve to keep us divided.
The root problem, God has not yet healed our land. Evidently, we (Americans) have not, humbled ourselves and prayed, sought God’s face, nor turned from our wicked ways. {Please see 2nd Chronicles 7:14]
Will it take a majority of Americans? Abraham negotiated with God down to five in Sodom! Lord, please show me if it is I upon whom You are waiting.
The battle over the soul of America is a Spiritual battle, not one we can see, feel, hear, taste, or touch with our human senses. It is a battle over whether Americans who are called by God’s name will be governed by God (internally), or by others (externally). Christian self-government (liberty), or slavery.
If I am to be at liberty under God, I may not be mandated. I must be asked. I am sovereign over civil government. That is, the rules by which I love my neighbor as myself. Those rules are set by those I delegate {elect) to represent me. If the election is flawed, liberty under self-government (God) is lost. We are slaves.
Have you asked yourself, why such a giant arsenal of arms were stored in Afghanistan? Someone profited by the production of all that stuff. Further, why was it not returned to our stock to be used elsewhere when needed, rather than having to produce more?
If it has been proven that the 2020 election returns for Biden vs Trump were flipped, (it has been proven), then the Biden “administration” has no legitimate authority. We have given him no authority, nor has God,
I believe the time will come, when each of us will be called upon to say who is sovereign. Will it be, God who is sovereign over me who is sovereign over civil-government. Or will it be, man who is sovereign over government over me. Either response comes with consequences!
You must know that you know that Trump is the legitimate President. Get reliable information and updates from especially at noon and 7pm eastern time.
These columns are archived since 12/10/09
“Ben’s Blog”