ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
November 18, 2013
This is a mail-merge letter to our friends –
Time is growing short
We are entering the last phase of the “Principles of American Government” (PAG) 3-month, online course which began last September.
The next course begins on Monday, January 6.
I am passionate about this course. It is NOT a course on the Constitution. Rather, you will learn to understand the principles that inspired the Declaration and the Constitution.
It is NOT a course in American nationalism. Rather, you will discover than North America happens to be the place God chose to illustrate these principles. Principles that may be applied universally.
We are stewards of these principles. If they are to be preserved there must be those who have learned and can pass them along to future generations.
Men and women of whom the world was not worthy, suffered, bled and gave their lives that we might have that opportunity and responsibility!
Please phone, or e-mail me about joining the January class.
Ben Gilmore