2020-01-18 Choose you this day

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621

916-722-2501 histbuff@garlic.com


January 18, 2020

This is a letter to our friends –

“Choose you this day whom you will serve.”

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom you will serve!” [Joshua 24:15]

Joshua was right on! Only a fool would serve other than the God of the Bible. What does that service involve? Certainly it involves focusing upon the gospel (“Good News”). There are many collections of colonial sermons. A large group of them are called “Election Sermons”.

During election times the politicians would receive instruction from the pulpit about their Biblical responsibility with civil authority. The Bible teaches about God’s law of liberty in every part of the human adventure.

Shepherds are answerable for informing their flock. The Lord’s enemies have persuaded many of them that current events are “outside” the church responsibility.

If you are someone who wants to do something, but don’t know what you can do – here is an idea.

Ask your pastor to write a letter on church stationary to each local candidate for Congress or state legislature. (That way the church is not playing favorites.) Invite them to attend any Sunday worship service. Tell them – If they will give their card to an usher at the beginning of the service – they will be invited forward at the close of the service to introduce themselves and answer a few questions from the congregation.

I have seen this done. It is informative to many who may never have met candidates. Some candidates will be uncomfortable presenting themselves before a congregation. That too is informative!

The year of 2020 is a year of Spiritual Battle for the soul of our nation. Every one of us can do something. What will you answer when your grandchildren ask, “What did you do in that battle?”

These columns are archived since 12/10/09

See www.ACHStudyGroups.com

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: https://www.mykeeper.com/profile/BenGilmore/