ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
Thursday, July 8, 2021
This is a letter to our friends –
Little personal things
Fran and I begin each day alone together over coffee. It is a special time. In a few months she will be “49” (again) and I will still be 3 years older at 92. It is such a blessing to share these moments of peace together. Sometimes we discuss our plans for the day. Sometimes we just enjoy being quiet together for one more day.
When the coffee (and one of her famous homemade oatmeal cookies) is gone, we turn to our “Through the Bible in a Year” Bible. We have read through several over the years. Some conventional, some with daily readings from the OT, NT, Psalms & Proverbs. An interesting version is the Chronological Bible with readings along a timeline as written. I encourage you to read something form the Bible every day. It is like taking vitamins. You don’t see the day to day improvement, but over the long run it becomes apparent.
Lastly, before we “launch” into our day – We pray (aloud) sharing our respective hearts with the Lord.
I have made a lifetime commitment to forty people, to lift each of them by name before the Lord daily. Sometimes I fall asleep praying and wake at dawn in the midst of prayer. These commitments have been unbroken for decades.
My Spirit believes America is on the threshold of a mighty Holy Spirit outpouring. I believe it will be the result of millions of individual Christians standing resolutely and facing down pure evil!
I understand not wanting to hear today’s news broadcasts, but God’s hand is at work. You do not want to miss it. “One America News” appears to me to be reliable. Check for tweets direct from his desk and not an imposter. Tell someone every day about
My speech has become hard to understand. I sense a “special relationship” with those on this mailing list. Please send me e-dresses of those who might want to be included.
These columns are archived since 12/10/09
“Ben’s Blog”