Ben’s Blog

2016-01-20 Tyrany

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


January 20, 2016

This is a letter to our friends –


Every human organization is run by a mixture of only three elements of government: Rule of one (monarchy); Rule of a few (aristocracy); Rule of many (democracy- “majority rule”). If you will pause to think about it – one, few, many – are the only possibilities.

Nothing exists without a set of rules to govern it. Within those “laws of nature and of nature’s God” will be peace and growth. Outside those laws – chaos!

When a monarchy goes rogue, it becomes a tyranny. When an aristocracy goes rogue it becomes an oligarchy. When a democracy goes rogue it becomes an anarchy.

Our constitution brilliantly combines all three elements of government into one. The Presidency is “rule of one.” The Supreme Court is “rule of a few.” The Congress is “Rule of many.”

On December 2nd last year this column was headed, “Handicapping the Candidates.” I suggest rereading it (below) as the actual voting is about to begin. Please give thought to the discussion of Donald Trump – I commented that we would be swapping a “treasonous tyrant” for a “patriotic tyrant” – but a tyrant nonetheless.

December 2, 2015

This is a letter to our friends –

Handicapping the candidates

With 50 years of political involvement, I am often asked about candidates. Here are my thoughts this fall.

Trump – As president, I believe he would be very good at getting things done. His following would stay with him with popular support for a time. This would make him a powerful leader. On the other hand – Nothing exists without a set of rules to govern it. Trump appears to me to lack a depth of understanding about the rules that will “make America great again”. I believe he would not respect private property, or the limits on the president by the legislature and courts. We would have exchanged a traitorous-tyrant for a patriotic-tyrant. A tyrant nonetheless. Tyranny is unstable.

Carson – A man of principle. As president, he would quickly reestablish respect for America. His clear thought and unbending devotion to sound principle would help him navigate the dangerous waters of international politics and domestic economy. His native humility makes it easy to surround himself with the right people. Carson, I believe would be a great president.

Cruz – Also a man of principle. Like Carson, an outstanding intellect with sound principles for guidance. Unlike Carson, Cruz has demonstrated great political skills. Memory is short, but the Cruz resume is full of examples where he faced down powerful opposition. There will be confusion over his Canadian birth (as an American citizen). Because of his proven background, I would vote Cruz over Carson.

Rubio – A likeable person, but nowhere near as strong in principle as Carson and Cruz. I believe Washington’s power politics would swallow him up. I note that much of that power is leaning toward Rubio. In my opinion, a weak president.

Bush – At this point an, “also ran”. Trump has successfully taken out the “establishment” candidates. It appears to me that the public’s vote will overwhelm traditional campaign financing. If elected, Bush would try hard. I believe he would fail.

Each of the others – Have their strong and weak points. I see little possibility that any of them can sustain a race to the nominating convention next summer. On the other hand, there is a possibility that some or all of the 5 above will still be campaigning at the nominating convention. That presents the public with a problem.

The Republican party has lost credibility – with the public. Grass roots activists would do well to take a page from the Pauls’ campaigns and become active locally in order to trickle-up their authority at the convention. A contested convention would be exciting, but sound principles are vulnerable to a politicized convention floor.

The ultimate decision – is in God’s hands. I believe America will not fail. Granted: America deserves the most severe justice. We have earned our place upon the ash-heap of failed nations.

Many today have lost sight of, or never discovered, the exceptionalism of this Nation. God’s hand in human history is a 6000 year story of His teaching men how to love Him and how to get along with one another. That story climaxed with the creation of the first nation in human history to establish itself upon Godly principles. If this experiment in Christian self-government fails, it will appear that God’s principles do not work. The world will be swept with hopelessness.

America, I believe, will survive. Not indeed for our sakes, but for God’s sake, and for what it means to the world He loves! I can envision God sitting on the edge of His throne, anxiously watching to see if there are enough of us in prayer and action to justify His mercy over justice.

[Note – These columns are archived in the ACH web site.]

2016-01-20 Tyrany Read More »

2015-12-31 A straw

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


December 31, 2015

This is a letter to our friends –

A straw

Did you ever enjoy a refreshing milkshake then say, “Wow! That was a great straw.”

In just seven days, we begin the next online course, “Principles of American Government”. (PAG)

I have seen the gleam of comprehension in adults and teens as they realize the significance of what they have learned. I have been rated, “Master Teacher”, but I am only the straw. God has seen fit to impart these principles to me through His teachers. I number among them, Verna Hall and Rosalie Slater of FACE, Winkie Pratney, Gordon Olson, Harry Conn, Joy Dawson, James Rose, and Loren Cunningham.

Most of these world-changers are unknown to young adults and teens. A google lookup will support my admiration. Stir all these teachers up with a passion for history (God loves history!), and a lot of thought and prayer. I am only the straw. God is the Mixmaster!

There has been a steady dumbing down of Americans for at least four generations. Who has not marveled at the street interviews of “Watters’ World”? What grand-parent has not sighed over, “I’m just too dumb to understand.” They are not “dumb”. I need teenagers to set the clock on my computer! Neither they – nor their parents – have ever been taught critical thinking, true history, or sound principle.

“Prin’ciple — . In a general sense, the cause, source or origin of any thing; that from which a thing proceeds; as the principle of motion; the principles of action.” [Webster’s 1828]

Have you ever paused to see if you have a set of tried and proven principles by which to evaluate your choices? “Well – I try to use the Bible.” or, “My mom taught me right from wrong.” Sorry, those are generalities. If you cannot use sound principle, you are left with your opinion. Who is to say your opinion is any better than the next guy’s opinion?

“Individuality” is a fundamental principle. I know of no precise duplicates. God only makes one of a kind! Anyone who fails to honor the individuality of a thing is not going to have the best results.

The principle of “self-government” is a law of nature. Stand in the middle of a see-saw. Label one end “Internal self-government” and label the other end “External government of self”. As either side decreases, the other side increases proportionately. If you will not govern yourself – internally, others will – externally!

Principles of American Government” is NOT a course in “nationalism”. These principles of self-, family-, church-, and civil-government are universal. God chose to illustrate these principles in North America! Their roots go all the way back to the Garden of Eden.

If principles that have been illustrated in America are not to be lost to the world, there must be a remnant that has learned them. Mine is among those voices shouting from the housetops, “Discover what you don’t know that you don’t know, while there is yet time!

If this speaks to you of your teen, grand-teen, or yourself (half the classes are usually adults), then phone me. Yes, there is a tuition (skin in the game), but we can work that out. See the ACH web site for lots of details.

2015-12-31 A straw Read More »

2015-12-21 A Christmas Story

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


December 21, 2015

This is a letter to our friends –

A Christmas Story

It was a bitter cold winter in Boston. The year was 1958. Our son Guy, was 18 months old. We had moved from Dallas to attend graduate school. Fran landed a job with an agency that operated a home for abused boys. The third floor was our home. Money was tight. School was intense.

Christmas was approaching. Fran, her sister and brother had established a wonderful tradition of making it home to grandma’s for Christmas. Each year added new stories to the event, as life developed with marriages, military assignments, and the like. Somehow everyone managed to synchronize and add one more year to the tradition.

We had saved enough gas money to drive our Plymouth station wagon to Dallas and back. Mattresses, blankets and food for the trip were carefully packed into the car. There was ample room to sleep comfortably and save on motel expenses. The evening had arrived and the three of us began our 1800 mile adventure with just enough time to arrive at grandma’s on Christmas eve.

It was dark and stormy, but thankfully the roads were clear. It was bitter cold. We passed New York City and were passing through New Jersey when our trusty vehicle decided to stop running. We contacted AAA road service. The tow truck driver asked where he could drop is off. We had no money for a motel. The driver parked our car inside the repair shop. We were grateful for a warm place to spend the night in the car inside the shop.

Next morning, we received the grand news that our engine was dead and must be replaced! It would take better than a week because of the holidays. No Christmas at Grandma’s this year! I don’t know which hurt more: That we would miss being there Christmas morning; or that the grandparents would miss Christmas with their first grand-child. What to do next?

Fran had introduced nursing student Eddie, to her cousin Bob. Bob and I were fellow Airforce pilots in Korea. Bob was stationed in Washington, D.C. They invited us to spend Christmas with them. The car shop dropped us at Newark Airport and we used our gas money to fly to Washington, D.C.

The phone call from Washington to Dallas was emotional! Lots of tears. The rest of the day was sad and gloomy. Bob mentioned something I had not heard, Diner’s Club had just begun offering airline tickets on credit. I had a little used Diner’s Club card! What the heck! We are going to be a year getting out of all this debt. Why not go all the way!

A late afternoon phone call informed us there were two flights that would get us to Dallas for Christmas morning. Both were booked full. We were on standby. Bob drove us to the airport. The first flight left without us. We were boarded on the second! No time for calls to Dallas.

We arrived at Love Field (DFW was not even dreamed of in ’58.) Rented a car – why not! It’s Christmas and we’re head over heels in debt now anyway! Fran’s folks’ house was unlocked when we arrived at two in the morning. We quietly made pallets on the floor under the Christmas tree.

Next morning before the house was awake, Fran’s brother and his wife arrived from across town. Whispered astonishment and greetings. They took baby Guy, tiptoed into the folks’ bedroom and put the sleeping baby between them. Minutes later, an explosion of joy! Fran’s sister Norma and husband Bob arrived and another Christmas at Grandma’s was complete!

We arrived in Boston, happy, driving a like new Plymouth. Sure enough we managed to pay off our credit card. The tradition continued for years until the folks’ passing. Our own family traditions were born. Now our kids are building theirs.

Christmas memories are made of things like this.

2015-12-21 A Christmas Story Read More »

2015-12-02 Handicapping the candidates

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


December 2, 2015

This is a letter to our friends –

Handicapping the candidates

With 50 years of political involvement, I am often asked about candidates. Here are my thoughts this fall.

Trump – As president, I believe he would be very good at getting things done. His following would stay with him with popular support for a time. This would make him a powerful leader. On the other hand – Nothing exists without a set of rules to govern it. Trump appears to me to lack a depth of understanding about the rules that will “make America great again”. I believe he would not respect private property, or the limits on the president by the legislature and courts. We would have exchanged a traitorous-tyrant for a patriotic-tyrant. A tyrant nonetheless. Tyranny is unstable.

Carson – A man of principle. As president, he would quickly reestablish respect for America. His clear thought and unbending devotion to sound principle would help him navigate the dangerous waters of international politics and domestic economy. His native humility makes it easy to surround himself with the right people. Carson, I believe would be a great president.

Cruz – Also a man of principle. Like Carson, an outstanding intellect with sound principles for guidance. Unlike Carson, Cruz has demonstrated great political skills. Memory is short, but the Cruz resume is full of examples where he faced down powerful opposition. There will be confusion over his Canadian birth (as an American citizen). Because of his proven background, I would vote Cruz over Carson.

Rubio – A likeable person, but nowhere near as strong in principle as Carson and Cruz. I believe Washington’s power politics would swallow him up. I note that much of that power is leaning toward Rubio. In my opinion, a weak president.

Bush – At this point an, “also ran”. Trump has successfully taken out the “establishment” candidates. It appears to me that the public’s vote will overwhelm traditional campaign financing. If elected, Bush would try hard. I believe he would fail.

Each of the others – Have their strong and weak points. I see little possibility that any of them can sustain a race to the nominating convention next summer. On the other hand, there is a possibility that some or all of the 5 above will still be campaigning at the nominating convention. That presents the public with a problem.

The Republican party has lost credibility – with the public. Grass roots activists would do well to take a page from the Pauls’ campaigns and become active locally in order to trickle-up their authority at the convention. A contested convention would be exciting, but sound principles are vulnerable to a politicized convention floor.

The ultimate decision – is in God’s hands. I believe America will not fail. Granted: America deserves the most severe justice. We have earned our place upon the ash-heap of failed nations.

Many today have lost sight of, or never discovered, the exceptionalism of this Nation. God’s hand in human history is a 6000 year story of His teaching men how to love Him and how to get along with one another. That story climaxed with the creation of the first nation in human history to establish itself upon Godly principles. If this experiment in Christian self-government fails, it will appear that God’s principles do not work. The world will be swept with hopelessness.

America, I believe, will survive. Not indeed for our sakes, but for God’s sake, and for what it means to the world He loves! I can envision God sitting on the edge of His throne, anxiously watching to see if there are enough of us in prayer and action to justify His mercy over justice.

2015-12-02 Handicapping the candidates Read More »

2015-11-21 Introducing MEDAIR ministries

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


November 21, 2015

This is a letter to our friends –

Introducing Medair

A while ago, I was asked to help introduce a local (Gilroy / San Jose, CA) start-up ministry, MEDAIR. I knew nothing of them. A young MEDAIR couple, newly arrived in America, were setting up a local office. They were given a year to accomplish their task.

I met Daniel and Ellen Xu and invited them to join us for Sunday worship and lunch in our home church. Fran and I were impressed. My inclination was to jump right in, but my reason reminded me of the pitfalls of indorsing a ministry without due diligence. I began contacting active missionary friends for confirmation in the field.

Early responses were like my own – no knowledge. Yet, the MEDAIR website was extensive and appeared valid. Finally, hearty confirmation came in.

YWAM, with which our family have been affiliated in 37 nations around the world, was involved in the founding of MEDAIR in the ‘80’s. MEDAIR partners with governments around the world in crisis response ministries. MEDAIR holds an ISO certificate which gives them the highest accountability and transparency in the NGO (non-governmental organization) field. They work in the riskiest places in the world!

With that – Fran and I enthusiastically endorse the ministry and our new friends’ efforts stateside. We encourage each of you to contact Daniel and Ellen Xu, welcome them to America, offer prayer – and any support and contacts you can. – Please do this!

Daniel Xu, MEDAIR

97 S Second St,

San Jose, CA 95113

(408) 960-3540

Daniel and Ellen are newly-weds on a fulltime faith ministry. Imagine yourself assigned to set up a ministry office in a new country, Ellen is British, Daniel is first generation American. They met in Switzerland. They are enthusiastic and (obviously!) dedicated. Then imagine the encouragement of offered prayer and welcome from around their new nation.

In Christ’s love and service

Ben & Fran Gilmore

2015-11-21 Introducing MEDAIR ministries Read More »

2015-11-02 This and that

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


November 2, 2015

This is a letter to our friends –

This and that

Any alum of the online course, “Principles of American Government” (PAG) is welcome to attend the monthly post-graduate classes (no charge). You need only tell me to add you to the call list. The next class is scheduled 1330 H, Sunday, November 22nd.

The next online PAG course is scheduled to begin Wednesday, Jan 6th. Please contact me to enroll.

Thanksgiving family dinner – Fran likes to place a seashell with 5 grains of corn at each place to represent the Pilgrims’ daily ration during that bleak 2nd winter. Have someone read aloud the following poem. (Copy and paste it) – –

Pilgrim Fathers

By Larry Wagner November 1984

The second harvest gathered since they crossed Atlantic waters,

A feast of thankfulness was set by grateful Pilgrim Fathers:

So great the providence of God, so blest with fruit their labors,

So sweet the bond among their band, such peace with Indian neighbors.

But most among the feasting crowd could count harsh years of toil.

Of wand’ring for their faith in God, of want on alien soil,

Of flagging hopes and faith, bad health, of chills that hell could send.

Of half their number that had died before first winter’s end.

Of hunger pangs that second year in their New Plymouth home,

Of weeks when all they ate a day was five small grains of corn.

A few remembered treasures lost, titles cast aside,

But all could measure conscience cost in tears and trampled pride.

Oh, at this feast could they foresee their blessed future years?

That nevermore would they now want, nor run from any fears!

Then after prayers of gratitude, before the feast was set,

Each plate was served five grains of corn, lest anyone forget!

A noble band in hardship born, rejected by their own,

A rock flung o’re the ocean, they were laid a corner stone.

By them God stamped His pattern for a nation on the land,

And seeds for freedom under God were planted by their hand.

Oh, pray their heirs would ever know how dear was freedom’s cost,

And know to hold their faith and freedom dear, or see them lost,

And praise the Providence that brought those Pilgrims to this shore,

And eat the grains of memory, or pay the price once more.

For many generations now, Americans have been slowly separated from their heritage. At the same time American history has been revised and rewritten to distort the truth that we might believe lies. I plan to write a column about that soon.

In the mean time – Why not block out time for you and your family to attend the online course, “Principles of American Government” (PAG) that next begins January 6th.

2015-11-02 This and that Read More »

2015-10-23 It is not over

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


October 23, 2015

This is a letter to our friends –

It is not over!

If God is just, America has a bleak and a short future! Treason in the Executive Department, Cowardice and Corruption in the Legislative Department, Lawlessness in the Supreme Court, what could possibly go wrong?

A large and well-meaning group of citizens have been so separated from American principles of government that they support a prideful candidate who promises to solve our problems by disregarding our structural principles. (Just as Adolf Hitler did and as Obama has done.)

Many good people have hunkered down in the fortress with the drawbridge raised, waiting for Jesus to come rescue them. (I have seen no providential orders to go on defense!) They are tired and discouraged by news, so they disconnect and choose not to know what is happening. After all – There is nothing they can do about it!

We could wake up any day to instant hyper-inflation. Dollars will be worthless. Everything stops. The utilities are off. Perhaps days or weeks before any return to stability of a sort.

Tyrannical government could declare martial law. Our liberty, free speech, free movement, and 2016 elections could vanish in the cause of “National Security”.

Muslim terrorism could sweep our land – Convert, accept human slavery, or die!

So what should we do?

First – Get alone. If you can, find a tree and sit under it. Have a serious talk with yourself about what you believe. Get serious. Is there a God that rules the universe or not? Are you ready to stake your life on your belief?

Next – “We the people” have broken all of the ten-commandments big time! All of the things above are well deserved! Humble yourself, repent for yourself and for America, (Don’t repent for the “other guy,” you have had a part in America’s sin by active participation or tacit inaction.)

Next – Ask yourself, “Is it true that I can do nothing about the situation?” If that be so, then you are a helpless victim. If that be not so, then get your head out of the sand, stand up, and begin doing what you truly believe you should be doing. (Caution – Do not lie to yourself, be brutally honest!) You might begin by praying and asking for guidance!

Lastly – If you have secret sins, choose to turn your back on them. Turn around and shape up soldier, there is a war to be won!

There truly is a God who is just,

But also merciful.

He said that if “We the people” will do four things,

He will do three things.

If my people which are called by my name,

Will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face,

And turn from their wicked ways.

Then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins,

And heal their land.

[II Chronicles 7:14]

God has invested a great deal in America, demonstrating how people should relate to Him and to one another. Either He will use us to set the course, or He will sweep us away and use a righteous remnant. America has a covenant relationship with God.

2015-10-23 It is not over Read More »

2015-10-13 Moral Equivalency

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


October 13, 2015

This is a letter to our friends –

Moral Equivalency

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

[Evelyn Beatrice Hall (1868 – 1956), who wrote under the pseudonym S. G. Tallentyre, was an English writer best known for her biography, The Life of Voltaire She also wrote “The Friends of Voltaire”, where you will find the opening quote (above). Hall’s quotation is often cited to describe the principle of free speech.]

We think of “free speech” as a God-given liberty. Yet nothing exists without laws to govern it. “Do not shout ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.” “Do not misuse God’s name.” “Speak politely.”

“Liberty” is not a “license” to cause damage. Liberty is the right to my thoughts and opinions. If I cherish mine, I must defend yours, else ours will not be protected.

That does not say that all thoughts and opinions are equally valid or true. Truth is not subject to majority opinion! You have the right to be wrong.

To say that all speech is of equal value is to deny that absolutes exist. Can one be absolutely sure that absolutes don’t exist? Human nature is such that we like people to agree with us. We tend to avoid discussing opposing opinions. Other (annoying!) persons thrive on argument.

A true love for the truth requires that we discus opposing, or new views and opinions. Not to enhance self-esteem, but to increase in knowledge and wisdom. Some subjects are truly important. Like discussions of the nature and character of God. Does God exist?

In a small mostly Muslim village in Pakistan (1977), the village elders had come to visit. They were happy to discuss God. I pointed out that God is all powerful, all present, all knowing, eternal. They were in full agreement. When I added that God was forgiving, loving, merciful, patient, … the village elders remembered an appointment and had to rush off. Had they stayed, I might have used God’s creation to illustrate the true character of God. How He loves us and provides for all of us.

Some subjects seem important because of tradition or personal pride. “Discussion” degrades into “argument” over inconsequential things, like techniques of baptism, fish on Friday. We can agree to disagree without rancor.

I believe we are wrong to consider major differences equivalent (equal). Why should we be afraid to discuss the views of Protestants and Catholics, Christians and orthodox Jews (Note – There are Christian Jews), believers and unbelievers. The truth is out there. Both parties have a vested interest in discovering it. Human nature is what degrades discussion into argument where nothing is gained. Respect for one another’s views, opens the door for discussion among those willing to consider opposing opinions.

2015-10-13 Moral Equivalency Read More »

2015-10-10 PAG – Private Property

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


October 10, 2015

This is a letter to our friends –

Private Property

You are the only person on earth. Suppose you find yourself in the midst of a fertile garden. Everything you need to sustain a long healthy life is at hand for the taking.

A state of perfect freedom. You may roam, dispose of your possessions, and yourself, as you see fit, limited only by the laws of nature. You don’t need permission, nor do you depend upon anyone else.

Now suppose another person is added. The laws of nature place additional limits upon you. Your perfect freedom must not infringe upon the other’s perfect freedom. Do not step on his toe if you do not want him to step on yours.

You both have been given irrevocable rights. (That is – There is no one to revoke them.) You have been given life. Thus you are entitled to the things that sustain your life. You must have the liberty to obtain those things (air, water, food). You and the other(s) have joint property rights to those things. When you remove a thing from the state nature left it in, it becomes exclusively your property and can nourish your body. Life, liberty, property.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I understand the original draft read, “… life, liberty, and property”. [Declaration of Independence – 1776]

You have as much right to your property as you have property in your rights.” [author unknown]

With property rights go responsibilities. If goods you have gathered should rot in your possession, you have violated joint property rights. You also have irrevocable property rights to -, and are responsible for -, your thoughts, emotions, plans, dreams, opinions, and choices. Your most valuable property is your conscience! You should protect it with your life! If you want your thoughts, emotions, plans, dreams, opinions, choices, and conscience to be respected and protected, you must respect and protect those of others.

If a monarch, or a thug takes away your property, without your permission, he has violated your God-given liberty. American colonists were jealous of their liberty. “Taxation without representation” in the English Parliament, took colonial citizens’ property without their permission.

All that to say this- Martin Luther King lead the civil-rights movement against civil laws that discriminated against black citizens. It is my opinion that his followers carried their cause a step too far.

Public restrooms, drinking fountains, public schools, and the like, that discriminate by statute (in the authority of “We the people”) against individuals are wrong. We have no such corporate authority over one another.

On the other hand, where do “We the people” get the authority to tell a fellow citizen he may not discriminate? His thoughts, emotions, plans, dreams, opinions, choices, and conscience are his property. They must be respected and protected if any property it to be respected and protected. Civil authority that violates private property rights is “rogue authority”.

Passing civil-government laws to prevent private citizens from disposing of their possessions as they see fit is a violation of their liberty. If I bake a cake, it is my property. I should be free to sell it, or not to sell it.

In like manner, if I build a bakery, the business is my property. If I choose not to sell my goods to someone, I may not be in business long, but that is my right. By opening my business to the public, I have not forfeited my property rights.

The bus companies were private companies that discriminated. 90% of the customers, I understand, were black. When the black community chose not to ride the bus, discrimination was stopped without civil action!

Like so many righteous movements – If our enemy is unable to hold it back, he often pushes it out the other side to become tyranny. Today, because we once let civil authority invade private businesses, we have all sorts of problems. Civil government has spread its rogue authority into every area of private business. Unlike our colonial forefathers, “We the people” have submitted to tyranny.

2015-10-10 PAG – Private Property Read More »

2015-09-24 PAG Post Graduate Class

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


September 24, 2015

This is a letter to our friends –

PAG – Post Graduate class

The Cyber- Grinch swallowed the mailing list for our Post Graduate class meetings!

If you are a graduate of the online “Principles of American Government” course, you are most welcome to join these meetings to discuss current events and principles. They are usually held monthly on Sunday afternoon. I will initiate a Skype group call.

The next meeting is scheduled for October 11th (a Sunday) at 1:30 pm Pacific Time.


If you wish to be on the call list –

You must contact me before 10/11/15

I have no names on the list now!

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: