Ben’s Blog

2014-11-11 Homosexual practice & society

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


November 11, 2014

This is a letter to our friends –

Homosexual practice & society

I posted “Homosex & peace” on June 3rd, 2014. (Please see “Ben’s blog” archives tab in our web site.) Three weeks ago I believe the Lord told me to write on the subject again. That created a dilemma – “Delayed obedience (3 weeks!) is disobedience!” vs. the fire the first post drew from sources I respect. I have hesitated. Have I a “blind spot” Lord?

I was 35 before I surrendered my will to Jesus. Suddenly everything changed! The Bible had been boring – Now it was alive (I couldn’t get enough)! I polished my “new Christian” armor, picked up my “sword”, went outside astride my giant, white, war-horse and galloped across the field of battle slashing this way and that. Turning proudly to survey the results, I discovered bleeding saints with the enemy on the sidelines, cheering me on!!! I had not developed a loving heart.

I believe the Lord wants me to encourage the saints – not beat them over the head with their own Bibles! A critic of the June 3rd post wrote, “I have given a lot of thought to this whole issue, and have come to the conclusion that my best witness to them is love. The love that Jesus gave to the tax collectors, the sinners, and the woman caught in adultery. It was the pharisees, quoting scripture and slinging stones that incurred his harshest criticism.”

My critic continued, “The Christian right has lost its voice and its influence in our society,

causing the very problems you discuss. The louder we shout about the problem, the less we are heard. Nobody cares. Because they do not experience our love. We are a resounding gong and a clanging cymbal – so annoying and irrelevant, that people just want us to shut up.”


On the other hand, Christ and His followers also quoted scripture. He did indeed love me while I was choosing to sin. He loved “the tax collectors, the sinners, and the woman caught in adultery.

The key word here appears to me to be, “love”. “…the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” [Mark 1:15] Christ loved enough to warn those He loved. Today, we would call that “tough love”. It is a lot easier on both the sinner and the saint to stroke them and tell them, “God loves you, and so do I!” but leave out the part about, “repent”.

Today, we have rejected any standard of “right & wrong”. Without a standard there is no stability. If our society, you and I, tell someone the homosexual lifestyle is all right, it is even “legal”. And they are deceived into believing it. Have we been “loving”?

If we fail to offer a standard and let society drift aimlessly toward chaos, are we loving as Jesus loved? Granted: The world sees us as, “… a resounding gong and a clanging cymbal – so annoying and irrelevant, that people just want us to shut up.” Christ foretold that the world would hate what we say.

But, I challenge whether, “The Christian right has lost its voice and its influence in our society,…” Rather, isn’t it a lowering of our standards that is causing the problems?

Is it true? “The louder we shout about the problem, the less we are heard. Nobody cares.” The growing Christian influence appears to have been manifested in our recent election. There appears to be a significant movement toward raising our standards. People do indeed care. Christ’s life and teaching is the solution. We have solutions that work.

Lastly – If it is true that we are to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength – and our neighbor as our self – What does it say about our priorities if we have greater love for a neighbor, whose lifestyle is breaking the heart of the One we love the most?

P.S. My friend Dwight Young, recommended an outstanding analysis by Chip Ingram. I encourage you to hear him.

2014-11-11 Homosexual practice & society Read More »

2014-10-25 Fall Traditions

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


October 25, 2014

This is a letter to our friends –


The only American Christian holiday

It has become our tradition for the “clan” to gather around the table at our son’s home. During the meal each in turn shares things for which they are thankful. Often each place is set with 5 colonels of corn and someone reads Larry Wagner’s poem, “Pilgrim Fathers”. It is outstanding.

Pilgrim Fathers

By Larry Wagner November 1984

The second harvest gathered since they crossed Atlantic waters,

A feast of thankfulness was set by grateful Pilgrim Fathers:

So great the providence of God, so blest with fruit their labors,

So sweet the bond among their band, such peace with Indian neighbors.

But most among the feasting crowd could count harsh years of toil.

Of wand’ring for their faith in God, of want on alien soil,

Of flagging hopes and faith, bad health, of chills that hell could send.

Of half their number that had died before first winter’s end.

Of hunger pangs that second year in their New Plymouth home,

Of weeks when all they ate a day was five small grains of corn.

A few remembered treasures lost, titles cast aside,

But all could measure conscience cost in tears and trampled pride.

Oh, at this feast could they foresee their blessed future years?

That nevermore would they now want, nor run from any fears!

Then after prayers of gratitude, before the feast was set,

Each plate was served five grains of corn, lest anyone forget!

A noble band in hardship born, rejected by their own,

A rock flung o’re the ocean, they were laid a corner stone.

By them God stamped His pattern for a nation on the land,

And seeds for freedom under God were planted by their hand.

Oh, pray their heirs would ever know how dear was freedom’s cost,

And know to hold their faith and freedom dear, or see them lost,

And praise the Providence that brought those Pilgrims to this shore,

And eat the grains of memory, or pay the price once more.


Please Join Us

For: The Gilmores’ (Guy & Linda) 21st Annual Bonfire & Christmas Carol Sing-along

Where: 389 Gold Hill Rd. Newcastle Ca 95658

When: Sat Dec 6th at 7:00 P.M.

What to bring: A snack to share, chairs, a flashlight, warm clothes, and a friend or neighbor.

RSVP for directions (916) 663-4257

(916) 899-7770 or (916) 899-4535

Hope you can join us as we celebrate Jesus’ birth.

(The true meaning of Christmas)

2014-10-25 Fall Traditions Read More »

2014-10-06 Radical Christianity

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


October 6, 2014

This is a mail-merge letter to our friends –

We met Floyd & Sally McClung in 1977 on our year-long trek around the world. I believe the following “radical” report will interest you. Floyd must be in or near his 70’s by now.

On Friday, October 3, 2014 11:08 AM, Floyd & Sally <> wrote:


I am writing from the edge of the war-zone in Iraq and Syria. As a follower of Jesus I am convinced the solution to ISIS and other religious extremists is to follow the example of Jesus. He stepped into the Middle East when it was convulsed by an occupying army using torture and plunder to subdue the people. And what did He do?

Jesus went on a grace offensive, reaching out in love and offering forgiveness! What a compelling example of a radical response – more radical than terrorist radicals by far.

Paul the apostle says we are not in a political or military battle against earthly religions and despots. He says it is a spiritual battle we are in, not against people but against spiritual powers working through people (Ephesians 6:12). If that is true, and with everything in me I believe it is true, we have to respond as our supreme commander taught us to respond.

As an American, I am tempted to see the crisis here in the Middle East as a political battle to be won by bombing the ISIS troops. But what will happen if we kill all 20,000 ISIS soldiers? I think there is a good chance they will be replaced by another 30,000 fanatics. And if we kill them, others will join ISIS and Al-Queda, and fight back with even more extreme tactics. I am not against using military force to oppose evil, but I believe there is a higher way, if I can call it that.

The higher way is more extreme than the extremists! It is the way of Jesus followers going to dangerous places, putting our lives at risk, and sacrificing all we have and hold dear to bring the message of God’s love in Christ. It is the way of caring for war widows and healing suffering soldiers, of taking the gospel into the strongholds of ISIS.

Did you know that Jesus is leading the battle for ISIS? Reports are coming out now of ISIS leaders turning to Jesus. I have no verification of those reports, but I believe it is like Jesus to do that. He is on the front lines, fighting valiantly for the hearts and lives of people. Right now… He is there, among ISIS leaders in Iraq and Syria. He is appearing to them like He did to Paul on the road to Damascus, on his way to kill and imprison believers.

Jesus’ weapons are the cross, forgiveness, and the sacrificial service of His followers laying down their lives to share the good news.

I knew from my previous visits to Jordan and Lebanon that God is drawing Syrian refugees to Jesus in great numbers, but nothing in my 49 years of mission experiences compares to what I have seen in the last few days…

Yesterday I was with a young father who had been involved in the intelligence service of the Syrian army, sickened by being ordered to kill innocent people, so he fled from Syria. He has been reading the four gospels, what Muslims call the Injil. He told me yesterday, "All the descendants of Adam have turned away from God. God looked for a perfect messenger to speak to people who turned away from Him, but he could find none. So he sent His Spirit on Mary and she conceived Jesus, and then he gave Himself as a sacrifice to take our place for our sins.” Amazing!

One of our workers told me about Hara. She had a dream of Jesus last autumn, when He looked her in the eye and said, "I want what is rightfully mine." She is still having dreams, including one a few weeks ago in which God called her to convene a group of women in her home to encourage one another, grow together, and read the Bible together. God used a dream to invite her to start a simple church in her home.

And then there is the story of Omar, whose life has been saved miraculously more than once. In one case, soldiers actually pointed a loaded gun at him and pulled the trigger, more than once – but it didn’t fire. God is saving him for a great destiny! He has had many dreams from God. At the last visit, he said, "Every time you pray for us, I feel a light from heaven shining down upon us, into my heart."

None of these folks I have mentioned are supporters of ISIS. 95% of the Muslims in the Middle East hate what ISIS is doing. In fact, one hundred percent of the Syrians I have met here in Jordan are strongly against ISIS. But the fact that Jesus is fighting so sacrificially for these hearts – and winning – means He also longs for the hearts of the extremists.

Even the Apostle Paul was using terrorist tactics against Christians before Jesus encountered him! It was a Holy Spirit encounter that changed Paul. Please join me in praying fervently for Jesus to break through in the hearts of those enslaved by evil. If Ephesians 6:12 is right, our prayers may be more effective than any air strike could ever be.

It is a privilege for Sally and me to serve those who are serving on the front lines here in Jordan, in Lebanon, Iraq and Oman and throughout the Muslim world. God is drawing millions of Muslims to Jesus: in one Muslim majority country an average of one person every fifteen seconds is coming to faith in Christ!

Sally and I want to live out the rest of our lives training workers for a Jesus army of mercy and grace extremists! We are so grateful for your help in doing this. We have a faith goal we would like to ask you to help us achieve to play our part. We need 20 new ministry partners who will support us with $25 (R250) a month or more. Since I first shared this need 11 people have committed to partner with us in this way!

Will you pray about being one of the nine to say yes to partnering with us? Thank you! Just nine more to go to reach our goal of 20!

I pray the love of God will surround and comfort and strengthen you in the days to come. May He be close to you and protect you and yours. May He provide for you in great abundance, both for your soul and body.

With love,

Floyd and Sally McClung

PS While I have been here in Jordan Sally is back home in Cape Town. She had her fourth round of chemo treatment for ovarian cancer just two days before I left on this trip. I have called her each day and she is doing better than after any previous treatment. She has had no vomiting, no extreme pain, and has been slowly gaining strength each day. We are so grateful!!!

How to Partner With Us:

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Please send a check made out to All Nations, with a note attached saying it is for Floyd and Sally McClung, to:

All Nations Support

PO Box 55

Grandview, Missouri 64030

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Please send your gift via EFT (electronic funds transfer)

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Name of account: Floyd McClung

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Account Number: 072079517

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Cape Town, Western Cape 7985

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2014-10-06 Radical Christianity Read More »

2014-10-03 Choosing Godly Officials

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


October 3, 2014

This is a mail-merge letter to our friends –

Please enjoy the words of a long-time friend–

Choosing Godly Officials

Written by Stephen McDowell

We have the privilege in America to choose those who govern us. As Christians, it is also our duty to do so.

Civil government is a divine institution of God. It exists to protect the life, liberty, and property of citizens, enabling them to more effectively advance the Kingdom of God. Civil leaders are servants of the people and of God, and are to govern under His higher authority. Rulers are to be ministers of God for good. (See Rom. 13:1-7; 1 Pet. 2:13-14; Luke 22:25-26.)

For government to fulfill its divine mission, Christians must be involved in selecting good men and women to office. Ideally they would meet all the qualifications for Godly officials. When Moses told the Israelites to select from among them those who would govern them, he set forth a number of Biblical qualifications. He said: “You shall select out of all the people, able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain” (Ex. 18:21). “Choose wise and discerning and experienced men” (Deut. 1:13). He cited three general qualifications for governing officials: fear of God, Christian character, and Biblical worldview.

1. Fear God

The fear of God is an essential qualification for a godly official. What are such people like? Matthias Burnet explained in an election sermon in 1803 that they are, “men acting under the belief and awe of God as their inspector and judge, to whom they consider themselves accountable for their conduct and whom they fear to offend.”[1]

A man who fears God is not someone who simply professes faith, attends church, or culturally embraces Christianity, but someone who has a reverential fear of the Almighty. “When the righteous rule, the people rejoice” (Prov. 29:2). The righteous have right standing with God; they fear the true and living God.

2. Christian Character

A second qualification is morality. They should be “men truly honest and upright in their principles and views, not actuated and governed by the sordid motives of self interest and aggrandizement in their desire and execution of office, but by a sincere regard to the public good.”[2]

Corrupt and unprincipled rulers (like Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Mao Tse-tung) have brought great misery to mankind, including loss of liberty and the downfall of nations, while U.S. socialist and progressive leaders of the 20th century have done much to steal the liberty and property of many. The actions of these leaders flowed from a wrong worldview. Many displayed dishonest and immoral behavior.

Chandler Robbins, in an election sermon in 1791, said, “Nothing will so surely, so rapidly bring on the dissolution of society, and the loss of the liberties of a people, as a want of virtue and integrity in their rulers.”[3]

A vital quality for leaders is honesty. Proverbs 29:12 says, “If a ruler pays attention to falsehood [hearkens to lies], all his ministers become wicked.” If they cannot keep personal vows or oaths, we cannot expect them to keep national vows. We have witnessed the negative consequences of such conduct in recent years.

Knowledge or intelligence (as man sees it) without honesty — a good genius with a bad heart — is worse than an ignorant honest man because the evil genius could find more subtle ways to rob the people of their rights. Some have argued support for certain candidates based upon their intelligence, saying: “He’s so smart. We ought to elect him.” Yet, if such a person, no matter how smart, is reasoning from wrong presuppositions, or has bad character, he will not be a good leader.

Humility is a second great quality needed in leaders. Jesus taught that leaders are to be servants (Matt. 20:25-28).

3. Biblical Worldview

Thinking Biblically is of great importance because a leader will act and vote based upon how he thinks (Prov. 23:7). The best leaders will have a Biblical philosophy of government, understanding its purpose and limited nature.

The tendency of fallen man is to assume too much power for himself, often justified for benevolent reasons. Jesus taught we are to render to Caesar (civil government) things under his jurisdiction (which are very limited) and to God the things that are God’s (Matt. 22:15-21). As America has moved towards socialism, we have been rendering to Caesar the things that are God’s. Under all forms of statism, civil government assumes the role of God, the family, the church, and the private sector.

Socialism is the golden calf of modern America and is a great threat to liberty and prosperity. Discerning whether a candidate adheres to a Biblical or socialistic philosophy of government comes down to the question, “Who controls the property and children in the nation?” Whoever controls the property controls the present; whoever controls the children controls the future. God has given this responsibility to the family, not the state.

We must seek to choose leaders who understand the divine, but very limited, role of civil government. Without knowledgeable Christians participating in elections, America will become another Tower of Babel, with man looking to himself for all things.

Godly leaders begin with Godly citizens. Reform begins in our house, but it will eventually be reflected in the state house and the White House. America needs Godly transformation. Those who are transformed need to be eternally vigilant to have this reflected in our civil leaders.

The election of unprincipled men produces misery and tyranny, but Godly rulers bring peace, prosperity, justice, and rejoicing. If we fulfill our duty and place Godly men in office, our future will be bright.

Stephen McDowell is President and co-founder of the Providence Foundation, an organization whose purpose is to spread Christian liberty among the nations. Stephen has trained people from 100 countries to apply Biblical truth in all spheres of life, consulted with government officials, assisted in starting political parties, and aided in starting Christian schools and Biblical worldview training centers. He has authored and co-authored over 30 books and training courses including Liberating the Nations and America’s Providential History. To learn more visit

2014-10-03 Choosing Godly Officials Read More »

2014-09-30 Disturbing thoughts

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


September 30, 2014

This is a mail-merge letter to our friends –

Disturbing thoughts

We often hear, “These are the last days.” and “Things are going to keep getting worse, until the ‘end times events’ begin.”

That disturbs my soul. Many may decide, “There is no point in trying to save and restore America. It is like polishing the brass, as the Titanic sinks!” Why not focus upon evangelism and let everything else drift away?

My thought – If America is on the edge of failure, and the church does not care to get involved, she has tacitly consented to the consequence. After America fails, what is likely to happen to our liberty to evangelize?

Further – Where is the respect (or even memory) for what God has invested in the idea of a “Christian Constitutional Republic”? America is not “Christian” because it was formed by Christians. America is “Christian” because it has a Christian form!

The world (even today!) looks toward the horizon, expecting America to gallop over the hill and save the day. That is NOT because of our virtue! It is because of what we represent – Godly principles. [Faith & steadfastness, brotherly love & Christian care, diligence and industry, liberty of conscience].

Our betters bled and died in defense of these principles so that we may enjoy what we have. Are we to exchange it for a “mess of pottage”?

2014-09-30 Disturbing thoughts Read More »

2014-09-14 From 85 to 20 somethings

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


September 14, 2014

This is a letter to our friends –

From 85 to 20 somethings

My kids were pre-school aged when prayer was removed from public schools in the 60’s. Can you think of a better way for a society to teach a generation that God was irrelevant in preparing for life? Ask yourself (those in your 20’s) – Did it work?

Dear young people – Those of you who have accepted that God is irrelevant, have been robbed, mislead, cheated, lied to, and used, by a godless society that sees you as “cookie-cutter” tools for building a “great society”.

If God is irrelevant, what standard is left by which to decide what is “right” and what is “wrong”? Who is to say that your opinion is any better than the next person’s? Indeed there are universal laws of nature – “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” “Care for those in need.” -BUT- Laws of nature are discovered by individual observation and reason. Thus, your conclusions may be different from another’s. You are all adrift in a sea of relativism where there are no fixed points.

Every person on earth knows there is a higher power than himself that is governing the universe. Many are choosing to hold that truth under as one would hold under a struggling drowning man.

On the other hand, there really is a creator God, who really does want the very best for each one of us. He is that truth that is struggling, against human nature, for the surface. Short of violating your liberty of choice, He has done and is doing everything He can to get your attention.

You do not need a Bible, a church membership, -anything- all you need is to acknowledge what you really know is true – and submit to it! The result will be life-changing. Suddenly, absolutes begin to make sense. There really is a right and wrong.

You were placed upon this earth for a purpose – to love God, then love others. It only works in that order!

“Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.’”

[Matthew 22:36-40]

2014-09-14 From 85 to 20 somethings Read More »

2014-09-07 One World Government

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


September 7, 2014

This is a letter to our friends –

One World Government

“Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else, I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.” [Isaiah 45]

“That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” [St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians]

Lately my e-mail has had notes and queries about the international conspiracies. There are many in history as well as those active today. Some are “hyped up” to be larger than life. Others are 100% real. Human nature leads those addicted to power to dream big dreams. The ultimate power dream is “world-domination”.

As people look away from God, the danger of such conspiracies grows in their view. We hear, “It is important to know your enemy.” Some patriots make a detailed study of the conspiracy that has their attention. In order to “awaken us to the dangers” they seek ever more sensational examples to shock us into action.

Pause and consider with me – If you were God’s enemy, wouldn’t you want people to study what you are doing rather than what God is doing? Wouldn’t you be ready to introduce new things to study when the older ones grow stale? Wouldn’t you want attention focused upon evil rather than righteousness?

The next “Principles of American Government” online course begins tomorrow. I am often asked why we do not teach about these conspiracies. I respond. “Learning of them produces awe at the size of the problem, fear, frustration, anger, hopelessness.” It often produces misguided activism. Not very good goals for study!

Rather – When we learn of God’s hand in human history, the laws of nature and of nature’s God, and principles we can rely upon in making our day-to-day choices, the result is faith, fearlessness, hope, confidence. Much better goals for study!

As Isaiah prophesized, one day every knee shall bow. Some rebellious souls will be standing tall “on the inside” – BUT – when a nine foot angel with a flaming sword says to kneel, that knee will bow!

I choose to be among those who rejoice to bow to a loving God well in advance of that day.

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2014-08-26 Tree Rings

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


August 26, 2014

This is a letter to our friends –

Tree Rings

Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts will be established.” [ Proverbs 16:3]

Lately, as I pray about these blog posts, “tree rings” pops into my thoughts. Some folks have a hard time with the biblical account of the beginning. Moses lived some 1500 years after Adam & Eve. Moses wrote the book of Genesis. How did he know so much about the Garden of Eden?

The Bible says Adam lived 930 years. That overlapped with Methuselah some 243 years. Do you suppose Adam shared stories around the campfire with Methuselah?

Methuselah lived 969 years and overlapped with Noah’s son, Shem, some 98 years. Shem (600 years) overlapped with Abraham’s boy, Isaac, 50 years. Isaac overlapped Amram for 53 years. Amram passed the stories on to Moses for 58 years.

So that is just 5 generations with big overlaps between Adam and Moses. Not to mention the many other opportunities to pass on information.

But how about rocks that appear to be millions of years old? And the light rays from the stars that have traveled eons to reach us? The Bible account of human history since Adam in only around 6000 years.

That brings up “tree rings”. The Bible account of creation spans only 6 days. When Eve saw the trees in the garden, how old did they appear? They were bearing fruit and were strong enough to carry the weight. Had Adam used a chain saw and cut the trunk of a tree it would have had tree rings. Tree rings show the age of the tree. BUT – The tree was less than 6 days old!

Conclusion – Things were created with the image of age. Star light waves were created when the star was created. This brings to mind – HOW BIG IS YOUR GOD?”

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2014-08-23 Introducing God

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


August 23, 2014

This is a letter to our friends –

Introducing God

A true story — He was a wilderness shepherd drawn aside by a burning bush that was not being consumed. A voice from the flames was sending Moses to introduce Him to a community that did not know Him.

Moses asked, “How do I do that?” The voice answered, “I AM”.

As I think about that, “I AM” translates to the hearer as, “GOD IS”.

In order to introduce the uncreated, creator of everything that was created, one must first establish that – God Is.

The Bible says, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” [Psalm 14] Men appear to me to have been making “fools” of themselves for well over 6,000 years.

Those who would debate the issue must begin with the false presupposition (i.e. false belief) that there is another source for what is. If we accept a false presupposition and permit the debate to continue, we build upon sand. The imaginations and speculations run wild!

On the other hand, challenge the false presupposition that there is no creator God. “What evidence do you have that there is no God?” All the evidence they may produce is unfounded.

“Well,” they reply, “Where is your evidence that there is a God?”

The product demands a producer – Consider a Gibson guitar – Does it exist? If so, could it reasonably have been assembled by random events? That is unreasonable. The existence of the guitar demands that there be a Gibson guitar producer.

The product reveals attributes of the producer — By studying the Gibson guitar, we discover that the producer was interested in quality, detail, utility, beauty, music, …, … .

Reason is a gift given to each man (generic) – The universe (macro and micro) exists. I (each man) exist physically. I (each man) exist extra-physically (i.e. mind, will, intellect, emotions, etc,). The universe & I are “products”.

What can I (each men) discover about the Producer by studying the “product”? — He is very big else very fast! He is infinitely powerful and creative. His intelligent design is extraordinary. Yet, He is concerned and compassionate, in that there is a wholesome means of fulfillment for my every need. Nothing He creates is without a set of rules (laws) to govern it.

Lyrics to an old song

The angel asked,

Lord, what will you do to cause men’s turning?

The Lord replied,

Any old bush will do as long as it’s burning!

2014-08-23 Introducing God Read More »

2014-08-02 Answers & Gratitude

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


August 2, 2014

This is a letter to our friends –

Answers & Gratitude

Are you still writing your blog posts? How is your health? What is going on?

Cards, e-mails, phone calls and prayers have poured in. I have been overwhelmed with love and tender care. This is the first day I have been able to compose an answer. My goal – Give answers and express truly humbling and heart-felt gratitude. God is good!

On July 8th, I had surgery to repair an aortic aneurism. The aorta is the big artery that carries fresh blood from the heart to the groin, where it forms a “Y” and delivers fresh blood to both legs. An aneurism is like a “mouse” that forms on the wall of the aorta. If it balloons and pops, it is usually fatal. There are no symptoms.

Five years ago, by accident, we discovered an aortic aneurism just “north” of the “Y”. Each year we monitored it for growth. This year it grew. The procedure is to place a “Y” shaped “stent” into the artery to relieve the pressure. Not an uncommon procedure, but major surgery.

Four nights in the hospital and a week at home was better each day. Then the recovery direction seemed to reverse. I was weaker each day. Back pain kept me awake. My appetite decreased with my stamina.

Blood tests confirmed I am anemic. Normally that is caused by internal bleeding – yet – CT scans and other tests failed to show the source. Yesterday I added iron capsules to help rebuild the blood (and thus – stamina). We will monitor tests next Monday and following.

That is the physical report. Yesterday, my dear friend, pastor Mark Dahlin (Living Hope Church), came by and used some olive oil from Jerusalem to anoint and pray for me. Fran and I sensed a spiritual breakthrough. Today I am much better than yesterday. I have not been able to compose text before today.

Enough about me – During these “valley times” I have had hours to listen and pray. I am looking forward to sharing what the Lord has given me to post in this blog as strength returns.

Our “Prime Timers 50+” Sunday school class roster has been added to my blog list for just this one time. I think of these dear friends as extended family. If any wish to be added to the blog list, please e-mail me and ask-on.

For now – Continued prayer is appreciated.

2014-08-02 Answers & Gratitude Read More »

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: