2014-11-11 Homosexual practice & society
ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916-722-2501 histbuff@garlic.com
November 11, 2014
This is a letter to our friends –
Homosexual practice & society
I posted “Homosex & peace” on June 3rd, 2014. (Please see “Ben’s blog” archives tab in our web site.) Three weeks ago I believe the Lord told me to write on the subject again. That created a dilemma – “Delayed obedience (3 weeks!) is disobedience!” vs. the fire the first post drew from sources I respect. I have hesitated. Have I a “blind spot” Lord?
I was 35 before I surrendered my will to Jesus. Suddenly everything changed! The Bible had been boring – Now it was alive (I couldn’t get enough)! I polished my “new Christian” armor, picked up my “sword”, went outside astride my giant, white, war-horse and galloped across the field of battle slashing this way and that. Turning proudly to survey the results, I discovered bleeding saints with the enemy on the sidelines, cheering me on!!! I had not developed a loving heart.
I believe the Lord wants me to encourage the saints – not beat them over the head with their own Bibles! A critic of the June 3rd post wrote, “I have given a lot of thought to this whole issue, and have come to the conclusion that my best witness to them is love. The love that Jesus gave to the tax collectors, the sinners, and the woman caught in adultery. It was the pharisees, quoting scripture and slinging stones that incurred his harshest criticism.”
My critic continued, “The Christian right has lost its voice and its influence in our society,
causing the very problems you discuss. The louder we shout about the problem, the less we are heard. Nobody cares. Because they do not experience our love. We are a resounding gong and a clanging cymbal – so annoying and irrelevant, that people just want us to shut up.”
On the other hand, Christ and His followers also quoted scripture. He did indeed love me while I was choosing to sin. He loved “the tax collectors, the sinners, and the woman caught in adultery.”
The key word here appears to me to be, “love”. “…the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” [Mark 1:15] Christ loved enough to warn those He loved. Today, we would call that “tough love”. It is a lot easier on both the sinner and the saint to stroke them and tell them, “God loves you, and so do I!” but leave out the part about, “repent”.
Today, we have rejected any standard of “right & wrong”. Without a standard there is no stability. If our society, you and I, tell someone the homosexual lifestyle is all right, it is even “legal”. And they are deceived into believing it. Have we been “loving”?
If we fail to offer a standard and let society drift aimlessly toward chaos, are we loving as Jesus loved? Granted: The world sees us as, “… a resounding gong and a clanging cymbal – so annoying and irrelevant, that people just want us to shut up.” Christ foretold that the world would hate what we say.
But, I challenge whether, “The Christian right has lost its voice and its influence in our society,…” Rather, isn’t it a lowering of our standards that is causing the problems?
Is it true? “The louder we shout about the problem, the less we are heard. Nobody cares.” The growing Christian influence appears to have been manifested in our recent election. There appears to be a significant movement toward raising our standards. People do indeed care. Christ’s life and teaching is the solution. We have solutions that work.
Lastly – If it is true that we are to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength – and our neighbor as our self – What does it say about our priorities if we have greater love for a neighbor, whose lifestyle is breaking the heart of the One we love the most?
P.S. My friend Dwight Young, recommended an outstanding analysis by Chip Ingram. I encourage you to hear him.