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–By Ben Gilmore
Three weeks from today!
Last fall this column was among the first to say, “It appears we may have treason in the White House.” Today, the evidence of treason and corruption is overwhelming. Our “check & balance” system appears to have failed. We must place great hope in the elections this fall to redirect our ship of state.
What will happen this summer and fall is only conjecture. Who can say?
Of these facts, I am certain: Damage is being done which must be repaired; The current generation has little concept of American history or government; Their parents’ generation is little better off; And – Much the same can even be said of their grand-parents!
For America’s sake – PLEASE – Hear my heart-cry and pray.
We MUST train our adults and teens in the sound principles that inspired America’s founders. Without that, efforts at repair and restoration will be futile! “Patriotism” is not enough.
Such sound principles must first be clearly biblical, the ultimate source of truth. But “biblical” carries little weight in today’s market-place of ideas. Sound principles must also be clearly illustrated in history. Further, sound principles must pass the test of reason. True history and sound reason do have weight in the market-place of ideas. Truth always fights to the surface.
Where can you get such instruction today? Among the best is the 4-day American History and Government Study Seminar, in Rocklin, California June 23 – 26 (just 3 weeks from today).
I pray- beseech- beg! you to review the student comments on the web site
Then arrange your schedule to join us. Send your teens and college kids. Get them to Sacramento. ACH Staff and friends will see to their transportation and housing (gratis). You/They will need cash for their meals and $145 for Registration and Tuition. A bargain for 4 days with master teachers! We are “believing” for at least 100 students this year. There is room for 200! I believe EVERY church should be sponsoring such an event!
For His-story & Government
Ben Gilmore