Ben Gilmore

Mr. Gilmore, whose papers have had nationwide distribution, is also involved in education. The Principles of America’s true history and government are incorporated into his newspaper column. He and his wife founded ACH Study Groups and Parent Educators’ Resource Center, supplementing the efforts of home educators, As a staff member of Youth With a Mission, he and his family have been around the world. He is also active in local government, having been nominated several times for legislative office.

2018-06-18 Chicken

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


June 18, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –


The latest game of “chicken” is being played out as I write this blog post.

If I am a single parent who breaks the law, my kids are not going to jail with me. It has been that way for a long time. The current immigration issue is a staged one using the innocent kids as pawns. The bipartisan “establishment” is attempting to blame Trump for exercising tough love in defense of us all.

The whole issue is staged by the left. No parent is being forced across the border illegally. As a matter fact – those who choose to cross illegally now know that their kids will be held apart until their case is settled.

I believe most Americans understand the bipartisan “establishment’s” obstructionist activities. The Democrats are desperate to find a cause that will stop the GOP tidal wave heading into the November elections.

Trump keeps on doing what is right because it is right – and letting the positive results speak for themselves! This is a time to trust that principle and keep a cool head. Keep your faith in righteousness and let the others panic. We are likely in for even tougher tests before planting fruit trees where the swamp used to be!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-06-18 Chicken Read More »

2018-06-15 They’ll know we are Christians by our love

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


June 15, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –


The Banner

It was early fall, 1974. We had a family business in Morgan Hill, California, two hours south of San Francisco. I was alone in my office when the Lord planted a vision for small-town outreaches in my heart. I was to organize the outreach as a functioning package then turn it over to a YWAM team to plug in and use.

The first step was to pray-in a core group of four YWAMers. God sent two guys and two girls fresh out of Hilo SOE. They moved into our home January, 1975. The Morgan Hill outreach as to be held the week before Easter Sunday.

Each morning after an hour quiet time, and breakfast, the team gathered before the Lord for instructions. Sometimes He said to spend the day in prayer. Other times – pray around the town (population 20K). Sometimes He would split the team between intercession and visits to pastors.

He named the event. “King’s Victory Celebration” (it was Easter week). Eighteen of the nineteen churches in town served as “sponsors” of the event. 218 YWAMers from all over the west checked in at the OAG church on Saturday night a week before Easter. They were sent in two’s and three’s to 85 homes all over Morgan Hill with instructions to spend Sunday with their hosts and arrive at the Southern Baptist church at 9:00 Monday morning. The core group had arranged pick-up routes for the YWAMers without cars.

The Morgan Hill Times newspaper gave KVC front page picture stories four editions in a row. Every one interested put “KVC” placards in their car windows. This produced a city-wide taxi service for YWAMers on foot.

Each morning a different church hosted the YWAM worship and teaching service until lunch. Sack lunches were prepared and delivered by ladies from the churches that were too small to host 218+ people. John Dawson led the YWAM worship and teaching team.

During each afternoon pairs of YWAMers visited every home in Morgan Hill taking a “religious survey”. There were public events every evening. One evening the local feed company put their flatbed truck in the park and a “Jews for Jesus” team held an open air event using a piano the core group borrowed from the Baptists.

The local radio station heard we were having a “Spanish Emphasis Night” and “Glory a Dios!” it is in a Catholic Church. The event was in Spanish with an English interpreter! The program started with a Baptist youth choir singing in Spanish.

Morgan Hill had only one movie theater. It was in the center of town, and was dark on Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday night the marquee was changed to read, “Jesus is Lord! Adore Him with us. Wednesday 7PM.”

The final KVC event was on a beautiful hillside facing east. It was a sunrise service Easter morning.

Later, the Mayor referred to KVC as the most important week in the history of Morgan Hill. The core group had used our sewing machine to make a twenty foot banner that was placed in front of every event (morning and evening), “THEY’LL KNOW WE ARE CHRISTIANS BY OUR LOVE”.

Those who attended the Montreal Olympics Outreach in 1976, or have seen pictures of the girl’s school used for housing the 1000+ YWAMers from many nations, will recall seeing the KVC banner mounted across the entrance.

We are proud to add it to the YWAM historical archives. I hope it will be used again. To God be the glory.

Ben & Fran Gilmore,

Kona SOE 1976

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-06-15 They’ll know we are Christians by our love Read More »

2018-06-13 Not half-full but overflowing

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


June 13, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –

A note to the reader – This post was first sent a year ago. President Trump was new to the office. What a difference a year makes!

Not half-full but overflowing

A major battle in the global war of the ages is taking place in America. The good news – The “good guys” are winning. Not “just” winning. They are winning big time!

Think about it. David is in the middle of the battlefield with a borrowed sword and his foot on Goliath’s chest. He is shouting to the army of the living God (as opposed to the dead ones), “C’mon men. They are running away.”

If the Hebrew troops had had their heads buried in Philistine newspapers and Philistine TV they would have missed seeing what is in plain sight. They would have worried about Goliath’s four brothers, also giants. (BTW – David had four stones left in his pouch!)

Instead – The army of the living God chased the Philistines all over the map and proceeded to drain the swampy battlefield! I see a movement of citizens who have reached a tipping point. For years they have just wanted to be left alone. They chose to let shady leaders be shady. It was easier than fighting city hall alone and making a fuss.

Trump had the personal resources and personality to represent the things we wanted to see. We have all seen patterns of dominos each knocking down its neighbor. Well, in society it works in reverse also. Stand up one domino and that pulls up the neighbor and momentum builds.

Unless you listen to those interested in reporting on the good things you are likely to miss them. BUT evidence of the righteous movement is all around us if we will but look for it.

The problem is not political. Next year, 2018, we will vote on every congressman and a third of the senators plus all levels of state and local offices. Hypothetically – Suppose we elect perfectly qualified, glow in the dark, good guys to every single office. In only a few years the swamp would be back in business! “Why?”, you ask. Because we truly have a representative government. We have (collectively) voted for those with whom we identify!

The answer is to raise the standards of the voter. That is a lot harder than replacing politicians! That has been my passion for four decades. I wanted to shout from the housetops. I expected to be teaching sound (Biblical) principles to hundreds at a time! God patiently spoke to me, “Just teach the ones I put in front of you.” Others have been doing the same. Now a movement appears to be gaining momentum.

If you have not yet visited our web site – please do! It is not too late to join the “Principles of American Government” online course.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-06-13 Not half-full but overflowing Read More »

2018-05-31 Memories & thoughts of an aged political warhorse

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


May 31, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –

Memories and thoughts of an aged political war-horse

In 1960, as I recall, I walked my first precinct. John Tower (R-Texas) was running for U.S. Senate. Shortly after that, my employer moved us to Connecticut in order to cover sales in the territory from Georgia to Maine.

Before the move I was given a copy of “The Conscience of a Conservative” by Senator Barry Goldwater, 1964 presidential candidate. Civics classes had been, for me, nap times. “Uninformed” is an understatement. That book was a seed bed for the conservative movement across America.

An on-the-job crash course in practical politics (common sense), resulted in my leading the grass roots movement in Connecticut. Conservatives came out of the woodwork and shocked

the establishment Republicans!

We moved to California and a new career in the automotive service market. I was invited to write a newspaper column. That resulted in three nominations to state legislature and a decade of active involvement in California politics at the local and state levels. These blog posts are the after-glow of those newspaper columns.

Fifty-eight years since that first precinct walk have seen a slow, and more or less steady, American learning curve. I believe we are approaching a tipping point. We have deep and firm roots. Truth and righteousness never stop fighting for the surface. America was born with a purpose – demonstrate to the world how to love God and others.

Like each of us, America has been more than a little unfaithful to her calling! There remains the assurance that redemption is available. (2nd Chronicles 7:14)

I believe the ungodly will use every opportunity to hold back the coming tsunami of redemption. It will be a wave of truth from the American bosom that sweeps through south-east Asia, the Indian sub-continent, and the Moslem world. There is coming a global Christ- centered baptism in righteousness the likes of which he world has never seen.

After that, there is always an ebb-tide (end-time). If my thoughts are correct, this is a time to look up, keep faith, and not be overwhelmed. Victory is near.

These columns are archived since 12/10/2009


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-05-31 Memories & thoughts of an aged political warhorse Read More »

2018-05-25 Well – it happened!

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


May 25, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –

Well – it happened!

It is not as bad as it could be – but it sure is inconvenient!

I lost my Skype and the restoration dropped all my Skype contacts.

Our e-mail messages, like this one, are not involved.

If you wish to be linked with me on Skype you must initiate a request.

Go to download the free Skype app.

Then search for me by name [Ben Gilmore, Citrus Heights], or phone [1 916 722 2501], or e-mail [histbuff].

Thanks for your patience.


These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-05-25 Well – it happened! Read More »

2018-05-20 What’s happening

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


May 20, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –

What’s happening

God’s hand is at work in American culture. I believe years of supplication in behalf of God’s purposes for America are being heard and answered. Do we deserve it? No indeed, no more than Old Testament Israel deserved all the second chances God gave them! The fact remains – Something good is happening in America. Take heart!

This year’s primary elections will be a mixture of good and bad. Voters are confused. That is by design. The public (I believe) is overwhelmingly in favor of draining the swamp. All sorts of tricks are being used to preserve the status quo.

In my Congressional District (CA CD7) we have an incumbent liberal Democrat. There are two Republican challengers; Andrew Grant, and Yona Barash. Neither are well known in the district. Barash has a solid conservative resume and is endorsed by well known conservatives. Grant has a less impressive resume and is endorsed by well known (my opinion) RINO activists including Mitch McConnell.

The choice should be a slam dunk – but – Trump’s name appears next to McConnell on Grant’s endorsement list! My suspicion is that Trump knows nothing, or little about it. The Trump “endorsement” will be hard to overcome in just three weeks where ballots are already being mailed in.

I suspect this sort of thing is taking place across the nation. There will be primary wins and losses for principled candidates trying to win a place on November’s ballot.

The situation changes in November. Even a liberal Republican is better than a Democrat because it becomes a numbers game rather than a principles game. The party with a majority of members is in control. In turn, the majority party controls the committees and the chairs. I am predicting a stunning, runaway victory for Republican candidates across the country this November. The liberal influence will be greatly diminished.

If you have not yet voted in your primary please do a bit of research. Ask a reliable friend, search for voter guides. Speak to a candidate if you can.

Here is my litmus test for a reliable principled candidate:

· Do you support the 2nd amendment? (Pro gun)

· Do you oppose abortion? (Pro life)

· Do you oppose same-sex marriage? (Pro traditional family)

Having cast your primary ballot, please make it a regular daily habit to pray for God to be honored by the November election. Not for our sakes, but for what it could mean for His name’s sake in the nations of the world – and ours.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-05-20 What’s happening Read More »

2018-05-12 A reminder & a request

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


May 12, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –

A reminder & a request

The next Principles of American Government (PAG) online course begins in one month. It is time to order the text books. You will be glad you have them. Regular readers of this column will profit by learning about the foundation from which it grows.

We are looking for a person who is familiar with online recording. Someone with the skill and commitment to record the PAG course beginning June 8th. [24 each, 75 minute Monday & Wednesday classes.]

The material we cover in this course is incredibly significant. The course title makes it sound like a civics class. Read the student comments on our web site (see letterhead). It is much more than that. You will find yourself recalling and evaluating day to day situations in relation to what you learned in this course.

You will see God’s hand in human history – and in that context – understand what He has been and is doing today. You will learn to use tools that prevent ever losing a debate! Best of all – You may discover yourself and your life in relation to what God is doing.

Join the class. There is no charge, only your commitment. Call 916-722-2501 or e-mail histbuff

Ben Gilmore,

Sabre Jet Pilot. Korea

BS-ME, BS-IE –SMU 1958

MBA – Harvard 1960

Political activist / candidate

Business owner

PAG Teacher, 40 years

Happily Married 65 years!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-05-12 A reminder & a request Read More »

2018-05-03 Basics #2 God & man

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


May 3, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –

Basics #2

(I hope this series of posts will be thought worth saving.)

[John Locke, “Of Civil Government” 1689] “The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions: for men being all the workmanship of one omnipotent, and infinitely wise maker; all the servants of one sovereign master, sent into the world by his order, and about his business; they are his property, whose workmanship they are, made to last during his, not one another’s pleasure: …

“Basics #1” Established the existence of God. This “Basics” column discusses man’s relationship with God. We begin by parsing Locke’s statement (above).

Locke establishes that everything, including man, has a law of nature to govern it. He continues that these laws make common sense. If men would only reason it out, they would realize that, everyone being equal and independent, no one should harm another’s life, health, liberty, or property.

Then he tells us why this is so. We are all created by one all-powerful, all-wise Maker, put on the Earth by His authority, for His purpose. We are His property, made to last during His, not one another’s pleasure!

“Revealed Law”, found only in the Holy Scriptures, teaches that God put man on the earth to love Him, and to love one another. To “love” is to unselfishly want the very best for the loved one [John 3:16]. Humans are slow learners! After at least six thousand years, we are still learning. The good news is that we are making progress! The study of God’s hand in human history “Providence” is fascinating. I hope to discuss it in future columns.

How are God and man alike? Both have a being and both create choices. We have no choice regarding our being. Neither, apparently, has God. He knows everything that is knowable. He is uncreated. He is all-powerful. He is everywhere present. He is eternal. He can’t help it. That is just the way it is. Man also has a being. Man has life. Man has body. Man can’t help it. That is just the way it is. The big difference is that man’s being is finite. It has a beginning and an end.

The mind blowing discovery is that God created man with a choice! All creation is governed. Inert things like rocks and dirt are governed by cause and effect. Plant life is governed by things like photosynthesis. Animal life is governed by instinct. Only man (and angels) share God’s ability to create choices. Once a choice is created, its existence is eternal. A choice once created, cannot be uncreated!

My grandfather taught me that, “Words unspoken often fall back, dead. Once they are spoken even God cannot change them!”

God cannot help being God. However He can choose to be loving, wrathful, peaceful, forgiving, just, …, … . His choices define His personality. Man’s choices define man’s personality. One day our bodies will no longer exist, but the choices we made are eternal. Our choices define who we really, truly are. The totality of our life’s choices will define who we are for eternity, in heaven or hell.

Some choices are more important than others. Christ said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” [John 14:6] The choice is ours. The consequences are eternal.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-05-03 Basics #2 God & man Read More »

2018-04-28 PAG online ourse

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


April 28, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –

Principles of American Government – (PAG)

The next “Principles of American Government” online course is scheduled for Monday, June 18, 2018. Using Skype-video as a virtual classroom, students may interact with one another and the teacher. There are 24 classes (Mondays & Wednesdays) each lasting 75 minutes. In addition, 4-5 hours of quality study time per week is required. If there is sufficient interest, both morning and evening (identical) classes will be offered. There is no tuition, contributions are welcome. Though a bit obsolete, a course syllabus is available on our website (see letterhead).

A word to those who read this column regularly – I encourage you to invest a few hours a week in this course. The Lord has permitted me to learn and teach this material for over three decades. This is an opportunity to anchor basic principles in bedrock, then pass them along to others. My 88 years of life experiences add context to this material.

A word to parents – You have a unique obligation to your family, and your society, to train up the next generation. I urge you to invest time in this course. If you have teens or pre-teens, they should take the course with you!

Two text books are needed. They may be purchased from “Foundation for American Christian Education” (see Google). Also, used texts are available on line:

· “The Christian History of The Constitution of The …”, Vol. I “Christian Self-Government” [CAUTION – Vol. II “Christian Self-Government With Union” is not required.]

· “Teaching and Learning America’s Christian History”

This is not a course in the U S. Constitution. This is a course in the fundamental principles that inspired the creation of our founding documents. Phone or e-mail me if you are interested.

In His love & service

Ben Gilmore

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-04-28 PAG online ourse Read More »

2018-04-23 Basics #1

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


April 23, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –

Basics #1

(I hope this series of posts will be thought worth saving.)

“They who assert that a blind fatality produced the various effects we behold in the world talk very absurdly; for can anything be more unreasonable than to pretend that a blind fatality could be productive of intelligent beings?” [Charles Montesquieu 1689 – 1755]

This quote from the 17th century shows that the question of God’s existence is an ongoing one. Anyone who denies there is a God is a fool. The single phrase, “intelligent design”, settles the issue. Here are three things intelligent design indicates:

First – A product demands a producer. Something as complex as an eyeball cannot result from random events. Intelligence is required.

Second – The product reveals attributes of the producer. There is a wholesome means of fulfillment for every human need. The Producer cares for His product.

Third – To function as designed, a product must be created with the image of age. The seed of a fruit tree is found within the fruit. That requires a full grown fruit bearing tree. A seed will not produce itself. (By the way – Cut down the tree and find tree rings. It was created with a virtual history! A history that did not exist!)

So why is the question of God’s existence an ongoing one? Because human nature is what it is! People want to believe what they want to believe. They will ignore and twist evidence and reason to find ways to support what they want to support.

To avoid acknowledging a Creator God, they must say that things result from random events. In order to make that more believable they add eons of time. The truth they are choosing to hold under is that, with infinite attributes, God can create whatever He chooses in as much or as little time as He chooses!

So why are these fools holding under truth that is always struggling to the surface? Again, because human nature is what it is! We are created with a love for conscious freedom. We do not like the idea of an authority greater than our own. Denying that Authority is what makes fools.

Were we simply to acknowledge that nothing (including ourselves) exists without a set of rules to govern it

2018-04-23 Basics #1 Read More »

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: