2020-08-08 Good news
ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916-722-2501 histbuff@garlic.com
August 7, 2020
This is a letter to our friends –
Good news
Those of you who follow this blog, and/or have wanted to attend one of the ACH Study Groups events we have been offering for 40 years, will be interested in learning that our 3-year project to document the courses in book form is finished – at last. “Principles of American Government” (the book) is being printed as I type this.
Pre-order if you wish at www.FACE.net/PAG
PAG Dedication & Acknowledgements
Did you ever enjoy a delicious milkshake and exclaim, “Boy! That was a great straw!”? Well, for over forty years my passion has been focused upon sharing what I have learned through lectures, study, observation, reason, and (prayerful) inspiration regarding the “Principles of American Government.” What you hold now is a compilation of “Ben’s Blog”, the online lecture courses, and live seminars offered over those decades. If you find it useful, please give credit where credit is due – I am only the “straw”.
God’s goal, and mine, is to help people learn to love Him and one another.
I want to especially acknowledge the memory and vision of Miss Verna Hall and Miss Rosalie Slater, cofounders of FACE, as well as Dr. Carole Adams, President of FACE who encouraged me to write the manuscript and worked so hard to clean it up!
Miss Hall understood the importance of delving deeper and deeper into a subject until finding the First Cause – God! Miss Slater taught me to relate historical events to sound biblical principles. Winkie Pratney, introduced me to “moral government” which providentially dove-tailed with the FACE vision. One was theological, the other socio-political. Both from the same source.
Other teachers who added to what the Lord wanted me to learn included, My seminar faculty-mates James Rose and Beth Ballenger. Joy Dawson, my prayer-partner Jim Dawson, Gordon Olson, my students (the teacher always learns more than the students!), and of course my dear loving wife Frances.
This book is dedicated to our children, Guy, Fawn, Susan; their families, and their families’ families, until Christ returns.
These columns are archived since 12/10/09
See www.ACHStudyGroups.com
“Ben’s Blog”