Ben’s Blog

We Have A Representative Government

–By Ben Gilmore

Cicero truly was a man of the times—-His time and OUR time.

"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions. Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the ‘new, wonderful, good society’ which shall now be Rome’s, interpreted to mean: more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious."

[Marcus Tullius Cicero]

This quote crossed my desk and seemed appropriate. I have not confirmed its authenticity.

We prayed for mercy over justice for America. It appears we will have a period of well deserved “justice.” Who can deny America has turned from honoring justice and righteousness.

God is rejected in a national convention on national television. Fools are acting as if there is no God. It appears we truly have a “representative government.” Limbaugh reports, “3 million fewer Republicans voted this year, than voted for McCain/Palin.”

2nd Chronicles 7:14 spells out four things – Humble ourselves; Pray; Seek God’s direction; and – Turn from our wicked ways. When done – the scripture indicates three responses – God hears our prayers; Forgives our sins; and heals our land.

· Humble ourselves – This requires we acknowledge God exists and offers a way out.

· Pray – Prayer is a conversation between two individuals that love each other. I knew a pastor who believed that was being too intimate with God. My experience proves to me he is mistaken. “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage, …but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba (i.e. Daddy), Father.” [Romans 8:15]

· Seek God’s direction

Ben Gilmore
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We Have A Representative Government Read More »


–By Ben Gilmore

My goal – To offer a deeper understanding of “liberty”.

To begin- God exists.  It is absurd to believe intelligence can be created by random chance.  Creation around us demands intelligent design.

Everything seen and unseen has laws (rules of action) that direct, regulate, control, restrain – that is – govern.  Step outside those natural laws – chaos!  Stay within them – peace!

Everything necessary for a human to live a peaceful, healthy life was here before people were placed upon earth.  Inanimate creation is governed by cause and effect.  Plant life is governed by photosynthesis.  Animals are governed by instinct.  Only man is governed by reason and conscienceBoth are God’s gift to humans.

Now, let us focus upon you.  Visualize yourself the only human on earth in the midst of the Garden of Eden.  A state of perfect natural freedom.  Go where you wish. Eat and sleep when you wish.  Use what is here to create as you wish.  You are limited ONLY by the “laws of nature” (gravity, fatigue, etc.).

Cherish that concept – The root of  your “unalienable Right … Liberty.

Now – Let us add another human.  This introduces another limit upon your natural liberty.  Reason and observation, the “law of Nature,” dictate that you should not violate the other person’s liberty if you want him/her not to violate yours. Violation equals chaos.

Perhaps you and the other person make a baby.  Now we have a family.  New obligations are introduced to your “liberty”.  The family unit is in a perfect state of nature, respecting other family units that have been introduced.  Reason and observation discover laws of nature to govern the family unit.

Several families join together to share tasks – hunting, gathering, shelter, etc.  A social unit is formed.  Joining such a unit must be voluntary, else liberty is violated.  Before joining, one must:  (1) Know the rules of the society and – .Once joined, have an equal voice in making and amending those rules;  (2) There must be a set means of judging violation of those rules; (3) The society must have authority to enforce penalties for violation of its rules.  All of this governance is for the purpose of preserving the natural liberty of the individual members.

Because human reason and observation so often misinterpreted the data (once they thought the earth was flat), God in His benevolence gave us the Bible (inspired word of God), which is much more difficult to misinterpret.  Thus we have, “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”.  “Natural law” and “Revealed law,” both from the same source.

The American colonists understood these concepts when they chose to create a society to protect their natural state of God-endowed liberty.

Selfishness is prone to violate other’s liberty.  Americans have permitted those violations to continue too long!  We must repair, rebuild, restore our society if we are once more to enjoy peace and liberty.  That can only be done in cooperation with the God of both Nature and the Bible.  He cannot do it alone.  We cannot do it alone.  It must be a cooperative effort.

How we choose to use our unalienableright to liberty” in governing ourselves will determine the quality of corporate self-government in our family and that of our local, county, state and national society.

America once more, has the blessed Liberty to turn from her steady drift away from “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” and once more to become a beacon of hope and righteousness for a dark and hurting world.  Let’s not waste the opportunity!

Ben Gilmore
[Contact Ben]

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Let us Speculate

–By Ben Gilmore

Recently, this column has predicted a GOP landslide across the nation.  Next, we considered what a “worst case” scenario might look like.  It might be fun to speculate about what a “best case” scenario could look like :-).

First – America swaps an administration with all the signs of a traitorous Juhadist association for a patriotic moralist, likely to honor the Constitution.  Romney is predicted to have a strong House and Senate to “hold his feet to the fire” constitutionally.

Moral light exposes corruption.  We can expect “rats” to begin scurrying for cover on November 7th.  Major exposures of financial corruption can be expected.  America’s wealth has been drained.  The bleeding will stop.

As fraud and waste are skimmed off, and the regulation boot is lifted from the throat of American creativity and productivity, we may expect wealth to begin flowing once more.  Energy costs will drop rapidly (ahead of production).  Transportation and associated cost of goods sold will begin dropping across the board.  All this to say, in spite of a possible worldwide economic crash, economies will begin to grow.

Next – American society has been denied the thrill of “victory” for generations with only a few exceptions.  That denial is important in suppressing individual self-government and initiative.  This particular “victory” carries with it a major moral factor.  Society will begin paying attention.  Judges will begin upholding the law and courts will begin dealing in reason and justice.  Civil authority will regain our respect.

Third – Let us assume this is an opportunity for our society (you, me – us!) to turn from our selfishness toward the liberty “endowed by our Creator” by submitting to “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”  Our society cannot do that alone.  God cannot do it alone.

If He chooses to open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out His Holy Spirit upon America as our society is turning toward Him, the combination will reveal our “enemies” to be the paper tigers I believe them to be.  America’s beacon tower will once more shine bright before a suffering world.

Even those who say they hate us are, I believe, secretly crying for America to repent and sail a true course.  As their hope is restored, we may expect popular movements for God-centered liberty to sweep south-east Asia (China), then the Indian sub-continent, and finally the Moslem world.

Such a movement in a short time, creates a wave of righteousness that grows and spreads as it sweeps across Europe and north Africa, the Atlantic, and back across America again!  There will still be selfish, evil people – but – They will be subordinated by the righteous.

Many will believe we have reached the “millennium”.  Not so!  Every tidal wave has an ebb tide.  Biblical end-time prophesy will not be denied.  However worldwide righteousness could exist for a short time.

It is fun to speculate!

Ben Gilmore
[Contact Ben]

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–By Ben Gilmore

“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s.”  [Exodus 20:17]

This requires a definition of “covet”, 

  • Strong’s number: 1937, Greek: epithumeo … from 1909 and 2372; to set the heart upon, i.e. long for (rightfully or otherwise): — …

NOTE – Some readers may be unfamiliar with “Strong’s”, a list of Hebrew and Greek Bible words.

Dictionary definition

CŎV´ET, v. t. [Fr. convoiter, to covet; …]

  • To desire or wish for, with eagerness; to desire earnestly to obtain or possess; in a good sense.  “Covet earnestly the best gifts.” 1 Cor.12.
  • To desire inordinately; to desire that which it is unlawful to obtain or possess; in a bad sense.  “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, wife or servant.” Ex. 20.

[Webster’s 1828 Dictionary]

Without the principle of private property, the 10th Commandment (above) has no meaning!  “Don’t covet your neighbor’s community property?”  You and your neighbor already own your community property.

Even without the Bible this principle – “private property” makes sense.

Each of us need food, water, air, and tools with which to gather what we need to support our life and the lives of our family.  Nature provides what we need, if we are willing to work for it.  That is – pick it up, plant and harvest it, carve it, assemble it, market it.

The apple on the ground in the forest may belong to everyone, but it will not nourish me until I remove it from the place nature (gravity) left it, and pick it up.  That makes it my private property.

The water in the stream will quench the thirst of everyone, but the bucket of stream water I placed upon my kitchen counter is mixed with my labor.  Reason says that no one may drink from that water without my permission.

Thus – Reason, one of God’s gifts to humans, tells us we must not violate another’s property, if we want our property to be respected.

The term, “redistribution of wealth”, is now being code-worded, “direct payments”.  It is a tool of socialism, based upon the false premise that there is only a fixed amount of wealth.  If that were true, the haves would be forced to give to the have-nots to support their lives.

Wealth is not a fixed amount.  Wealth is created by work.  Someone picks up an apple or carries a bucket of water.

The answer is NOT letting civil-government redistribute the wealth of others.  The answer to our nation’s problems is to create individual and thus, national wealth.

 Simply put – Americans need to go back to work!

Ben Gilmore
[Contact Ben]

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How Big is Your God?

–By Ben Gilmore

During the last few weeks it has been my honor to represent the late Mary-Elaine Swanson, author of John Locke – Philosopher of American Liberty.  I have been an interview guest on nine radio programs across the country, promoting this outstanding work.  Every American should have a copy in their library.

Those interviews included questions about our own organization, “ACH Study Groups.”

In turn that prompted a number of off-the-air exchanges with hosts and listeners.  Some were uncomfortable with Locke’s views of “Natural Law“, what man may discover of the will of God through observation and reason.  Others were uncomfortable with my optimism in the face of today’s rampant evil.

I will discuss Natural Law in a future letter.  Today, I wish to discuss evil.

“E´VIL, n. Evil is natural or moral. Natural evil is any thing which produces pain, distress, loss or calamity, or which in any way disturbs the peace, impairs the happiness, or destroys the perfection of natural beings.

“Moral evil is any deviation of a moral agent from the rules of conduct prescribed to him by God, or by legitimate human authority; or it is any violation of the plain principles of justice and rectitude.

“There are also evils called civil, which affect injuriously the peace or prosperity of a city or state; and political evils, which injure a nation, in its public capacity.

“All wickedness, all crimes, all violations of law and right are moral evils. Diseases are natural evils, but they often proceed from moral evils.”  [Noah Webster – 1828  Emphasis is mine]

I find only three human organizations in the Bible which God created and through which he deals: Family, Church, and Civil-Government (State).  Thus, those supporting a single, “one-world”, government are in rebellion against God, who deals in individual nations.

The Bible teaches that God is no respecter of persons.    Thus, those who would seek to subordinate others are violating God’s law of liberty.

To quote the late Harry Conn, “Sin is doing something legal, in  an illegal or excessive manner.”  Another definition, “Sin is rebellion against God’s will.”  My bottom line definition for sin – “A selfish choice.”  All of these fit into Webster’s definition for “evil”.

Today, there is much evidence of giant, well funded conspiracies, dedicated to the destruction of American exceptionalism and the creation of a stateless “one-world” government.  Such conspiracies exist under ever-changing names.  I suspect they are little different from the evil conspiracies challenged by America’s founders.

Evil, even the “rampant evil” we face today, is not new!  It results from the universal depravity of man.  We sin because we choose to!!!!!  David was well aware how mean and evil Goliath was.  David’s God was much bigger and more powerful than Goliath!

Those uncomfortable with my optimism happened to have spent much of their time studying evil conspiracies.  Like the study of any rebellion (“sin”) it becomes addictive.  Many conspriacy students appear to me to become obsessed with knowledge of the enemy’s plans and successes.  They are ever-seeking more sensational examples, “to help awaken those unaware”.  The enemy is happy to supply more things about himself for them to study.

What does this produce in their students?  Certainly, knowledge of evil, awe at the size and scope of the problem, frustration with one’s inability to fight back, discouragement, fatalism.  Not very productive results for one’s time and study!!

Our ACH curriculum has been criticized because we ignore evil conspiracies in our history and government outlines.  Rather, we choose to focus upon “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God“.  We demonstrate God’s hand in human history.  Understanding these subjects creates a context for evil.

When evil stands alone, it appears larger than life.  When evil stands beside what is good, it becomes a paper tiger!

  Some view faith in God and prayer as passiveness.  Not so!  God said to the Israelites, “There is the promised land.  I give it to you.  Now, go fight for it!!!

Rather, faith and prayer are the starting point.  What follows is obedience to God’s instructions.

Ben Gilmore
[Contact Ben]

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Ben Interviewed on Wallbuilders

Ben was recently interviewed on Wallbuilders Live regarding the book John Locke: Philosopher of American Liberty by Mary-Elaine Swanson.

To Listen, Click the play button:

Audio file courtesy of

Ben was also previously interviewed on The Author’s Show here:

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Ben Interviewed on The Author’s Show


Ben was recently interviewed on The Author’s Show regarding the book John Locke: Philosopher of American Liberty by Mary-Elaine Swanson.

To Listen, Click the play button:

Ben was also recently interviewed on Wallbuilders Live here:

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Don’t Give Up!

Never Give Up!–By Ben Gilmore

I am truly optimistic about our society.  Everything around us is SHOUTING for us to focus on the corruption, graft, lies … (evil!) around us.  Though not living in denial of reality, I am choosing to focus upon those things that are true, honest, just, pure, and lovely.

American citizens are in a war for the soul of their nation and her founding principles.  In war, battles are often won by those who refuse to give up!  I believe God is not asking, “How many times were you knocked down?”   I believe He is asking, “Did you get up the last time?

Remember – Various media attempt to picture you in a society that is unlike much of the rest of the nation.  We should respond by highlighting America’s exceptionalism and her virtues.  Use the positive as a foundation for sudden and relentless reform!!!

I agree – It appears unlikely that our ship-of-state stays afloat, much less gets repaired and restored WITHOUT an outpouring of the Holy Spirit across America.


Let us not be caught with our eyes focused upon the situation exclusive of God’s hand in human events.

  • Are there indeed Americans humbly admitting to God that we deserve justice over mercy – Yes, I believe there are.
  • Are there American individuals and groups in prayer for our nation? — Yes, I believe there are.
  • Are there Americans honestly seeking the Lord’s specific direction for their actions? – Yes, I believe there are.
  • Are there Americans turning from their individual besetting sins in an effort to see God’s hand at work?  — Yes, I believe there are.

Does 2nd Chronicles 7:14 (above) apply today?  —

  • Yes, I believe our corporate prayers will be heard.
  • Yes, I believe our individual and corporate sins will be forgiven.
  • Yes, I believe the gracious Lord will indeed heal our land!!!

Why do I believe so unlikely (appearing) future?  I respond, “How big is your God?”

Moses, in the wilderness, interceded for his people, “Lord, If you wipe is out in the wilderness, It will make you look like an intolerant god, to the watching Egyptians (the world).”  And God repented.  Proving that He prefers mercy over justice when there is proper prayer.  The Bible book of Judges offers many similar examples.

America is the first civil government in all of human history to have been purposely founded upon sound Biblical principles.  If the failure of her citizens to honor those principles is, allowed to cause our national failure – The world will assume that Biblical principles of Christian Self-Government are not sufficient to sustain civil government.  All that the Hand of God has invested in America, as an illustration to the world, will be lost!!!

Forbid it Almighty God.  I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.” [Patrick Henry – 1776]

Ben Gilmore
[Contact Ben]

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In the Beginning – God!

–By Ben Gilmore

In the Beginning God...
In the Beginning God...

  “They who assert that a blind fatality (random chance) produced the various effects we behold in this world talk very absurdly; for can any thing be more unreasonable than to pretend that a blind fatality could be productive of intelligent beings?  There is, then, a prime reason:…
[Charles Montesquieu (1689 – 1755) , “The Spirit of Laws”]

The writings of Montesquieu, like those of Sidney, Locke, Blackstone …were read and honored by those who formed America’s government.  A common thread in in their understanding was the existence of a “prime reason”, a First Cause (God).

Today, those who understand the existence of this First Cause are divided into innumerable camps (denominations and sects).  Were we united in some fundamental understanding, nothing would be impossible for us.  [Genesis 11:16]  God’s opponents want to keep us divided.

They, the ungodly, understand human nature.  We take our corporate “identity” by our differences, rather than our common understanding that there is indeed an eternal, all powerful, all present, all knowing First Cause (God).

I suspect, should this unique God release a wave of righteousness across America, it would be opposed by a large part of America’s churches, “because it did not originate with us.”

The ungodly adopt a false presupposition:  This first cause is a blind fatality (random chance).  In order to support their idea that everything developed without intelligent design their theory demands eons of random occurrences.  Even then, there is no response to Montesqueiu’s challenge regarding “intelligent beings.”

  “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’.”  [Psalm 14:1]

On the other hand, honest observation and reason demand the existence of God!  The Genesis (6-day) account of creation by an “Intelligent First Cause” is far more reasonable!

“But,” respond the ungodly, “How do you explain the “evidence” of million year old rocks and light from stars light-years distant?

I will begin by asking if the first man could reasonably have occurred by random chance as a fertile ovum?  Of course not!  Thus, when this first man, Adam, was only moments old, how old did he appear?

Further: Prior to Adam’s creation, the Genesis account states that everything for Adam’s continued subsistence (the garden of Eden) had been created.  Had Adam sawed down  a tree in that garden, would he have discovered tree rings?  It is unlikely a tree without tree rings would not have strength to stand and bare the weight of fruit.

Tree rings can be used to trace the history of the tree (wet and dry seasons).  But the trees were only days old!  Thus, we discover that this Creator God also created a virtual history for the tree.

Any Intelligent First Cause able to create the stars should have no problem creating the light rays from those stars at the same instant!


  Next, I hope to show how reasonable men may discover the attributes of this First Cause (God).

Ben Gilmore
[Contact Ben]

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Musings of an Old Political Warhorse

–By Ben Gilmore

Nero fiddled while Rome burned. It is so easy to get caught up in trivia and miss focusing upon the critical thing(s). If we go into hyper-inflation and trucks and trains no longer deliver goods, we won’t even be able to buy condoms!

The critical focus of the current issue — The president does not have the authority to dictate what can be supplied by stores or insurance companies. His authority and that of his administration is limited by the U.S. Constitution.

The members of Congress and the Supreme Court are failing in their oaths to protect and preserve that Constitution by not yanking on his leash!

One authoritative step outside those limits becomes tyranny. Accepting such tyranny makes slaves of free men. He was “hired” to work within the predefined limits of the job.

The Tea Party freshmen elected in 2010 were not given a vote in their congressional leadership (Speaker John Bohner). Yet he took office because of the majority they created. As a result, they were “neutered” in many respects, by politicians more interested in status quo than “sudden and relentless reform!” ( To quote Gov. Sarah Palin).

Many folks say they are tired of “endless political bickering.” It appears to me they, and most bickering politicians, miss the critical point. America is in the final stages of a decades-long battle between liberty and slavery.

Forget “Politics is the art of compromise”. Liberty and slavery cannot exist at the same time! There is no compromise with slavery!

John Locke [1632 – 1704] had a profound impact upon America, as Colonial pastors preached the truths in his writings.

“… [W]hat state all Men are naturally in, and that is, a State of perfect Freedom, to order their Actions, and dispose of their Possessions, and Persons as they think fit, within the bounds of the Law of Nature, without asking leave, or depending upon the Will of any other man.”

The earth is a stage, upon which God has placed man, to act out his destiny. If you were the only one on the “stage”, you would discover that God had abundantly supplied everything you needed to sustain your life – “A state of Perfect freedom”.

“The State of Nature has a Law of Nature to govern it, which obliges everyone : And Reason, which is that Law, teaches all Mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his Life, Health, Liberty or Possessions.”

Another English writer, William Blackstone [1723 – 1780] , “Father of the Legal profession”, wrote of this Law of Nature in “Commentaries”.

“He [God] laid down certain immutable laws of human nature, whereby that free will is in some degree regulated and restrained, and gave him also the faculty of reason to discover the purport (i.e. “design or meaning”)of those laws.”

Blackstone continues to define another set of laws – “Revealed Law”.

“The doctrines thus delivered we call the revealed or divine law, and they are found only in the Holy Scriptures. These precepts, when revealed, are found upon comparison to be really a part of the original law of nature, as they tend in all their consequences to man’s felicity. (i.e. “great happiness”) … Yet undoubtedly the revealed law is of infinitely more authenticity than … natural law.”

Blackstone makes the point that “Natural Law” and “Revealed Law” will never be in conflict, because they come from the same source (God). One more quote from John Locke, that our forefathers understood well.

“For Men being all the Workmanship of one Omnipotent and infinitely wise Maker : whose Workmanship they are, made to last during his, not one another’s Pleasure”

Lastly, consider the “Declaration of Independence”:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them…”

This is a time for every American to set aside bickering and pride. Each of us has a different task to perform in defense of our corporate liberty. No doubt, each task will come with a price. One requiring a change in priorities.

There is no place on the fence. Choose your side and prepare to battle for the soul of America.

For His-story & Government
Ben Gilmore

[Contact Ben]

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: