
2021-04-23 Activist Church

ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916-722-2501 histbuff@garlic.com
Friday, April 23, 2021

This is a letter to our friends –

Activist churches

This time next year the internet will be wall-to-wall politics! If you plan to do your part in saving our nation – NOW is the time to be preparing.

You should want to educate your congregation in Christian principles of government.
* A shameless commercial for my book: Go to

Your goal should be to make every local candidate aware that you expect him/her to present themselves before your congregation – and their friends – and ask for their vote. How do you do that? Prepare a letter on church stationery, inviting the candidate to give his card to an usher at the beginning of any Sunday service. Tell them, at the close of the service, they will be invited to introduce themselves and be interviewed by the pastor. Stay in touch with the county registrar and post the invitation as soon as they take out papers as a candidate.

Churches with good video capacity should consider hosting candidate debates. The invitation should make clear that absent candidates will be represented by an empty chair with their name on it. Local media stations may broadcast and rebroadcast these recordings!

Prepare voter guides for distribution. Mail a series of questions that are important to your congregation. Compile the responses and print them.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09
See www.ACHStudyGroups.com
“Ben’s Blog”

2021-04-23 Activist Church Read More »

2010–04-19 Election fraud

ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916-722-2501 histbuff@garlic.com
Monday, April 19, 2021

This is a letter to our friends –

Election fraud
Mike Lindell is broadcasting LIVE now for 48 hours, about Nov 6 election fraud. Apparently he is overcoming efforts to block program. As of 10:30 AM PT over 20 million viewers!

NOTE trouble with link so I inserted a space that you should removeit before loging on

Log on to franks peech.com

These columns are archived since 12/10/09
See www.ACHStudyGroups.com
“Ben’s Blog”

2010–04-19 Election fraud Read More »

2021-03-27 Sheep without a shepherd

ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916-722-2501 histbuff@garlic.com
Saturday, March 27, 2021

This is a letter to our friends –

Sheep without a shepherd

Lord you said you would heal our land if we would humble ourselves and pray, and seek your face, and turn from our wicked ways. [2nd Chronicles 7:14]

Our land does not appear to be healing. Our nation is founded upon your principles. If our nation is not healed, the world will believe your principles do not work! It is true that our nation has violated your principles again and again. We deserve to fail!

Time after time when your people repented and prayed for salvation, you granted grace over justice. We, your people in America, have been praying, not so much for our sakes, but for your name’s sake, and the witness to the world validating your principles.

I believe we have humbled ourselves in prayer. I believe we have asked for direction (i.e. “seek your face”). I suspect you are waiting for more of us to, “turn from our wicked ways.” Hidden, unconfessed sin of one person can hold back an entire nation. [Akin and the battle over Ai.] I know of an influential, growing church that appeared strong and healthy. A guest speaker was led to preach on adultery. The church exploded and is no more!

Again you said, “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. [Malachi 3:10]

Lord, I know this is on your compassionate, forgiving heart. I know from personal experience, how hard it is to expose and confess hidden sin. I also know the wonderful, priceless grace and liberty that comes from doing so! If that is what is causing America’s problems, then I pray with a compassionate heart, that hidden sin will be confessed.

“The blood of Christ will not cover, that which man will not uncover.” [The late Duncan Campbell]

“May God give you grace to see sin as it really is in His sight, for then you will realize your need for a Savior.” [Charles Spurgeon]

Just as I was about to post this – the following popped up in my inbox – – Thanks Verne.

Grace Moments
Lord, give me patience with you
by Pastor Mark Jeske
Of all the many things I do that irritate my wife, known and unknown, near the top of the list must be her persistent complaint that I don’t listen to her. Not to squirm out of that responsibility, but I fear that many wives would have the same lament. It may be that she wants my help with something. But of greatest urgency for her is that I pay attention to what is happening in her life and showing that I care about her situation. She needs me to resonate emotionally with what she is going through.

How frustrating to imagine that God is ignoring us. The prophet Habakkuk concluded that he was getting a divine brush-off, and he had the nerve to hurl a testy accusation against his Creator: “How long, LORD, must I call for help, but you do not listen?” (Habakkuk 1:2). From our vantage point millennia later, we know that everything turned out well for the believers. But at the time, stuck in the middle of their fears and dilemmas, the people didn’t know that.

As Habakkuk reflected on the Lord’s mighty deeds of the past and pondered his words and promises, he grew in his ability to trust his Father. His little prophecy ends on a happier note: “I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer” (Habakkuk 3:18,19).

So-do you have deer feet today?

These columns are archived since 12/10/09
See www.ACHStudyGroups.com
“Ben’s Blog”

2021-03-27 Sheep without a shepherd Read More »

2021-03-25 My experience with the Holy Spirit

ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916-722-2501 histbuff@garlic.com
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

This is a letter to our friends –

My experience with the Holy Spirit
I Thought I was a Christian. After all – I was an American and I went to church on Sunday! I knew there was a prayer-answering God who sent provisions when needed and protected me in tight situations.

In 1964, Fremont, California in a Conservative Baptist church, the pastor said, “The Bible is the word of God; Jesus is who the Bible says He is: and all the things Jesus says are true.” Suddenly it dawned on me how long God had been patient with me! The Holy Spirit peeled me naked like peeling a banana! I did not know it was the Holy Spirit then, but I was “born again”.

When I got home, someone had rewritten the Bible. Before that, the Bible had been bone dry! Now it was alive. I couldn’t get enough of it! Our situation changed. We moved to southern California just as the “Jesus Movement” was blossoming. We got to sit on the front row and watch it happen!!

There were home prayer meetings going on everywhere! I saw spiritual power going on around us that I did not understand. Our Conservative Baptist church seemed unaware of what was going on throughout southern California. Fran and I were teaching high school classes at church. Every now and then we would take the kids to Costa Mesa to a little church that was beginning to explode. That was the beginning of Calvary Chaple.

We had just purchased our first house. I lost my temper at the same time my boss lost his – I got fired! I phoned our dear pastor who sent me to Psalm 96. I cherish that Bible with its tear-stained pages on Psalm 96. As I prayed the thought came to me, “Call Dan Krikorian”. Dan and I were both on the Board of Teen Challenge.

I told him what the Lord told me. “Well,” he replied, “John (another Board member) and I are driving to the beach today. I guess you are supposed to go with us.” As we drove, I pulled out a tract that had impressed me, “Have you seen these? I would like to get a bunch. They are written by a guy named Shannon Van Druff.” Dan drove to Shannon’s home in Yorba Lynda. It was impressive with a double hand carved front door.

As Shannon opened the door and shook my hand he said, “Do you know the Holy Spirit?” I answered, “What is that?” The four of us sat for an hour with open Scofield Bibles as Shannon went over the accounts in Acts of various transactions involving, “baptism in the Holy Spirit”. I had been seeing Spiritual power and authority around me that I knew I did not have. I sincerely wanted it. Part of the Holy Spirit package in Acts appeared to include “tongues”.

We all prayed and I asked to be filled with the Holy Spirit. They were expecting me to begin speaking in tongues. I did not. On mt left shoulder as if a little devil whispered, “phony, phony”. On my right shoulder was a response, “If you were truly praying sincerely, nothing can get between you and God.” “What you asked for has been done.”

Two days later, alone, chatting with Dan in his kitchen, I sensed what seemed like a belch coming up. Suddenly I was speaking in a language I did not know. Dan chuckled. I sat alone in his living room with God, praying in my new language for an hour.

The next day I was seated behind three unruly teens at a Teen Challenge “Praise In”. The Lord said, “Put your hand on her head and pray.” I thought, “No Lord – Everything in order. It isn’t the time to pray. I’ll look like a fool.” At the close, I was at the door handing out flyers. As the unruly girl passed, I asked her to wait in the yard. Later I came up to her, “Have you given your life to Jesus?”

“No” she replied. I shared my testimony with her as I had done many times with others since being born again. This time it was different. It was as if I were across the lawn watching me witness with new power and authority in my voice. She declined. I heard that she accepted Christ about a week later, but the Lord used it to teach me about obedience and timing.

From that point the adventure and learning curve went exponential. Witness opportunities, deliverances, healings, miracles, seemed to become a family lifestyle.

Looking back on all those years – I suspect the “baptism in the Holy Spirit” and all that goes with it is part of the “tool kit” that comes with the born again experience. You just have to trust in the Lord and ask for it. Many are afraid of being phony with God. Each of us knows in our hearts the depth of our sincerity. Nothing can separate a sincere heart from God!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09
See www.ACHStudyGroups.com
“Ben’s Blog”

2021-03-25 My experience with the Holy Spirit Read More »

2021-03-16 A nudge

ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916-722-2501 histbuff@garlic.com
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

This is a letter to our friends –

A nudge
Is it possible that the Lord has been nudging you to be a candidate for elected office?

It night be for the House or Senate. Trump and his team are going to be looking at every one of the candidates. If they think your philosophy, drive, and personality make you look like a winner – you will have surprising support!

It doesn’t have to be top of the ticket races. The down ticket state, county, and city races are, in many ways, more important. Again, I suspect “(R)” behind your name will be a surprising asset in 2022.

If there is even a possibility – time is shorter than you think. Some primary races are scheduled in about a year from now. I suggest you go to the County Registrar’s office in person. Talk with a knowledgeable staff member. (It never hurts to have a friend there that you can call.) Build a timeline of campaign filing dates.

Next – You will need a close friend to be your campaign treasurer. This person will have to stay current on filing dates and cash flow. I emphasize “close friend”, one who is as dedicated as you are. (Else you might be sharing a jail cell!)

Open a “fictitious name account” for your campaign. You will need about $50 to the county and another $50 to open a Campaign bank account. (You must have a county fictitious name to open a Campaign bank account.)

I recommend holding off on hiring a Campaign Manager. Get started on your own. Learn a little first.

That done, your friends will know you are serious. Invite them over. I suggest – don’t ask for money. That comes later. You re looking for advisers. They come in “flavors” – political experience; fund raising; philosophy; public relations; “girl-Friday” grunt work; … .

Attend the local Republican clubs. You are a newcomer – play dumb. DO NOT mention you are running until you know who else might be a competitor.

That should be enough to get started. Let’s take our country back!

OH – BTW If you win a Primary Election (Often you are the only candidate in down-ticket races.) and lose the General Election in November, you will have earned a voice with, perhaps, other political perks.
These columns are archived since 12/10/09
See www.ACHStudyGroups.com
“Ben’s Blog”

2021-03-16 A nudge Read More »

2021-03-15 To a ypung mom from grandpa

ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916-722-2501 histbuff@garlic.com
Monday, March 15, 2021

This is a letter to our friends –

To a young mom from grandpa

Looking back over almost 92 years of experiences gives me a heart full of things I wish I could share with the current crop of young parents. – Mom’s especially!

How wide is this page? You may say 8 ½ inches. That is your “opinion” until you measure the page with a ruler, i.e. a reliable standard.

Your generation has grown up without learning how to determine “right” and “wrong” by a reliable standard. Our society offers “what feels right”, or “someone says is right”. These “standards” are not fixed, or reliable, they change from time to time. Not measuring by a reliable, FIXED standard leads to chaos. What is “Right” and what is “wrong” are only opinions without a standard!

Not to use the most reliable, most proven measure for “right” and “wrong” seems foolish, but our culture encourages you to do it all the time. The Bible teaches that God works through people-groups (nations). Much of today’s culture favors one-world without nations. The Bible teaches the ten commandments. Our culture ignores them and removes them from sight. Yet no more reliable set of laws has ever been discovered.

Think back – What in your earliest memory? At some moment your child will create his / her earliest memory, one s/he will carry for a lifetime. What a blessing if that memory might be of parents in prayer!

You must choose. “Train up a child in the way that he should go …”, as the Bible teaches, or turn over his / her training to others. If you tern it over to government schools, who or what will the child be trained to serve? If you turn it over to a private (secular) school, who or what will your child be trained to serve? If you turn it over to a Christian school chances are better that s/he will be trained to serve God and have a long and productive life. “Honor your mother and father that your life may be extended,”

Knowledge without quality character will turn on you. Training up your child’s character cannot, I believe, be delegated. The product reflects the producer. For that reason, I believe every young parent should become a regular reader / studier of the Bible. Home schooling is by far the best way to pass on the best set of values to be found.

One of the “mother-ships” of quality education, The Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE), offers an annual “Foundations” course that I have found to be inspiring. This year’s dates – July 11-16. I recommend the fellowship of in-person class in Virginia, else online classes via internet. Contact them, www.FACE.net or (800) 352-3223.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09
See www.ACHStudyGroups.com
“Ben’s Blog”

2021-03-15 To a ypung mom from grandpa Read More »

2021-02-28 Election evidence

ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916-722-2501 histbuff@garlic.com
Friday, March 5, 2021

This is a letter to our friends –

The way it is
To begin with – Please recognize all the different forces that are working hard to make you discouraged. They want you to feel overwhelmed. They want you to sit down and shut up! They want you to forget who you are – a God blessed citizen of the United States of America, endowed with life, liberty, and free-will.

I want to encourage you to exercise that free-will and overcome discouragement. “We the people” created our civil government to protect and defend our God-given rights. American civil-government is our servant not our master!

Remember – When you are in a discussion with a liberal who believes things that are not true, The Holy Spirit is working with you! Truth is always fighting for the surface. Just as we sin because we choose to sin – we believe what we choose to believe. Since last November’s election, the left has been diligent not to allow details of the big steal to be heard. Trump’s last best chance to air the truth on a national platform was to have been on the floors of the House and Senate on January 6th. I speculate the riot at the Capital was purposed to interrupt that platform. As it did!

Once discouragement sets in, the next step is to take the easy road, “Go along to get along!” It is done, better luck next time! Well, there may not be a next time! Just have a look at what allowing the left to steal a presidential election is costing us – and it is only March! Article II section 2 of the Constitution was clearly violated only days before the election. The Supreme Court failed to do their job – protect and defend the Constitution. I speculate that there are some very “dark” reasons for that failure. Our border is wide open. Our currency (your savings) is being squandered. Our children and even our military are being indoctrinated. Our election laws are being nationalized. There appears to be clear documentation that our vote counts were hacked and manipulated from specific computers that are overseas.

Fran just asked, “Are you optimistic yet? !”

Without a personal relationship with the God of the Bible, I believe optimism in the face of all that is impossible! This is aa spiritual battle for the soul of America.

“So, Ben, what are we to do in order to be optimistic?” To begin with – Get right with God. Humble yourself and pray, seek His will for you, and repent of your hidden sins. Our founders did everything they could to protect and defend their God-given right to liberty short of bloodshed. When war came, it was in self-defense. WE MUST DO THE SAME.

Once the truth of alleged election fraud becomes general knowledge (if it does), the current “President” will have no official authority. “We the people” are the source of that authority. It appears to me that there will be no alternative, but to declare the election certification null and void. Not to do so would be to violate the will of “we the people.” Then, to hold new elections, else certify Trump President. Many will say, “This will never happen.” Perhaps so. Some will fear the consequences on the street. It is never wrong to do what is right, because it is right – – and trust the consequences to take care of themselves!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09
See www.ACHStudyGroups.com
“Ben’s Blog”

2021-02-28 Election evidence Read More »

2021-02-28 Election evidence

ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916-722-2501 histbuff@garlic.com
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

This is a letter to our friends –

Election evidence

Have you noticed that the left never answers 2020 election questions with specifics? Rather, they claim there is no creditable evidence, or all 50 or more Cases Trump filed have failed. Next, they attempt to intimidate us with charges we want to overturn a valid election. Well, I am interested in finding the truth so that I / we can have confidence in future elections.

Trump just spoke at CPAC. It was his first since January 6. He gave state legislators a check list of objectives for election security. A single day to vote was first on the list of commonsense suggestions. Trump pointed out that the Constitution clearly grants each state legislature authority to make election law for their state. In 2020 several states made last minute changes in election law – by judges, state officials, even bureaucrats!

I Googled “Navarro report”. The first thing that came up – “White House Advisor Peter Navarro Releases Dubious Voter Fraud Report
Joe Walsh Forbes Staff

“TOPLINE White House trade advisor Peter Navarro is the latest Trump administration staffer to publicly back up the president’s baseless voter fraud claims, publishing a report Thursday that claims widespread irregularities may have stolen last month’s election from President Trump – but the report hinges on debunked allegations that have largely been rejected when raised in court, and one nonpartisan ethics watchdog criticized Navarro for writing it.

“KEY FACTS Navarro, an economist who heads the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy and has no clear background in election issues, released the report Thursday afternoon and organized a virtual press conference to discuss it. It walks through what Navarro called “six dimensions of election irregularities” and suggests swing states won by President-elect Joe Biden were tinged by pervasive fraud, an effort Navarro speculated (without evidence) was coordinated. …”

“Dubious report, baseless claims, debunked allegations”, are not supported with examples. Just sayin’ it don’t make it so! On the other hand, Mr. Navarro supports the numbers in his report with their source.

You can find the report at NavarroReport.com

Also – I just came across LindellTV.com – Check it out for updates.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09
See www.ACHStudyGroups.com
“Ben’s Blog”

2021-02-28 Election evidence Read More »

2021-02-25 Biblical principles of government

ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916-722-2501 histbuff@garlic.com
Thursday, February 25, 2021

This is a letter to our friends –

Seven Biblical principles of government

Rosalie Slater, Cofounder of, “Foundation for American Christian Education” (FACE), wrote about seven Biblical principles in her book, “Teaching and Learning America’s Christian History”. In my book, “Principles of American Government” (FACE.net/PAG), I paraphrased and expounded upon them.

INDIVIDUALTY – God makes no duplicates. Everything has its own identity and purpose(s). Each continent has unique boundaries, climate, and topography. Arnold Guyot (1807 – 1884), a geographer, named the thee southern continents the continents of nature (plant life, animal life, antiquity). He named the northern ones “the Continent of Origins”, “the Continent of Development”, “the Finest Example of Christian Civilization”.

SELF-GOVERNMENT — Without individuality there would be no “self” to govern, It is a law if nature – As the quality of internal S-G decreases, external government-of-self will increase. Increasing the internal quality of self-government is only possible with Christ’s help.

QUALITY CHARACTER — “Quality” requires a standard by which to measure character. I choose the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. If there is a better standard, I agree in advance to adopt it.

PRIVATE PROPERTY — Without quality character we will not be good stewards of our property. We have as much property in our rights as we have rights to our property. “Conscience is our most sacred of all property” [James Madison]

AMERICAN FORM — Ours is the first government to incorporate: Representation; Separation of powers; Federalism, into one system. All three are Biblical principles.

LOCAL AUTHORITY — The quality of corporate self-government will determine the quality of family-, community-, state=, and

LIBERTY — Our individual and corporate liberty rest upon these principles. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is – There is liberty.” [2 Corinthians 3:17]

Learning these basic principles, Biblically, historically, and governmentally (logically), enables you to easily know and defend what is true and correct. Teach them at every level, expanding the scope and depth each time.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09
See www.ACHStudyGroups.com
“Ben’s Blog”

2021-02-25 Biblical principles of government Read More »

2021-02-21 Church and government

ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916-722-2501 histbuff@garlic.com
Monday, February 22, 2021

This is a letter to our friends –

Church and government

In the Bible I find only three human organizations that God created and through which He dealt: Family, Church, State. Nothing exists without a set of rules
to govern it. The family is the building block of every civilization. We call the “vertical” relationship between man (generic) and God, “Church”. We call the “horizontal” relationship between man and man, “State”.

Each of these three organizations must be governed. To be “governed” is to be: Directed, Regulated, Controlled, Restrained. There are two sets of laws to govern each of the three human organizations: “The laws of nature, and [the laws] of nature’s God”. Natural law is discovered by observation and reason; Revealed law (the Bible) is learned by study and prayer. Revealed law is infinitely more reliable than Natural law, because human observation and human reason are imperfect,. Natural law once said the world is flat. Man was misinterpreting the data. Because they come from the same source, Natural law, rightly discerned, and Revealed law will never be in conflict.

Consider the Bible’s “10 Commandments”. The first four are “vertical: No gods before Me; No graven images; Do not take My name in vain; Honor the sabbath. The last six are “Horizontal”: Honor your parents: Do not lie; Do not steal; Do not commit adultery; Do not give false witness; Do not covet. If everyone obeyed just these ten laws, things would go well!

Another name for “horizontal” laws between man and man is “Civil Government”. The Bible teaches that we should honor mam-made civil laws that do not violate Bible law.

Christ was asked for the most important of the laws. He replied, “Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength (i.e. love vertically) – and – love your neighbor as you love yourself (i.e. love horizontally),” America is the first nation in human history to have been created upon such Biblical principles by her own citizens.

The cross of Christ is both vertical and horizontal. I believe a church that is not teaching its members about Biblical principles of government is leaving them vulnerable to the enemies of liberty. Liberty is both evangelical and political. 1

1 Rosalie Slater

These columns are archived since 12/10/09
See www.ACHStudyGroups.com
“Ben’s Blog”

2021-02-21 Church and government Read More »

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: https://www.mykeeper.com/profile/BenGilmore/