
Willful Ignorance

–By Ben Gilmore

We don’t know that we don’t know, what we MUST know.

Willful ignorance.” – Rush Limbaugh reports 3 million fewer Republicans voted this year than voted for McCain / Palin. Franklin Graham (Billy Graham’s son) reports that a great portion of evangelical Christians failed to vote in either 2008 or 2012.

The result – Registered Republicans, or evangelical Christians (the two groups overlap some), either group, of those who chose NOT to vote, could have changed the Presidential outcome.

There is a culture war against “conservatism” (dealing in proven principle and letting results take care themselves) and “Christianity”. These are the only groups that stand in the way of a humanistic police state. They come from the same root, “The laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.

Is “willful ignorance” too strong a term? No it is not. Test for yourself at the next Republican meeting, or church next Sunday — Ask 5 people, “Would you like to learn about history and government?” Answers will, I predict, range from “I’d love to, but …”

1. “… I have taken a Constitution course.” (i.e. I already know all I need to know.)

2. “… I’m just too busy.” (i.e. I am free to do what I want – and I don’t want.)

3. “… Evangelicals should not get involved in politics.” (i.e. I don’t love my neighbor!)

4. “… I am focused upon Bible study and evangelism – not history and government.”

Regarding #4 – The Bible is a major history book! It is overflowing with principles of governing: self; family; church; and state.

Regarding #3 – The greatest law – “Love the Lord … and thy neighbor …” If you want the best for (i.e. love) your neighbor, you will help protect his “life, liberty, and property.”

Regarding #2 – I have discovered we are usually able to do what we really want to do. It is a case of priorities. Everything of value, has a price.

Regarding #1 – Our Constitution is the fruit of Biblical Principles of Government. If one is to defend the Constitution, one must learn and apply the principles upon which it rests.

No – We don’t know that we don’t know, what we MUST know – If we are to help restore what the hand of God has revealed about governing

All that to say this — Things are changing rapidly.   It may soon be illegal to teach true American history and Biblical principles of government.  We need to plant and preserve these precious “seeds” in the heart of every patriot.  — And most especially — in the heart of every willing teen.

Fran and I have been shouting from the housetops for over three decades.  Our “ACH Study Groups” events have earned enthusiastic responses from alums, like, “I have discovered a whole world of understanding, I did not know existed.”  Yet, in 3 decades, we can count only a thousand alums.

The alums, like ourselves, have seen eyes glaze over at the mention of history and government.

ACH currently offers three events: (see letterhead for our web site)

  • A 4-day 30-hour seminar, taught by three master teachers of History & Government.
  • A 3-month 30-hour online course (The 4-day seminar on steroids!).
  • A Friday-Saturday introduction to History & Government.

The 4-day seminar in June or July, 2013 needs a sponsoring organization that will do its best to produce at least 40 students.  That represents a major change in our 30 year-old tradition.  For three decades, we have asked these outstanding teachers to give up most of a week, travel from their homes, and face 4 X 12-hour days, while the tuition honoraria from small turnouts did not meet their expenses.

In recent years, ACH has enjoyed outstanding host facilities, for which we are most grateful.  The turnout however, has been from other than the host groups, and too small to cover expenses.  If there is no market, there is no need to offer the product.

The next 3-month online course begins on .  Students may choose 9AM or 6PM 75-minute classes (miss one, catch the other) on Monday and Wednesday.  Students commit to 5 X 1-hour personal study times per week.  Classes usually include both adults and teens.

The Introduction to History and Government event is scheduled upon request.

Ben Gilmore
[Contact Ben]

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More Situation Ethics

–By Ben Gilmore

“The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the legislators thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.” [U.S. Constitution. Article I, Section 3. June 21, 1788]

“Situation ethics” — Making choices in an effort to manipulate the results. The XVII Amendment [April 9, 1913] changed the original wording to, ” … elected by the people thereof …”

What is wrong with that change? It is a legal change according to the rules of amendment. “We the people” are the ultimate authority over the U.S. Government. So why do I say that change was situation ethics and not principle ethics?

The root problem appeared to the voters to be a loss of votive power which the founders had placed in the hands of each state legislature. The amendment placed power in the hands of the majority of voters at large in the state. Did that give the voters more votive power? No, they voted away their control of the U.S. Senate!

The change was focused upon the perceived disconnect of the Senate members from “We the people”. That was only the symptom. The cause was ignorance of the principle of federalism (sovereignty of both state and national government).

Look at the details. In California, we have 40 State Senators and 80 State Assemblymen. That is 120 legislators, each elected (by the people) from separate districts in California. Originally, our two U.S. Senators were answerable to those 120 lawmakers. In turn, those California lawmakers were answerable to their respective voters back home. Our state’s interests were equally represented among the other states in the U.S. Senate.

After the 17th Amendment (1913), each U.S. Senator was answerable to all the voters in California! Who has more influence over a U.S. Senator – 1 of 120 state legislators, or 1 of millions of voters? Before the amendment, Senators had to win the confidence of the legislators. After the amendment, they had to win confidence of millions. That takes money, lots and lots of it. Who will the winners represent – the State, or the source of the funds?

Our founders created the House of Representatives to represent “We the people”. The larger states (population) had more Representatives. They created the U.S. Senate to represent the interests of their respective sovereign states.

Why was that important? If we eliminated the U.S. Senate and had only the House of Representatives, the few largest state delegations, (say New York, California, Illinois) would dominate the legislature in Washington, D.C. and Rhode Island, Nevada, and Delaware citizens would have no effective vote. The national government would grow ever bigger and the state governments and their regional interests would grow ever weaker.

Had the people learned the sound principles debated and understood by our founders, our state and national governments would be far healthier than they are today. Such principles are seldom understood by citizens today. Why is that?

I believe those opposed to our founding principles have found ways to “dumb down” our education system. They have applied the principle that, “mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves …” [Declaration of Independence -1776]

The solution — What is done is done! Until we learn again those founding principles, we are ill equipped to repair and restore our ship of state. Having mastered sound principles of American government, there are many areas you may apply them.

On the other hand – Ignorant activism is more dangerous than apathy! Take an ACH course , or one like it!

For His-story & Government!!!

Ben Gilmore
ACH Study Groups

[Contact Ben]

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Patriotism is Not Enough!

–By Ben Gilmore

We have lots of apathetic patriots! The easiest course is to do nothing!

After reading this – go to the website and become part of the 100 member class! If you can not get away 4 days next week why not send a teen!

YOU need to be there! Your kids and grand kids need to be there!


Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way you can understand
them. This quote came from the Czech Republic . Someone over there has it
figured out. We have a lot of work to do.

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of
entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to
limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the
necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to
have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more
serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming
the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of
fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama,
who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude
of fools such as those who made him their president.”

Fran responded with these golden words words:

“This is so true. Part of the problem is that Americans no longer know their heritage. We no longer teach in school the biblical principles that God established, based on His word, in this nation. Instead, the “fools” are like Esau who was willing to sell his birthright for a bowl of stew. Ben and I have dedicated our lives to teaching these principles. Love you all, Fran”


Class begins at 9am a week from tomorrow – Bring someone and join us!


Ben & Fran Gilmore,
ACH Co-founders.

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American History & Government Study Seminar, June 23 – 26, 2010

–By Ben Gilmore

The following letter just arrived from a dear friend.

To Whom This May Concern:

I am writing this to anyone who might be considering taking the ACH Seminar. I took the class as an adult several years ago and found it to be most enlightening in so many ways.

It caused me to fall in love with American History for the first time. I would so like to see this course taught in our public schools at every grade level. This is probably not going to happen although I believe that nothing is impossible with God. For this reason I would recommend that you consider taking the course for yourself and also make certain that your children have the benefit of learning the truth about our awesome American History.

What it did for me, was cause me to grow in patriotism. It gave me a great hunger to get informed concerning what was taking place in the political arena. Today I am actively supporting candidates I believe in, who share my Christian political views. I have always voted, but now I feel my votes are made with greater understanding, after having done my homework.

Now I feel that I am the very best American I can be. And that is a very good feeling.

With Fondness, Claudia Bonfante

What more is there to add! Please take this invitation seriously!
Ben & Fran Gilmore, Co-Founders, ACH Study Groups

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Significant Moments in His-Story

–By Ben Gilmore

Boston Tea Party

December 7th (Pearl Harbor) was such a moment for America. 9/11 was another. These are dates when major changes in momentum and direction took place for America. I guess you could say that all moments in His-story are significant. “Big doors swing on little hinges!”

One of the things that make tomorrow (Sunday March 21st, 2010) one of those “moments” will never show in the media. I believe there is more focused prayer being sent Heavenward from Americans, than at any time in my 80 years. Those who know Jewish history are familiar with the times when things reached a point that enough members of a society prayed for divine help – and it was granted.

At issue tomorrow, is godliness vs. ungodliness. Liberty is as evangelical as it is political. Are we to be a nation (society) governed by laws that reflect and protect our liberty? – or – Are we to be a nation (society) governed by force and manipulation?

By the time most of you read this, tomorrow’s political events in Washington D.C. will have taken place. I wish to speak to the alternatives. “Pundits” for either side will be busy putting their own “spins” to the results. My council remains unchanged. [Faith & confidence]

If the tide supports what appears to be a treasonous administration, enhanced by a significant portion of the legislature, there appears to be little to avoid chaos. The root question will be, “Do we bow to tyranny and forsake our pretense of liberty?” Apathy (inaction) and ignorance (of the principles that make our system of government work) caused this problem. There will be a danger of rushing out the other side into angry anarchy (uncontrolled rebellion).

If the tide goes against the administration, there will be a renewed sense of confidence in the system and an enhanced momentum focused upon returning our ship of state to its intended course. Following the “Boston Tea Party” Samuel Adams wrote, “You cannot imagine the height of joy that sparks in the eyes and animates the countenances as well as the hearts of all we meet on this occasion.” Those who oppose principles of American government have been doing everything they can to prevent a sense of victory. Both camps have taken Sunday’s events for a showdown.

“Success” also carries its share of dangers. After the Boston Tea Party, the colonists remained active. “Apathy” was not a problem! Those colonists were not “ignorant” of the principles that were inspiring them. I fear we are.

Should the good guys win tomorrow (I expect that to happen!), “ignorance and apathy” remain our foes. For several generations, we have not learned our history, or the fundamental principles that make us a great nation. Without those proven principles, our efforts to repair and rebuild will be futile. Further, we must be careful not to take credit for answered prayer. That belongs to heaven. We must remain actively involved, as He directs, and not drift again into inaction.

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Regarding Pennsylvania

From Bill Federer’s American Minute:
(reposted by permission)

26-year-old William Penn received from King Charles II the charter to Pennsylvania on MARCH 10, 1681, as repayment of a debt owed to his deceased father Admiral Sir William Penn, who captured Jamaica and defeated the Dutch navy.

A student at Oxford, William Penn was expelled for having his own prayer services in his dorm room instead of attending the Anglican chapel.

Penn converted to Quakerism and was imprisoned in the Tower of London.

His colony was a “holy experiment” for persecuted Europeans, one of the few original colonies to accept Mennonites, Amish, Catholics and Jews.

Emphasizing his plan of Christian tolerance, William Penn named the city “Philadelphia,” Greek for “Brotherly Love.”

History records that since William Penn insisted on treating the Delaware Indians honestly, paying a fair sum for the land, his city of Philadelphia was spared the Indian attacks and scalpings that other colonial settlements experienced.

Before arriving, William Penn wrote to the Delaware chiefs:

“My Friends, There is one…God…and He hath made…the king of the country where I live, give…unto me a great province therein, but I desire to enjoy it with your…consent, that we may always live together as…friends.”

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: https://www.mykeeper.com/profile/BenGilmore/