Ben Gilmore

Mr. Gilmore, whose papers have had nationwide distribution, is also involved in education. The Principles of America’s true history and government are incorporated into his newspaper column. He and his wife founded ACH Study Groups and Parent Educators’ Resource Center, supplementing the efforts of home educators, As a staff member of Youth With a Mission, he and his family have been around the world. He is also active in local government, having been nominated several times for legislative office.

2020-02-26 Socialism & Republicanism

ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
February 26, 2020

This is a letter to our friends –

Socialism & Republicanism

U.D. Roberts of Columbus, Georgia is an accomplished political historian.

Recently he circulated an article discussing party differences in 1908.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09
“Ben’s Blog”

2020-02-26 Socialism & Republicanism Read More »

2020-02-13 Term Limits

ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621

February 13, 2020

This is a letter to our friends –

Term Limits

The first time I recall hearing about term limits was after Franklin D. Roosevelt had just won his 3rd term as President. Congress set a Constitutional Amendment and the people ratified it. A President may now only serve 2 terms.

George Washington created a tradition by choosing to serve only two terms. All others followed it until Roosevelt. BTW – He died in his 3rd term.

Why do people want term limits? Most, I believe, would respond, “Once in office, the incumbent has advantages over challengers. Often, it is the only way to get them out of office!” In other words, “The voters are voting dumb!”

We have term limits now and (apparently) people are still voting dumb! Just look at California state politics!

Think about this – Do you want someone telling you who you may not vote for in the next election? That is what term limits do. Suppose you have a gifted legislator who is doing a great job and is term limited out.

Unintended consequences – When a new man arrives in office he must find a staff that can show him the ropes. About the time he is experienced he is termed out. By default, a corps of experienced, unelected staffers end up making most of the decisions!

If “voting dumb” is the problem, then raising the standards of the voters is the solution. “Oh”, you respond, “but that is too hard.” We have a lot more support going for us than the colonials in the 1800’s. We have the Declaration, the Constitution and 200 years of experience in “self-governing”.

What we need, that the colonials had, is a better understanding of how reliable Biblical principles apply to all aspects of life; government, education, sports, economics, family, …. .

Adult education is important for today. There are hundreds of groups shouting from the housetops (like this one). Youth education in reliable principles is vital if there is ever to be a corps of leaders to guide our ship of state in future years. I hope every reader will watch for opportunities to support principle approach schools.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09
“Ben’s Blog”

2020-02-13 Term Limits Read More »

2020-02-05 What just happened

ACH Study Groups
Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders
7659 Gingerblossom Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
February 5, 2020

This is a letter to our friends –

What just happened?

Fifty-one of 100 U.S. Senators voted that President Trump is not guilty of Nancy Pelosi’s
First Article of Impeachment.

Fifty two of 100 U.S. Senators voted that President Trump is not guilty of Nancy Pelosi’s Second Article of Impeachment.

Please answer this question for yourself. Should any one of the 435 Representatives in the House of Representatives (House) be allowed to bring Impeachment charges against the President of the United States to the Senate for trial? How about the Speaker of the House alone? How about the Speaker and one or two of her many House Committees?

NO ! – The sole power of Impeachment belongs to the whole House. The whole House has yet to vote on Impeachment! When a House Committee demanded documents and testimony from the President and his staff he said, “No”. Then he sent a letter stating that the House must vote as a whole to give that authority to someone before he would honor their requests.

Ms Pelosi claimed he used his office to impede the House’s Impeachment investigation (Second Impeachment Article). I never heard the House Managers answer that point. Thus – It appears to me that everything that followed was without Constitutional authority. The majority of the House members (all Democrats) gave it false credibility by their silence. The U. S. Senate gave it false credibility by accepting the articles as valid. The Chief Justice gave it false credibility by presiding.

The President had no choice but to send his defense team. (Who featured the false credibility as their very first defense.)
The other (First) Impeachment Article is answered in like manner. Is a possibly corrupt candidate automatically immune from investigation because he is a candidate? The Democrats have consistently avoided that question by twisting the issue to claim Trump is self-serving by investigating corruption.

A good man, President Trump, has been and is being terribly slandered.
These columns are archived since 12/10/09
“Ben’s Blog”

2020-02-05 What just happened Read More »

2020-01-18 Choose you this day

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


January 18, 2020

This is a letter to our friends –

“Choose you this day whom you will serve.”

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom you will serve!” [Joshua 24:15]

Joshua was right on! Only a fool would serve other than the God of the Bible. What does that service involve? Certainly it involves focusing upon the gospel (“Good News”). There are many collections of colonial sermons. A large group of them are called “Election Sermons”.

During election times the politicians would receive instruction from the pulpit about their Biblical responsibility with civil authority. The Bible teaches about God’s law of liberty in every part of the human adventure.

Shepherds are answerable for informing their flock. The Lord’s enemies have persuaded many of them that current events are “outside” the church responsibility.

If you are someone who wants to do something, but don’t know what you can do – here is an idea.

Ask your pastor to write a letter on church stationary to each local candidate for Congress or state legislature. (That way the church is not playing favorites.) Invite them to attend any Sunday worship service. Tell them – If they will give their card to an usher at the beginning of the service – they will be invited forward at the close of the service to introduce themselves and answer a few questions from the congregation.

I have seen this done. It is informative to many who may never have met candidates. Some candidates will be uncomfortable presenting themselves before a congregation. That too is informative!

The year of 2020 is a year of Spiritual Battle for the soul of our nation. Every one of us can do something. What will you answer when your grandchildren ask, “What did you do in that battle?”

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2020-01-18 Choose you this day Read More »

2019-12-28 Realy good news !

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


December 28, 2019

This is a letter to our friends –

Realy good news !

Colonel Buzz Patterson, has filed for Congress in my Congressional District #7. I am excited about it because he will defeat a hard liberal democrat, Ami Bera.

Buzz, a solid, principled Republican, has an impressive resume. You can read about him in Google.

Please mark your calendars Tuesday, January 14th at 6PM.

Fran and I are hosting a “Meet and Greet” neighborhood event in our home. Naturally every candidate needs money. Those of you in CD-7 are encouraged to do what you can. Those on this list outside CD-7 should support your local candidate, if you have a worthy one, else I invite you to support Buzz Patterson.

Just as important as money is name recognition. That is what this and future efforts will focus upon. When elected Buzz will help drain the swamp and plant some fruit trees where the swamp used to be. If we were hosting Tom McClintock or Donald Trump we might easily draw an impressive crowd. That is not likely to happen. Soooooo – We need your help in making this event helpful to the Buzz Patterson campaign. Help us help him.

No matter where you live, if you can manage some way to be here at 6 PM Tuesday Jan 14th make it happen! Bring a friend and do something for American liberty. (Please see the letterhead for our contact information. An RSVP w/b appreciated but not required.)

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2019-12-28 Realy good news ! Read More »

2019-12-11 Democracy & Republic

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


December 13, 2019

This is a letter to our friends –

Democracy & Republic

DEMOC̵´RACY, n. [Gr. δημοκρατια; δημος, people, and κρατεω, to possess, to govern.]

Government by the people; a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation. Such was the government of Athens. [Webster’s 1828 Dictionary]

REPUB´LIC̵, n. [L. respublica; res and publica; public affairs.]

1. A commonwealth; a state in which the exercise of the sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by the people. In modern usage, it differs from a democracy or democratic state, in which the people exercise the powers of sovereignty in person. Yet the democracies of Greece are often called republics. [Webster’s 1828 Dictionary]

In a democracy the lawmaking, executive, and judicial power is in the hands of the people collectively. “One man – one vote” – think – majority rule. Another way to name it – “Mob Rule”. All the citizens get together and debate the issues and then vote.

Human nature is what it is. Large bodies are easily swayed by emotion. The ultimate democracy is a lynch mob – only one citizen objects! Two wolves and a lamb vote on what to eat!

When does a democracy work? It works in small groups of voters. A New England town meeting for example. Suppose the town’s well runs dry. The citizens meet and discuss the expense of drilling a new well. All use the well. They vote that the expense is to be shared equally.

There is no way the widow Jones with her 10 children can afford the water tax. It is a good town. Without much being said, her share is covered by others. But, suppose I am wrong. The Jones family must have water. Every time those who voted, walk by her home and see the kids going without shoes so they can have water, they are aware of the unintended results of their majority vote. Democracy in a small group is self-policing.

If a voting body gets too large the citizens are unaware of the unintended consequences. America’s founders understood that and tried to distribute authority among smaller groups.

They built our civil-government upon republics. The President is elected by representatives of (then) 13 States. Each State in turn was to be a Republic. The House of Representatives was composed of men who were elected by (then) small Congressional districts. The U.S. Senators were elected by (then) their State Legislatures. California has 120 lawmakers. New Hampshire as 400 in their State House of Representatives! The Supreme Court Justices are confirmed by our 100 U.S. Senators.

Who is even to know about the widow Jones if the “well question” is handled by all the voters in the county or state? Can you see the tyranny of the majority in large democracies?

Republics are better designed to protect the issues of the minority.

In 1928 we passed the 17th Amendment. Since then, U.S. Senators are elected by all the citizens of their state. There are 39 million people in California, 25 million of them are eligible to vote, about 20 million voted. California’s U.S. Senators must win around 10 million citizen’s votes. Before the 17th amendment they must win 90 legislator’s votes.

Think about it – Which alternative creates the best representation for the concerns of California? How significant does that make your vote for your State legislators?

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2019-12-11 Democracy & Republic Read More »

2019-12-03 Isaiah 33-22

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


December 3, 2019

This is a letter to our friends –

Isaiah 33:22

“For the Lord is our judge,

the Lord is our lawgiver,

the Lord is our king;

He will save us.”

The news, these days, is filled with distortions.

One of them is something called “Separation of Powers”. Let’s begin with job descriptions.

* “The Lord is our Judge.” He decides good and bad as measured by a standard.
* “The Lord is our Law-Giver.” He creates the standards (laws). * “The Lord is our King.” He is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

You use these functions many times each day. Before getting out of bed, you plan your day. I.e. You make the rules for the day. – “Legislate”.

Then you carry out your plans. I.e. you “Execute” your plan.

At the end of your day you evaluate the events relative to the plan. I.e. You “Judge” the results.

America’s founders built this concept into our Constitution. The national government has three departments – Legislative, Executive, Judicial – with similar job descriptions. Congress makes the laws – “legislates”. The President enforces (carry out) the laws. The Supreme Court determines whether the laws and the execution are within the rules set by the Constitution.

This is illustrated by an equilateral triangle with its corners erased. Label each leg with a department (L, E, J). NOW THE NEXT STEP IS IMPORTANT! Please take time to think it through.

Take any two legs and assume both jobs were in one man’s hand. See that the third department would have no authority. If the President could write the laws, he could make anything legal. The court would be out of a job.

Each department MUST be independent of the other two. Each department must defend that independence. This is the core of the “check & balance” system. Further, the Constitution gives the legislature authority to limit the jurisdiction of the court. The court can declare a law unconstitutional. The President can veto a law. The legislature can impeach a president.

Each department has equal authority. The legislature has the authority to investigate, impeach, and try the President. It is my opinion the president has the authority to deny access to executive department staff if he chooses. I.e. Congress and the President have no authority over one another. The President need not cooperate with congressional investigations. Congress has no authority to demand cooperation from the executive department.

On another topic that will soon be in the news – – I have written before on this too. “We the people” are the people of the States United. The President is elected by delegations from each sovereign State. He is not the president of the people, he is the President of the United States.

I.e. the States United.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2019-12-03 Isaiah 33-22 Read More »

2019-12-03 His-Story

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


December 3, 2019January 30, 2020

This is a letter to our friends –


If you have wanted an easy way to learn TRUE history – “American Minute” is the answer! Bill Federer puts out an e-mail post every day. It is a free subscription. A short daily read will soon teach you more important history than most Americans ever learn today! I archive them and use them for research and reference.

This is the first fund raising post I have seen in a decade.

I enthusiastically endorse Bill’s “American Minute” posts.


P.S. Let’s picture planting fruit trees where the swamp used to be!

Please consider Gift to spread American Minute

American Minute reaches thousands of people every day, but we could be reaching thousands more!

Pulitzer Prize winning historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., wrote in “Folly’s Antidote” (New York Times, January 1, 2007):

“History is to the nation as memory is to the individual.

… As persons deprived of memory become disoriented and lost, not knowing where they have been and where they are going,

so a nation denied a conception of the past will be disabled in dealing with its present and its future.”

Help us reach more people!

Please consider a gift to spread the American Minute.

Harvard Professor George Santayana wrote in Reason in Common Sense (Vol. I of The Life of Reason, 1905):

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Together, we can educate the next generation so they will not repeat the errors of the past!

Thank you for considering a gift to help spread the American Minute.

God bless you!

Bill Federer

P.O. Box 60442

Fort Myers, FL 33906

America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations

Click here to contribute. Thank you!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2019-12-03 His-Story Read More »

2019-11-06 Traditions worth keeping

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


November 6, 2019

This is a letter to our friends –

Traditions worth keeping

Each year about this time, we post a copy of the poem, ” Pilgrim Fathers” by the late Larry Wagner. This heart-touching text teaches important history to kids (and their parents). It is a great tradition to have read at the Thanksgiving table. If you can gather small seashells to hold 5 cornels of corn at each place it adds to the impact. – –

Pilgrim Fathers

By Larry Wagner
November 1984

The second harvest gathered since they crossed Atlantic waters,

A feast of thankfulness was set by grateful Pilgrim Fathers:

So great the providence of God, so blest with fruit their labors,

So sweet the bond among their band, such peace with Indian neighbors.

But most among the feasting crowd could count harsh years of toil.

Of wand’ring for their faith in God, of want on alien soil,

Of flagging hopes and faith, bad health, of chills that hell could send.

Of half their number that had died before first winter’s end.

Of hunger pangs that second year in their New Plymouth home,

Of weeks when all they ate a day was five small grains of corn.

A few remembered treasures lost, titles cast aside,

But all could measure conscience cost in tears and trampled pride.

Oh, at this feast could they foresee their blessed future years?

That nevermore would they know want, nor run from any fears!

Then after prayers of gratitude, before the feast was set,

Each plate was served five grains of corn, lest anyone forget!

A noble band in hardship born, rejected by their own,

A rock flung o’re the ocean, they were laid a corner stone.

By them God stamped His pattern for a nation on the land,

And seeds for freedom under God were planted by their hand.

Oh, pray their heirs would ever know how dear was freedom’s cost,

And know to hold their faith and freedom dear, or see them lost,

And praise the Providence that brought those Pilgrims to this shore,

And eat the grains of memory, or pay the price once more.

Another Gilmore tradition is the Bonfire and Christmas Sing-along at our son’s home. Guy & Linda mailed the following open invitation. This is truly a wonderful evet. Please mark your calendars and join us if you can.

Please Join Us

For: The Gilmores’ 26th Annual Bonfire & Christmas Carol Sing-along

Where: 389 Gold Hill Rd. Newcastle, CA 95658
When: Sat Dec 14th at 7:00 P.M.
What to bring: A snack to share, chairs, a flashlight, warm clothes, and a friend or neighbor.

RSVP for directions
Guy (916) 899-7770
Linda (916) 899-4535

Hope you can join us as we celebrate Jesus’ birth. _
(The true meaning of Christmas)_

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2019-11-06 Traditions worth keeping Read More »

2019-10-31 All Christians are sinners

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


October 31, 2019

This is a letter to our friends –

All Christians are sinners!

And so is everyone else. The difference is that Christians have requested and received forgiveness and grace from Jesus Christ. In my teen years I thought I was a Christian. After all, I was an American and I went to church on Sunday!

The day after my High School Senior prom, I was walking across the George Washington Bridge in New York City, with a letter in my pocket that said I could enroll at Rice in Houston, Texas. I was about to hitch-hike there and earn enough in the summer to pay the bill in the fall.

Halfway across the bridge it occurred to me that I was scared. Someone had said, “When you are scared – pray.” That is the first time I recall praying. The result – I beat bus and train time to Texas, landed a job on campus with a salary and free room in the dorm, plus another in a large restaurant across the street with a salary and free food!

At that point I knew there was a God. I sent Him a shopping list and He sent a bag of goods.! Looking back, I can see how He arranged things in my life adventure, while He waited for me to learn. God is very patient (apparently!). He protected me in flight school and combat in Korea. He opened doors to finish college, graduate school, and several careers.

In Fremont, California (1964), we happened to attend a Baptist church. The Pastor said, “Remember three things: The Bible is the word of God; Jesus is who the Bible says He is; All the tings He said are true.” I had tried to read the Bible. It was dull and boring. I had no idea what Jesus said, “Help old ladies across the street? Don’t mess with your neighbor’s wife?”

About that time the Holy Spirit peeled me naked like a banana! It dawned on me that I had never even thanked God for His provision and protection! I walked to the foot of the cross, took the bag that was my life and dumped it out there. I felt much cleaner. As I stood up, I scooped a few things back into the bag that only God and I knew about.

Life was good! Someone rewrote the Bible, it came alive! I could not get enough. The life adventure went into high gear! Now and then I would be slammed into a wall. I asked, “Why God?” He pointed to the (almost) empty bag. Finally, I dumped it out and threw the bag in as well. – Hyperdrive!!!

“Dumping it all in” does not come easy! It requires confessing your sin to those you have sinned against, being of no reputation, and asking forgiveness. That was the most frightening and difficult thing in my life! The blood of Christ will not cover that which man will not uncover!

When I was harboring secret sin, I was discovering that I could not turn away from it in my own strength. It had to be a corporate effort with Christ and me. He could not do it alone and neither could I. I was wishing someone would “call me out” on it.

Well friend, I am calling you out! Pornography and lust (straight and homosex) appear to be the most often mentioned in Scripture. Are you willing, with Christ’s help, to hate the things God hates? America’s churches and America’s government are in desperate need of hyperdrive Christians!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2019-10-31 All Christians are sinners Read More »

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: