Ben Gilmore

Mr. Gilmore, whose papers have had nationwide distribution, is also involved in education. The Principles of America’s true history and government are incorporated into his newspaper column. He and his wife founded ACH Study Groups and Parent Educators’ Resource Center, supplementing the efforts of home educators, As a staff member of Youth With a Mission, he and his family have been around the world. He is also active in local government, having been nominated several times for legislative office.

2018-04-11 True Education

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


April 11, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –

True Education

God’s hand is often at work behind the scenes. Launched in the 1960’s, FACE (The Foundation for American Cristian Education) has been a prime force in preserving and teaching our great heritage. Every parent needs to read this article by FACE Director, Dr. Carole Adams.

…the largest single mission field in the entire world is America’s public schools.
A former public school teacher

Dear Friend,

Learning is possibly the most powerful force in the life of a child. The nature of teaching forms not just the intellect but the heart, the character and the learner’s worldview.

Teachers shape the nation.

A straight line can be drawn between American schools and the decline of American culture. By excluding God from our classrooms, government-imposed secular teaching in public schools over several generations has resulted in the social and cultural decline we lament today.

We have previously mentioned the obvious fact: the longer a student spends in America’s public schools, the more he learns to hate America. Why? Here are just four possible reasons:

1. Socialism is taught as the superior economic system
Capitalism is portrayed as the evil impoverishment of people. This distorts the reality that capitalism has lifted millions out of poverty and created the greatest wealth of any economic system ever managed by fallen humans.

2. Social engineering is taught as a means of controlling society
Teachers are trained to “evangelize” their students with the latest trends in social engineering instead of supporting the Biblical idea of the family as the core of our society, upholding Christian character and self-government.

3. “Progressive” curriculum indoctrination
Students are taught to believe that all forms of government, and the type of culture they construct, are of equal value replacing the Christian idea that reveres life, upholds liberty and protects property.

4. Distortion of American history
American history is twisted to serve the current social trends, or banished as completely irrelevant, leaving our children ignorant of the wisdom of valuing the principles that make them free.

The full impact of education is generational. Government controlled schools create cultural chaos and become the disseminators of “progressive” education that was initiated in the early 20th century by individuals like John Dewey who said, “There is no god and there is no soul… Hence, there is no need for the props of traditional religion… for fixed and natural law or permanently moral absolutes.” Thus, the seeds of socialism were sown.

However, problems present opportunities. As an American Christian, your support of the work of the Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE) is vital, not only because we identify these problems, but because we address these problems from the sound foundation of Biblical reasoning.

Bringing back true education

In plain view, we can point to undeniable evidence of the time-tested remedy for American education—a return to our heritage of Christian liberty, character and self-government through the doorway of the classroom.

Now, an opportunity to reverse the direction of American education is within our reach. How? By bringing back true education, simply stated, by returning to the quality of education that built our nation.

The good news is that a grand reversal is happening in homes, schools and churches where parents are taking back their responsibility. Once again American parents, patriots and pastors are embracing the idea of America—taking responsibility for one’s own. And it is the Biblical mandate to every Christian. They are discovering the beauty and power of true education to rebuild the nation.

The Principle Approach® model: true education

FACE has the means to enable the restoration of American schools to their original quality and intent—to sustain and perpetuate the Biblical principles that built our nation through Christian education. History proves the impact of authentic American education and provides the model for today that we know as the Principle Approach—the principles that stand alone as the very foundation of American political union.

Recently, I received a letter from two former public school teachers admonishing us to pay attention to “the largest single mission field in the entire world”—America’s public schools. This couple learned and embraced the Principle Approach early in their careers and found a way to implement it in their public school classrooms:

As Christians, we never abused our privilege in working with our students …I learned that there are basically only two things a public school teacher cannot do, namely, lead students in prayer and promote one religious faith over another…the principles stand alone as the very foundation of our American political union and traditional way of life… Christian public school teachers, properly schooled in the Principle Approach to education, have within their sphere of influence, the latitude, in most situations, to harmonize the principles with their district’s curriculum in their own individual classrooms.

What wisdom and hope this statement brings! It is a clarion call to all of us! Dare we imagine a new generation of public and Christian school teachers equipped with the principles of true education, unleashed to once again restore to our children their birthright of liberty?

Because the Principle Approach is a method of reasoning from principles, we underscore the urgent opportunity for rebuilding the nation through the training of Christian teachers in public schools. FACE is redoubling efforts to reach those teachers and parents with the joy and liberty of true education.

We support and equip thousands of Christian schools, home schools, churches, pastors and patriots who work daily to reverse the direction of education in America by publishing, preserving, safeguarding and training in the knowledge and tools needed to restore the principles of Christian self-government to our nation. Will you partner with us to:

  • Teach the Principle Approach to teachers and parents to distinguish true education from the many counterfeits and to communicate its qualities to others
  • Cultivate and nurture Principle Approach schools in churches and homes across the nation by making available training and The Noah Plan® curriculum
  • Identify through our Lessons in Liberty series, speakers that contrast false philosophies and their cultural applications with Biblical principles
  • Maintain the Hall-Slater Library, preserving nearly 12,000 volumes of original sources of American education and the primary sources of the Christian history of the U.S. Constitution for use by teachers, researchers, historians and writers
  • Publish the only existing dictionary that supports Biblical worldview reasoning, the facsimile edition of the original 1828 Noah Webster American Dictionary of the English Language

What will you choose for our future?

Our study of history teaches us that various political power-grabbers built their control of a nation by teaching children. Vladimir Lenin famously said, Give me four years to teach your children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted… give us the child for eight years and it will be a Bolshevik (the future Communist party) forever.

Contrast that with a Biblical worldview. Jesus said, Let the children come to Me, and do not stop them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.

Why do we wonder what has happened to our nation? The responsibility is clear.

It is imperative that American Christians own up to their neglect and take up the God-given duty to properly educate children. Repentance means reversing this evil blight upon our nation and reclaiming for Christ what is rightfully His—the children.

Will you partner with us to build on the momentum and vision of changing America that currently inspires our nation? Educating our children to ensure their future and preserve the posterity of our nation is the most important step to preserve our future.

Your gift of $250, $100, $50 or any amount will help us continue this important work, supporting those in leadership that teach and prepare America’s most important resource, the next generation. Help us provide a means for many individuals to attend workshops, receive intensive training and mentoring in how to provide a true education for children, supporting the process of restoring to Americans their heritage of liberty through learning.

For your gift of $100 or more, I would like to send you a copy of our newest publication Nation Makers: the Art of Self-Government. This volume is a study of the very principles that should be taught in every school nationwide, as well as our churches and homes. It holds the secret for America to endure as a self-governing nation.

Thank you for your most generous gift today. It is truly appreciated and will be gratefully acknowledged.

It is possible to change the course of the current state of American education and with it a return to the most sacred ideals that built our nation. With God’s blessing and your prayers and gifts, we can reverse the tide of destruction. We anticipate great changes in 2018. Thank you!

For His Story,

Carole G. Adams

P.S. I would like to send a copy today of our recent publication Nation Makers: the Art of Self-Government for your gift of $100 or more. If every student had the opportunity to study from this book, our nation would “turn around, overnight”. Thank you for your commitment to help restore true education to our children.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-04-11 True Education Read More »

2018-03-26 Pryer & action

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


March 26, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –

Subject: CA Residents: Bethel Statement on CA Bills Regarding Sexuality & Gender

Dear California Residents and Friends of Bethel,

We want to share with you about some alarming upcoming legislation in the state of California. Within the past week, we have been made aware of three upcoming bills concerning same sex attraction and gender identity in children and nonminor dependents. You are receiving this email in an attempt to educate families and ministries connected across California that may be of like-mind on these issues. These bills are troubling to us. Therefore, we have made this uncommon step of broadcasting our concern and encouraging the faith-based community in California to research and contact your assembly members regarding these bills.

Bethel has submitted three formal letters (posted publicly at in opposition to AB 1779, AB 2943, and AB 2119. We encourage you to research these bills and act according to the Holy Spirit’s prompting to you. If you still live in the state of California and would like to engage with this issue, please join us by doing the following:

1. Contact the California Assembly Members by this coming Monday, March 26 and lodge your respectful opinion regarding these bills. A brief description of these bills, who to contact, and full instructions are at Sending written emails or scanned/faxed letters is most effective.

If sending an email or letter, a simple and effective statement is “My name is [FULL NAME], my address is [FULL ADDRESS]. I’m contacting you to voice my strong opposition against the proposed Assembly Bill [1779, 2943, or 2119].

2. Also, contact your local California Assembly Member and lodge your opinion regarding these bills. Click here to find out who your local representative is.

3. Share this information with friends or family in California. We also have additional resources such as direct links to the bills and relevant legislation, resources for contacting and engaging with Assembly Members, and other helpful information at Feel free to share this information on your social media sites or forward this email to those who may want to be aware and lend their voice.

4. Pray. If you do not live in the state of California, please pray for wisdom for the people of California and our elected officials.

Thank you very much for considering this request. We are grateful to live in this beautiful state where our opinion matters. We have a hope-filled anticipation for California and our prayers are that the Lord would continue to shine His favor on this land.


Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, and the Senior Leadership Team
Bethel Church
Redding, CA

P.S. As a 501(c)3 non-profit church and organization, Bethel does not endorse or advocate for any candidates running for local, state, or national offices per IRS guidelines. We are, however, permitted to speak out for or against legislation, as well as encourage people in their civic duties to speak up or vote on particular issues.

Learn More, Read Bills, Suggested Actions >

AB 1779 Relating to Sexual Orientation:
Proposed bill to ban mental health providers from assisting in sexual orientation change efforts for adults under a conservatorship or guardianship who express same sex attraction or gender dysphoria. The bill amends legislation that already prohibits mental health providers from any kind of effort to treat same sex attraction or gender dysphoria in children under the age of 18. (We oppose the bill and the existing legislation.)

AB 2943 Relating to Unlawful Business Practices:
Proposed bill to prohibit resources concerning treatment or ministry in order to reduce or eliminate same sex attraction or gender dysphoria. Essentially, conferences, counseling, teaching, books, or publications, where money is exchanged for the resource, would be prohibited.

AB 2119 Relating to Foster Care:
Proposed bill that mandates that any child in foster care expressing gender identity issues must only be provided counseling and medical services that affirm the gender identity that the child believes they have. Any professionally-guided exploration questioning that belief, or encouraging the child to embrace their biological gender would be prohibited.

Learn More, Read Bills, Suggested Actions >

You’re receiving this email because you were connected to Bethel in the past and may have been from California. For questions or changes, reply to this email or contact

Bethel Redding • 933 College View Dr • Redding, CA 96003

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-03-26 Pryer & action Read More »

201-03-23 The primary war

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


March 23, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –

The primary war

President Trump just signed the Omnibus spending bill. Every news outlet in the world will be discussing it this weekend. I predict there will be an all-out effort to produce conflict, anger, confusion and chaos. A political “perfect storm” is brewing. Wall street is unstable, trade war is threatening, our military is over-committed, “gun control” is demonstrating. We are hanging by a thread over global economic collapse caused by debt.

We must avoid the temptation to “go with the flow”. Keep your head when all about you are losing theirs. “Be still and know that I am God.” [Psalm 46:10] There will be strong efforts to stir emotion that overrules reason. Panic, anger, fear are tools to start stampedes.

The root of our danger is ignorance! We have been purposely dumbed down for at least the past 4 – 5 generations. Our society no longer has a fixed standard by which to measure right and wrong. Many give lip service to religion, but how many hate the things that God hates and honor the things that God honors.

On the other hand – Those who have made a religion out of rebelling against anything Godly are motivated and dedicated. They lie in wait for individuals who stand against ungodliness. Such a one becomes the target for vicious attack. It is a lot easier to be intimidated and sit down!

We have forgotten that our Creator-God stands with the righteous! We have not lost our faith, we have forgotten it! In the context of studying the hand of God in human history, I believe God intends to use America as a launching pad for a wave of righteousness that sweeps the south-west Pacific, the Indian sub-continent, and the Moslem world.

Further – I doubt He will allow such a thing until America is restored. Goldwater in the 1960’s then Reagan, the Bushes, bought time for an unseen army of intercessors to pray for forgiveness and restoration. Trump, I believe, is the next step in that movement.

The true source of God’s choosing mercy over justice lies in that army of intercessors. The swamp critters believe they have achieved a humbling of Trump. Perhaps so, on the other hand they may have launched an outright war to use the Primary Elections this spring to re-staff the House and Senate with lawmakers who will support righteousness. Trump has already said he intends to travel the nation supporting candidates. It cannot be done with a national movement. These are local races. Each of us has a part. Beyond that we must pray and ask that the hand of God move upon voters in countless districts!

I have been disappointed in the level of understanding that our American liberty hangs in the balance. Please recognize that most of the news sources are in unrighteous hands. Their intent is to misguide and deceive. Pray that our Lord will lead you. “If My people who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways. Then I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sin, and heal teir land!” [2nd Chronicles 7:14]

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

201-03-23 The primary war Read More »

2018-03-11 Aaron’s Blessing

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


March 11, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –

Aaron’s blessing

A new Christian in my late 30’s, I was attending a businessman’s breakfast. The speaker asked for our earliest memories. He pointed out that for some of us, our kids’ earliest memories might not yet have been created. That impacted me!

As Priest of my home, I began leading the family in nightly Bible reading. Everyone had an open Bible (including casual guests). There are 31 chapters in Proverbs and there are 31 days in the month. We went around the room, each reading a proverb. We joked about my son getting, “Spare the rod and spoil the child” and Fran getting the one about a nagging wife.

Later, when our third child came along I would put my hand upon her head at bedtime and pray. I chose the Aaronic Benediction, “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” [Numbers 6:24-26]

It had a profound and lasting effect. Sometimes, when I would forget, my (then) three year old would put my hand on her forehead and wait. When the girls married, I was thrilled that the blessing was included in their wedding ceremonies.

For a time, before we moved to the Sacramento area, our pastor would invite me to close the service by blessing the congregation with that prayer. I was always impressed with the change that seemed to rest upon them as I prayed.

Recently, a friend sent me a book, “The Priestly Prayer of the Blessing” by Warren M. Marcus. The book is an in-depth study of Aaron’s Benediction. In it, the author points out that this is the only prayer in the Bible, the words of which are composed directly by the Creator God. – WOW! No wonder it has a profound effect!

Bottom line – Parents – Please add something like this to your kids’ memory chest.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-03-11 Aaron’s Blessing Read More »

2018-03-10 Cntext

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


March 10, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –


It is like mixing bowls. If the bowls are not nested in the proper order, the kitchen drawer will not close. Always create a context for what you are sharing. Stories begin, Long ago and far, far away.”

· Even the Bible starts with, “In the beginning…” In the beginning – what?

· “In the beginning – God …” In the beginning God – what?

· “In the beginning God created …” In the beginning God created – what?

It takes a whole bunch of verses to get down to rocks and trees and things. Think about it – Suppose He had created the cow before He created the pasture. That would be one confused cow!

If you don’t have a place to put what you are learning – confusion follows. I believe there is an intelligent Creator we call God. Anyone that takes an honest look at what is around him and tries to claim it is the result of random events in a universe without intelligence to govern it, is a fool seeking to hold under the truth as it struggles to the surface.

Denying the existence of a Creator-God guarantees that confusion will follow. On the other hand – Recognizing His existence is the beginning of wisdom. That is precisely the reason rebellious men seek to deny what is obvious truth.

When Moses asked God for His name, God replied, My name is “I Am”. It occurs to me that “I” in that name is “God”. “Am” is the verb “to be” another form of which is “is”. So “I Am” might also mean “God Is”!

Once we establish that, we can build upon it. Without that foundation anything else is floating in meaningless space. It will have no context – a cow without a pasture.

By observing what has been created, we can learn things about the creator. A product demands a producer. The product will reveal attributes of the producer. The plastic cap of my Bic Pen is a “product”. Observing and reasoning I conclude the producer knew about plastic injection molding. He was concerned that ink not get on my shirt pocket. He wanted me to know the color of ink in the pen.

The sky is a product. Its Creator must be very big or very fast! He appreciates order, system, and color. He has access to a great amount of power.

Intelligent design is discovered in the tiniest objects we can find.

Our own bodies demand respect for the Designer. Given: air, fuel, and water – our bodies propel themselves, repair themselves, and regulate themselves. There is a wholesome means of fulfillment for every need. I conclude that the Creator is concerned for my well-being.

Further – If the “product” has free will, the Producer must have free will. If the “product” can make choices, the Producer can make choices. Nothing exists without a set of rules to govern it.

I conclude the Producer has a purpose for everything He creates. Trees produce fruit. You can cut them up and make boards for houses ,,, If the Producer has given us life and everything we need to sustain that life, I conclude that He loves (unselfishly wants the best for-) us and has a purpose for creating us.

That purpose, according to the Bible, is for us to learn to love Him and to learn to love one another. We don’t need the Bible to teach us that. It is just common sense!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-03-10 Cntext Read More »

2018-03-06 Basics & Manipulation

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


March 6, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –

Basics and Manipulation

For the benefit of inexperienced patriots – some political basics.

America will hold a “General Election” next November 6th, a Tuesday. The date for counting the votes, November 6, is the same for the whole country. Each state makes its own rules about early voting, absentee voting, voting by mail, and the like. City, county, state, and national candidates will be up for election or re-election.

Generally there are candidates from each of the major political parties on the November ballot. The winners in the General Election will be in authority until their term is up (2, 4, 6 years). At issue here, is which party will have a majority. You may not like your party’s candidate, but his election may provide a majority that puts your party and what it stands for in power. By the time November rolls around you have no say about who is on the ballot.

This spring (now through mid-summer) the states will be holding “Primary Elections”. Primary Election dates are set by each state. This is the time when those on the November General Election ballot are determined. The General Election decides who will be in power. The Primary Election offers you a choice of political philosophies. They are very important!

Anyone who meets the qualifications may file with the county or state registrar of voters and have his name on the Primary Ballot. This is the time you can make your vote count for philosophy. The power brokers want to manipulate your vote. They will seek to downplay the Primary Vote importance, or discourage you from voting. Trump was nominated by voters who ignored the power brokers and voted for principle in the Primary Election.

If you have not been involved in political things, but want to make your vote count for your beliefs there are a few simple things you can do.

Recognizing that evil is deeply rooted in our civil system, begin listening to news sources you can trust. I have found radio’s Rush Limbaugh to be the most reliable. Among the least compromised TV News sources is FOX News. If you share philosophy with a politically active friend, that should be a source for guidance.

If you are willing to leave your comfort zone, attend local rallies and evaluate candidates for yourself. Your Registrar of Voters will give you a list of Primary candidates. Most of them are hungry for exposure. Phone or write the one(s) in which you are interested. Ask them about their philosophy. If you like their answers ask for their recommendations.

Every candidate needs money! I recommend making political contributions directly to candidates you support. Let others support the political groups.

There are three questions to ask candidates to determine their goal: i.e. are they running on sound principles, or just seeking power.

· What is your position on same sex marriage?

· What is your position on abortion?

· What is your position on the 2nd amendment (gun control)?

A candidate who equivocates on any of these cannot be trusted to vote wisely.

You must register to vote. Post offices and fire stations usually have a supply of registration forms.

Corruption is rampant in today’s politics. That is why you MUST exercise your right to vote. The bad guys will lie, cheat, and steal to manipulate your vote, or keep you from voting in the Primary Election. They are well funded and far more experienced. But – you have the advantage of choice in what are still reasonably honest elections. You also have a vital advantage in being able to pray for the hand of God to guide and direct the results.

Bottom line – After you have done what you can – Pray, pray, pray!!!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-03-06 Basics & Manipulation Read More »

2018-01-01 Next Monday

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


January 1, 2018

This is a letter to our friends –

Next Monday

Next Monday, 1/8/2018 at 9:00 AM Pacific time we begin the next “Principles of American Government” online course. I have seen the incredible way God uses this course to open new concepts. I have shared student and parents comments. Dr. Carole Adams, President of the Foundation for American Christian Education, has written the most comprehensive endorsement:

“The Principles of American Government on-line course

“Every student, and every parent, should grasp the opportunity-of-a-lifetime to study with masterful teacher Mr. Ben Gilmore. His three-month course, "Principles of American Government," expands the mind and heart to embrace the full counsel and providence of God. The student will gain a whole, comprehensive Biblical mindset to apply to all of life and in all learning. The understanding of natural and revealed law, of eternal principles that supply wisdom for living, and of God’s hand in human history, together comprise an education that must be the foundation of all education for every Christian. What a benefit for so little a commitment of time. Don’t miss this opportunity!”

We use Skype as a virtual classroom on Mondays and Wednesdays. Class members can see and speak with one another during the highly interactive class sessions. Typically the classes are half adult and half teen. Parents are encouraged to sit-in when they can. Students are obliged to spend four hours a week in quality study plus the twice weekly 75-minute classes. One-on-one makeup classes are available when personal schedules require.

There is still time to join next Monday’s class – Please phone me about it [916-22-2501].

The next PAG course is scheduled to begin Monday June 18th, Lord willing.

Either way, I can guarantee it will be “inconvenient”. Everything of value comes with a price!

For His-story and government – Ben Gilmore

These columns are archived since 12/10/2009


“Ben’s Blog”

2018-01-01 Next Monday Read More »

217-12-22 Please save this post

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


December 22, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

Please save this post

It is a time to be joyous and bask in the goodness of the Christmas season. Truly the national mood this year is warmer than it has been in years. “Merry Christmas” is once more politically correct!

It is on my heart to point out some things to think about in the weeks ahead. So save this message for later and bask on!

With the help of Congress, and particularly the Republican Senate, the President has achieved his first major legislative victory in a year of effort. That effort involved tirelessly working the phones, one-on-one with lawmakers. The “Art of the Deal” pushed to its max.

The result – GOP Lawmakers all smiling and joining Trump in a victory lap. These are the very same lawmakers that could have joined together and done the very same thing last January! Why do you suppose they waited until late fall?

Some likely held out until they could “extort” goodies for themselves, their donors’ lobbies, or perhaps even their constituents! A few surly must have held out for principle. Large numbers were held back by “leadership” (Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan) defending the political establishment status quo by threatening committee assignments.

So – Why now? The swamp desire to defend the status quo establishment wagon has not changed. A few weeks ago the grass roots were so angry they were ready to challenge every incumbent. Throw out the whole lot and try a new bunch!

I believe it is designed to sweeten the public mood going into the primary elections next spring. Make voters believe there has been a true change of heart and thus, no need to support a primary challenge to an incumbent who may have been a career-long RINO until just now. Once the incumbent has won the primary it becomes a clear choice (Democrat or Republican) in November. Either way the primary turns out, it will be a GOP landslide in November. The RINOs who get reelected can go back to being RINOs (Senators for a six year term!).

Consider all this as the state primary elections come up. Each state sets its own primary date. Primary elections will be all through the spring. Winter Olympics in February, will be a diversion. PLEASE rise to the challenge. Primary elections are the key for supporting principle. November elections determine who holds the power.

Not long ago many of us were afraid the country was lost. An army of faithful, scattered, unseen intercessors prayed through what seemed hopelessness into the light that is the public mood today. Let us not touch the glory that belongs to God for answered prayer. Keep praying and asking for guidance this spring. “Ye have not because ye ask not!” “Ask and ye shall receive.”

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

217-12-22 Please save this post Read More »

2017-2-10 Merry Christmas

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


December 10, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

Merry Christmas!

It is great to hear the President make “Merry Christmas” socially acceptable again! I have noticed more stores and clerks begin using it.

I received a Christmas present from the President of FACE the other day. It was in the form of a stirring endorsement of my on-line Principles course –

“The Principles of American Government on-line course

“Every student, and every parent, should grasp the opportunity-of-a-lifetime to study with masterful teacher Mr. Ben Gilmore. His three-month course, "Principles of American Government," expands the mind and heart to embrace the full counsel and providence of God. The student will gain a whole, comprehensive Biblical mindset to apply to all of life and in all learning. The understanding of natural and revealed law, of eternal principles that supply wisdom for living, and of God’s hand in human history, together comprise an education that must be the foundation of all education for every Christian.

“What a benefit for so little a commitment of time. Don’t miss this opportunity!” [Dr. Carole Adams]

The format the Lord seems to have given me for the course is taken directly from primary books published by FACE and authored by Verna Hall & Rosalie Slater. Built upon that is 60 years of evangelical and political activist training and exterience.

Portions of the course have been incorporated into the newly published book, “Nation Makers – the Art of Self-Government” published by FACE (Foundation for American Christian Education).

Fran and I want to wish you and yours wonderful Christ- & Family-filled Christmas holiday and celebration. –

As well as a joyous and prosperous 2018. – – –

Regarding that – Things to keep in mind –

Many voters pay little attention to the spring primary elections that select the choices you will have in the crucial November elections, The left and the media do their best to help you neglect the primary elections and let them select the names on your November ballot. Please be suspicious of every candidate running for re-election. The few good ones will make themselves known to you – as will the swamp critters – If you pay attention. A good place to start – Ask, “Where do you stand on guns, abortion, and family values?”

That done – Turn your attention to the challengers. Go to a few local rallies. Invite them to coffee, challengers are hungry for exposure. Volunteer if you are able. Remember – primary elections determine the issues. November elections determine who is in the majority and chairs powerful committees.

Regarding contributions – Every conflict in the news is used by someone as a fund raiser! I choose to give only to the candidate’s official campaign fund. Then, if he chooses, he can contribute to the party funds.


These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-2-10 Merry Christmas Read More »

2017-11-30 George Washington on harassment

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


November 30, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

George Washington on harassment

This morning’s inbox held an article by Star Parker ( which I will share in full below. Here is clear wisdom!

George Washington’s Solution for Sexual Harassment

Star Parker · Nov. 29, 2017

The avalanche of sexual harassment claims, with new ones pouring forth daily, leads me to the wisdom of George Washington’s observation in his farewell address in 1796:

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. … And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be managed without religion.”

You may say, “There you go again, Star. Waving your Bible.”

But is there a better answer for dealing with this problem?

Society, all human life, is guided by rules. The only question before us is: What are the rules that we choose to live by?

Washington’s point is crucial. In a free society, one in which we want to minimize government and political control, we must maximize self-governance. Religion, and the morality that emerges from it, provides the rules by which free men and women govern their own behavior.

I will say further that the rules that we learn from scripture provide the framework for a society based on love, respect and creativity, as opposed to power and control.

And indeed, as we read accounts of the behavior of these men of wealth and influence, who have achieved what many Americans see as the pinnacle of American success, we read descriptions of the behavior of beasts, not men.

Sexuality, outside the framework of mutual love, commitment and respect between husband and wife, is transformed from a physical expression of intimacy and beauty to the gross and crass behavior of brutes.

That this appears to be so widespread in our society should trouble us all.

So what do we do?

I am a Christian, but I do not believe that our government was designed to mend men’s souls. It was designed to allow citizens to live free.

We cannot force citizens to do what Washington advises — learn and be guided by scripture.

What’s the alternative?

One is to forget it and let people do what they want. Let women fend for themselves when beastly predators with money and power threaten them.

Few will accept this option.

Alternatively, we can have politicians design our rules. But can this work? Without guidelines of scripture, how do we discern right and wrong, acceptable and forbidden?

This is the trend that has been going on for years. The less we self-govern through eternal Biblical truths, learned at home and at school, the more we grow government to control our lives.

In response to sexual harassment violations perpetrated by some members of congress, Congresswoman Barbara Comstock has introduced a congressional resolution requiring “all House Members, Officers, employees, including interns, detailees, and fellows, of the House of Representatives shall complete an anti-harassment and anti-discrimination training program during each session of Congress.”

Surely, similar programs will be popping up across industry. So instead of our workforce developing new and better products, more of their time will be spent sitting in anti-harassment training sessions, learning rules designed by bureaucrats.

The Mercatus Center at George Mason University published a report last year on the costs to our economy of the vast growth in the regulatory state from 1977 to 2012. The study concludes that accumulated regulatory growth reduced the size of the American economy in 2012 by 25 percent — $4 trillion of what it might have been.

Aside from economic costs, what are the human costs of our lives increasingly being controlled by bureaucrats?

According to research from Stanford University, 10 percent of married couples meet at work. So much for this, as men will fear giving a woman a second glance at work, let alone saying or doing anything that might hint he’s attracted to her.

I see only one viable path to a healthy, free nation. Choose to heed the wisdom of our first president.


These columns are archived since 12/10/09


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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: