Ben’s Blog

2014-12-31 Love & Concern

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


March 4, 2015

This is a letter to our friends –

Love & Concern

Definition – To “love” is to unselfishly desire the very best for the loved one. [John 3:16]

Those who join us in reading through the Bible in a year have just been through the book of Revelations. In the latter half of the book is a graphic description of the events that face those individuals who have stubbornly refused to accept the divinity of Jesus Christ. It is not a pretty picture! One must reject a mountain of evidence.

Accepting that truth (Christ’s divinity) carries with it an obligation: Love Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength – then – love your neighbor as yourself. Why? Because putting anything or anyone before your obligation to Christ is a form of idolatry. (That is the “legalist” answer.)

We should love (want the best for -) Christ, because He loves us and has put up with us, just as we are. He is a just God as well as merciful. We like the merciful part, but “justice” begins to frighten us! Christ had no penalty to pay – He lived without sinning. The fact that he endured a horrible death in my / your place should create obligation enough. The good news is that Christ has paid the price for our misdeeds and offers forgiveness if we will truly repent and begin obeying Him.

In the last days, we are told, men who did not repent, will be justly punished for the bad things they have done. In the midst of their suffering in the hands of a just God, they still refuse to bow. I have friends, today, who have seen the evidence of a benevolent God. In their hearts, they must know the truth, but somehow, they just can’t bring themselves to accept it. I want better for them and I am concerned for the tragedy that awaits them.

More than that – I am concerned for those who have believed lies about right and wrong. Most TV shows these days depict immoral lust and homosexuality as acceptable lifestyles. Those who accept these lies are as guilty as those who know the truth and reject it.

What am I to do about my concern? On one hand, it is not pleasant to be a “Grinch”! On the other, if I do not speak out and warn them, I am tacitly consenting to their bleak future. In effect, I am making “socially correct” an idol ahead of my obligation to Christ, whose heart is broken over their sin.

The good news that Christ brings is a rich, beautiful truth. It is freely offered to every person, regardless of the bad stuff that has been done. Letting Christ help you repent of the bad stuff is a good thing!

Let us make 2015 a year of mercy above justice!

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2014-12-30 ACH Reminder message

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


March 4, 2015

This is a letter to our friends –

ACH Reminder Message

2015-01-02 PAG-PG – “Principles of American Government – Post Graduate” online course begins next Friday at 8am Pacific time. There is no charge for this course – however – it is open only to PAG graduates. Those who are interested in these monthly, first Friday refresher discussions MUST contact us to be placed on the call list.

2015-01-05 PAG – “Principles of American Government” 3-month 30-hour online course begins next Monday at 9am Pacific time. Tuition is $195. Parents are encouraged to audit the course with their home-schooled teens. Those interested in attending this interactive class MUST contact us to be placed on the call list.

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2014-12-17 What might it look like

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


March 4, 2015

This is a letter to our friends –

What might it look like?

Last November “We the people” sent a strong message – STOP! Return to our roots.

To date, the impact of our message has mixed reviews. All of the House and only a third of the Senate are up for election (or re-election as may be the case) every two years. Thus – “return” is not (and should not be) overnight. Change, without chaos, takes time to take root.

Given: A sustained movement toward return to roots – What might it look like?

A move of the Holy Spirit will have swept across North America. The Administration (president) and Legislature (both houses of congress) have become advocates of individual liberty protected by separation of powers and respect for law and our Constitutional limitations upon central government.

Our newly appointed Secretary of Interior, (Sarah Palin?), has put all the undeveloped Federal land, save that reserved for military purposes, up for open auction to American citizens alone. With the land titles go all mineral and water rights. (The new President has dissolved the Environmental Protection Agency as it was defunded by Congress.) The only remaining restrictions are now in the hands of the respective states to work out.

The resulting boon to the economy by entrepreneurial enterprise toward agriculture, mineral, and grazing development has created an active job market for the thousands of recently employed federal employees.

The massive increase in income from the sale of Federal land stimulated an interest in sale of unused federal buildings as well. The national financial picture was further stimulated by the decrease in Federal payrolls as overlapping and unnecessary bureaucracies were defunded and eliminated. Mountains of hidden funds were exposed and returned to the treasury.

Elimination of the Federal Reserve Bank and a return of fiscal authority to Congress has shaken world economies to their roots. The fundamental point of worldwide fiscal stability was our commitment to purchase gold in exchange for a paper note for $100 redeemable in gold five years hence. (Were The U.S. notes immediately redeemable – what little gold remaining under Fort Knox would be sucked out.)

The world was further shaken by the public exposure of the greatest theft in human history. U.S. gold and that on deposit from other nations has been sold off over the decades. We are busted! The resulting law suits against implicated individuals and banks (for graft, bribery, and treason) has created a massive demand for Justice Department lawyers and Federal Justices. Lower level bureaucrats by the thousands have turned upon their superiors. A purging wave is taking place.

Without the EPA there is a rush to mine gold as the fastest way to apply American productivity to the return to a fixed standard. Creditor nations have a vested interest in American stability as opposed to taking advantage of our temporary weakness, especially in view of our return to a booming productive economy. As the five year redemption approaches, the market value of gold also approaches the arbitrary standard of $100/oz. That fixed standard eliminates the inflation cycles in the world and national economies and further stimulates our economy.

When human labor is combined with the resources God has provided – wealth is created. Increasing wealth produces growth. Redistribution of wealth without producing more, stagnates and degrades.

Wishing each of you a happy and prosperous New Year!

Ben & Fran Gilmore

2014-12-17 What might it look like Read More »

2014-02-13 Electoral College

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


March 4, 2015

This is a letter to our friends –

Electoral College

The Electoral College is the system prescribed in the U.S. Constitution for selecting the President. It is not a particularly hot topic today, but it is on my mind to write about it. Every four years, when we are electing a President, the topic arises, “Should we abolish a system that makes it possible for a President to be elected by less than a majority of the voters?

Under the Constitution, each state selects a delegation of “electors” for the Electoral College. These electors then decide who is to be President. I suggest reading the rules for yourself from Article II of the Constitution.

Here is a thought question – What is the President’s official title?

He is, “President of the United States of America”. NOTE – He is NOT President of the people! The Congress is the representative of the people.

Were we to foolishly abandon the Electoral College and elect a Chief Executive by a majority vote of all the people – what would be the result? Those few areas of the country with high populations would dominate the majority and the rest of the nation would not be represented.

The founding fathers had to find a balance between local authority and centralized authority. Our “states” are, and should be, sovereign governments. Political power, if it is not to become tyrannical, must be spread around. Each block of authority needs to be jealous and protective of its turf.

There will be give and take. Situations change – but – our system of checks and balances has worked better than any other in human history. Let us be cautious about unintended consequences of change.

“We the People” are the ones who designed and authorized the government of the United States. That government derives its authority from us! Please – Never forget that you and I were put upon this earth to be free men and women – free to follow the dictates of our respective consciences.

The government of the “United States of America” was created for the purpose of protecting that individual liberty!

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2014-12-10 Scheduling

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


December 10, 2014

This is a letter to our friends –

A reminder & an invitation

Well, Merry Christmas!!! I trust everyone is recovered from Thanksgiving “indulgence” and is now enjoying turkey soup.

This is a very busy season for all of us. Please remember that God is in charge (i.e. STAY COOL). Getting stressed is a choice – rebuke stress – it isn’t worth the damage it does to you and to others. We each have been given 24 hours in a day. Seek to honor Jesus the Messiah with each one of them!

Our primary purpose for being on earth is to learn to love God and to love others. [Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and Matthew 22:37-40]

Regarding that busy schedule – In just 26 days the next online “Principles of American Government” (PAG) course begins (9AM (PT), Monday, January 5th). You should obtain the text books and phone me to be properly enrolled and ready to begin the class.

A very special invitation for those who have completed a PAG course – The members of the 2014-09-08 PAG class want to continue meeting from time to time. We have named it “PAG Post-Graduate Course” (PAG P-G) Using Skype, the class meets at 8AM (PT), the 1st Friday of each month. Beginning 2015-01-02. There is no tuition. Interested PAG alums must ask onto the call-list.

Each PAG P-G class will begin with prayer and a thought/reasoning question followed with discussion of current issues.

Please wish everyone you meet a, “Merry Christmas”.


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2014-11-22 PAG Student comment

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


November 22, 2014

This is a letter to our friends –


Principles of American Government (PAG)

Our fall PAG online course is drawing to a close. Those who take ACH Study Groups courses are invited to write “Student Comments” to be added to the tab in our web site.

The next 3-month course begins on Monday, January 5th. Using Skype as a virtual interactive classroom, we meet at 9AM (Pacific time), M &W for 75 minutes. Please see the detailed syllabus on our web site

Miss Mattanah D. just posted a comment that speaks of the course:

Subject: Student Comment Submission

First Name: Mattanah

Home State: Tennessee

Your Role: Student

Your Comments: I’m incredibly thankful that God opened the door for me to participate in the PAG course taught by Mr. Gilmore. This program has helped me grow in many ways, but I’ll try to condense them into 3 things.

1. The PAG course has given me a more solid foundation for my faith – which is most important. Understanding the faith of those who have gone before me and learning how they put action to their faith motivates me to do the same.

2. The PAG course has given me a greater ability to think critically and deeply about a variety of topics. I have gained excellent study habits and debate skills. Participating in this class has helped me to excel in my other classes as well, because the skills taught are applicable to every area of life.

3. The PAG course has prepared me for my future career. I have an interest in inter-cultural studies and political science. My goal is to work in the political arena. I can see now that before I began working toward this goal, it was essential that I have a firm foundation on which to base my ideas and decisions. This course is so important for people entering the political field because they will not only learn principles that apply to past circumstances, but principles that will apply to all future circumstances.

If you are reading this and considering participation in the PAG class, I HIGHLY recommend that you do. Even if your career goals aren’t necessarily political, this class will equip you for whatever field you enter.

Thank you, Mr. Gilmore, for your investment in my walk with The Lord and my education. I know that He has used you to speak into my life, and I pray that He blesses you and your family beyond measure for it!

An ACH alum sent me a soda straw I have taped atop my monitor. Have you ever enjoyed a milk shake and commented, “That was a great straw!” Comments like Mattanah’s (above) remind me of the blessings of being a “straw”.

2014-11-22 PAG Student comment Read More »

2014-11-21 But what can I do?

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


November 21, 2014

This is a mail-merge letter to PAG Participants –

But what can I do?

“For the body is not one member, but many. 15 If the foot shall say, ‘Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body’; is it therefore not of the body? … But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. … [N]ow are they many members, yet but one body.”

[1st Corinthians 12]

As Fran and I began the day, reading Scripture then praying – these thoughts came to mind:

All across America are dedicated Christians who understand the problems facing our society. We feel helpless to do anything to solve the problems. We recognize that we have a hand in selecting our civil leaders, but we wonder about vote fraud. Every issue is used by others as a fund raiser and we wonder about which to support. We are overwhelmed!

That is where the enemy wants us. It is NOT where God wants us!

STOP! “Be still; and know that I am God.” [Psalm 46:10]

Christian friend of mine, you are an heir of God. You are “family”. You are part of His plan. You have a role to play! Begin by knowing and believing that.

If you feel inadequate – good! We are all inadequate! Nothing we do for God is of any value – BUT – What God does through us is everlasting!

Each of us can pray. Each of us can submit our will to His. Each of us can choose to obey the thoughts He places in our minds. [please see Proverbs 16:3] Then – each of us becomes a part of a living, functioning “body”.

It does not require a majority – One man and God is a super majority! Are you called to lead? Then lead! Are you called to follow? Then follow. Are you called to teach, write, sing, dance, motivate, pray, …what ever? Then have faith that it is your part in His plan and just do it! The rest of us need you. God needs you!

Christ will return unexpectedly. How will He find you? Will you be hunkered down in the fort with the draw bridge raised – Thinking everything is going to get worse and worse — Waiting defensively for Him to return and make everything right? Or – Will He find you aggressively doing what He is leading you to do, in behalf of His grand plan?

2014-11-21 But what can I do? Read More »

2014-11-20 Momentum

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


November 19, 2014

This is a mail-merge letter to PAG Participants –


The whole life of the Christian, from the beginning to the end, is a conflict with the world and the powers of darkness, a conflict within and without.” [August Neander 1789 – 1850]

Conflict within – None of us have achieved “perfection”! Each of us have good days and bad days. Have you noticed that there is a tendency to build up momentum when we slip backwards? Violating our conscience gets easier.

On the other hand, the same is true when we repent and turn around! We control the direction with our choices and God’s help.

Conflict without – The world around us is always in conflict. That too seems to build momentum one way or the other. I believe that is the reason God is so interested in our learning history (His-story). “Today” can seem like the worst day ever, unless we see it in the context of far worse days in the past.

On the other hand, history proves that God is truly in control. Darkness does give way to light. It isn’t over until God says it is over!

All of my life, I have watched frantic efforts to deceive the righteous that they are weak, that they are fighting a losing battle, that there is no hope. The ungodly are frantic because they know that light drives out darkness. They must keep us from even the slightest victory, lest we begin to build momentum.

We are far more powerful than the world leads us to believe. Eventually someone turns on a light! Suddenly, our opponent becomes a paper tiger! The recent election shines light on the fact that most Americans oppose darkness, contrary to what the world has been telling us.

The world is bombarding us with explosive bad news. It is an effort to push us back into darkness and prevent our gaining momentum toward righteousness. This is a time for cool heads. If they cannot hold us back, the enemy will try to push us out the other side into violence.

On the other hand, if each of us does what is right, because it is right, we offer God the opportunity to lead us into the light. Let us pray that He will lead and inspire our godly leaders and deal with the others.

America has been, and is now, a light for the world. That is NOT because of our rightness. It is because of what God has done through us! Our best days are ahead of us. Join me in believing that. [2nd Chronicles 7:14]

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2014-11-16 Shut it down!

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


November 16, 2014

This is a letter to our friends –

Shut it down!

The U.S. Constitution – Article I, Section 7 – – “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

It is important that we understand the rules by which “We the People” have chosen to be governed. The House of Representatives (nick named “The people’s house”) is the only place in the national government where spending laws can begin. The Senate can only propose amendments. The President and Supreme Court have no authority to originate a law.

Without congressional approval the U.S. Treasury has no authority to write a single government check! Each body (House & Senate) must eventually agree on amendments before a Bill is sent to the President for signature. Thus – “The people’s house” holds the purse strings.

The President’s job, as defined by the Constitution, is to execute the laws passed to him by Congress. If he chooses to go rogue, and operate on his own, “The people’s house” can refuse to fund his rogue projects. They have the authority to shut down the government. It has been done many times in the past.

The only job the federal government has been hired by “We the people” to do, is to protect our individual lives, liberties and property. Unlike citizens of other nations, we are at liberty under God. We joined together to create a government to protect that liberty from ungodly forces.

The senate is led by evil men (Senator Harry Reed & Senator Mitch McConnel). They have consistently put power and privilege ahead of the best interest of “We the people”. We should encourage our Representatives in the House not to bow to “politically correct” politics and to stand on principle. Shut down the government if need be, rather than allow rogue power to govern.

Patrick Henry asked in 1775, “But when will we be stronger? Will it be next week or next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction?

Patrick Henry concluded his electrifying declaration with these memorable words, “What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: