Ben Gilmore

Mr. Gilmore, whose papers have had nationwide distribution, is also involved in education. The Principles of America’s true history and government are incorporated into his newspaper column. He and his wife founded ACH Study Groups and Parent Educators’ Resource Center, supplementing the efforts of home educators, As a staff member of Youth With a Mission, he and his family have been around the world. He is also active in local government, having been nominated several times for legislative office.

2017-10-04 Principles of American Government

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


October 4, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

“Principles of American Government” (PAG)

PAG is the name given to a three month online course. We use “Christian History of the Constitution …” (CHOC) and “Teaching and Learning America’s Christian History” (T&L) as textbooks. Two 75 minute, highly interactive classes a week, are held in a virtual classroom using Skype. (Students from across the country see and interact with one another and the teacher online.) This is among the courses endorsed by the “Foundation for American Christian Education” (FACE).

The next course is to begin on Monday, January 8, 2018. Class times are set at the convenience of the class members. Usual class size is 5 – 10 (teens and adults). Suggested tuition is $195.

The course has three phases. Phase I (4 classes) is an overview of the course: In the beginning – God, Man and God, Law, Principles. Phase II (14 classes) is an in depth study of seven basic principles: Individuality, Self-Government, Quality Character, Private Property, American Form, Local Authority, Liberty. Phase III (6 classes) seeks to help students learn to use what they have learned in the marketplace of ideas – critical thinking.

This is not a “Constitution” course. This is a course in the history and ideas that supported the philosophy of those who created our nation and her founding documents. If our ship of state and the culture upon which it sails are to be restored to a proper course, there must be a core of adults and teens that understand these principles and how to apply them.

Perhaps it will help to parse the course title: “Principles of American Government.”

To “govern” is to direct, regulate, control, and restrain. I find only three human organizations created and used by God. All three are governmental: family, church, and state. A fourth form is self-government.

“American,” used as an adjective, refers to those forms of government that are uniquely illustrated in American history and culture.

“Principle” – The cause, source, or origin of a thing.

Thus – “Principles of American Government” – The cause, source, or origin of that which has been uniquely illustrated in American history and culture through family, church, state, and self-direction, -regulation, -control, and -restraint.

Our Lord appears to have gifted me with the ability to teach these concepts to teens with little previous exposure to history and philosophy. We encourage parents to join their youngsters as students. Those interested in the January course should contact us (see letterhead).

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-10-04 Principles of American Government Read More »

2017-09-30 Now and then

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


September 30, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

Now and then

Let’s look at what I believe is the true situation now, then look at what is likely to happen then.

American society has been systematically dumbed down for several generations. Ignorance and apathy are endemic! (I don’t know and I don’t care.) The good news – Truth never stops fighting to the surface. I believe far more light is shining into the swamp than the general public realizes. Every day seems to turn over a new rock and see the critters scurrying for cover!

The self-serving “Washington establishment” (we used to call it the “good-old-boy” network.) is being recognized and understood by more and more here-to-fore ordinary citizens.

Sara Palin illustrated it when she faced down the Alaskan establishment and produced a petroleum royalty check for every Alaskan citizen.

More and more Americans are fed up with the ineffectiveness of the “traditional” way of not getting things done! I believe apathy and ignorance are waning. Many, perhaps most, believe this is true of only themselves and of their small group of friends. Certainly the communication centers that have fostered ignorance and apathy are not reporting this growing awareness..

I believe a “tipping point” has been reached. What have become the accepted ways of controlling the masses are failing. Truth is reaching the surface. How is it manifesting in American society?

Light (truth) is revealing itself to individuals who are discovering they have been lied to. Human nature produces anger. The realization of ignorance produces frustration. Anger and frustration produce an opportunity for further deception! A vicious cycle.

Americans however have a unique advantage. America is a Christian nation. Not because it was formed by Christians, but because it has a Christian form. Without Jesus, there would be no America! Our cultural anchor is set firmly in truth and righteousness. The ship of state has drifted way off course, but the anchor chain has not been broken!

That link, I believe, will hold and lead us back. Forget the current events being reported to discourage us. We the people still hold the power! Recognize the significance of next spring’s primary races. One third of the Senate and every one of the congressmen are up for election in November, 2018! The candidates for that election will be determined in the spring primary elections.

Astute politicians recognize that we are fed up. Look for many more of them to choose retirement rather than fight a losing primary battle. The less astute, those who believe the media and their own press releases, will be surprised locally in the way the Washington establishment was surprised by the Trump win.

What must we do to take advantage of this opportunity and avoid being deceived all over again? Begin by rebuking anger and frustration. Use your God-given gift of observation and reason. Seek council then evaluate it with common sense! Find ways to inform yourself on the candidates on your ballot.

I understand Senators have been told to vote party line, or face primary challenges without party campaign funding. Those who sell their Senate vote to party, over what is the right thing to do, are unworthy of our support. As are the many appeals for support of either party campaign funds. Those funds are in the hands of the Washington establishment. Note that millions of such funds were used for the establishment candidate over Judge Roy Moore in Alabama. I encourage campaign contributions – given directly to the candidate!

I believe every incumbent Democrat and several Republican Senators can expect a vigorous primary challenge. The same is true for Democrat and many Republican congressmen. The result in November 2018, will be a dramatic legislative shift to the Republican right.

How will the establishment seek to oppose this trend? Truth and righteousness can’t lie, but they can! We can’t cheat and defraud, but they can! They can use human nature and pride to encourage conservative candidates to run against one another, thus splitting the vote and giving a majority to the single establishment candidate.

On our side – We have grass root funding, while establishment funding is rapidly drying up. We have the trend of an awakening public, responding to corruption with common sense. Fueling it all, I believe, is the gracious hand of God, enhanced by an army of unseen intercessors. Not because we deserve it, we don’t! But because of our Lord’s investment in America as an illustration of Christian self-government to the world.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-09-30 Now and then Read More »

2017-09-24 WOW! ‘Honoring The Vision’

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


September 24, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

WOW! “Honoring The Vision”

What an historic event! The hand of God in human history and government was celebrated this weekend at Destiny Christian Church in Rocklin, California. Teachers and patriots from across the country, many of whom knew of one another only by reputation, gathered to celebrate the 1960’s beginning of the movement to restore awareness of our wonderful Christian history.

Those who traveled to the event stayed in the same hotel. The event was scheduled all day Saturday, September 23rd. The night before, locals and travelers gathered in the hotel lobby for informal fellowship. It was an exciting meet and greet. For the many folks reading this, who are wishing they could have been there, I will describe the event with names. For the others – I beg indulgence.

Saturday morning at ten o’clock Carole Adams, President of The Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE) opened the meeting. Reverend Harley Alan, host pastor, offered a prayer for the event. Dr. Adams continued the welcome and shared memories of the early days of FACE and the move from San Francisco to Chesapeake.

She turned the podium to me and I continued with thoughts and memories. Next, we introduced four of the early teachers in the movement: James Rose; Beth Ballenger; Katherine Dang; Ruth Smith. I sat on the stage with them and conducted interviews for the audience to hear.

By then it was noon. While a box lunch was served, we enjoyed a 30 minute video teaching by the late Rosalie Slater, FACE Co-Founder. When the video ended, John Hunter, a master potter, brought his potter’s wheel to the stage using it as an object lesson to illustrate our Lord as the Potter and we as the clay. John is Headmaster of a Christian day school in Namibia, Africa. He teaches providential and African history using FACE books.

Following a short break (Everyone was anxious to visit with one another and browse the various book tables.) each of the four master teachers we had just interviewed, took a turn sharing, as they have been doing in classrooms for decades.

Following another break we introduced “Tommy” Newman, longtime chairman of FACE Board of Directors. (The whole board, save one, traveled to Rocklin for this event.)

Next up was Barbara Kilkenny of YWAM, Texas. She and her late husband have been teaching providential history and government as headmasters of an international Christian day school and YWAM’s “Teachers For The Nations”(TFTN). Barbara shared about the hundreds of schools around the world that are being planted by TFTN graduates.

The next generation of master teachers was represented by Kirsten Crouch of Los Altos, California. Miss Crouch shared about being “dragged” as a pre-teen to an ACH history seminar. To her surprise she enjoyed it <smile>. Eventually she became an annual seminar attendee dedicated to learning biblical principles and providential history.

There were more people who had testimonies and memories to share than there was time in the event’s agenda. (One hundred people attended the event.) While the entire on-stage event was being video recorded, a roving camera was being used to record these off-stage vignettes. Written testimonials that had been mailed to the event from Mrs. Bobbie Ames, Dr. Paul Jehle, Dan Smithwick, and Roberto & Ana Rinaldi were read into the recording .

A copy of the raw recordings will be delivered to the Hall & Slater Library archives at the FACE headquarters in Virginia. Perhaps, some day in the future, they will serve as valuable research material regarding our modern providential history. It will require the loving hand of an experienced video-editor to make a useful product, suitable for distribution, from these 20 hours of raw recordings.

The event culminated in a gala banquet with Carole Adams as M.C. She introduced Gary Porter, well known Constitutional authority, who shared a video about the unique books to be found in the Hall & Slater library. Next to speak was Dr. Max Lyons, Director of Education at FACE. He too shared a short video about the amazing spread of FACE literature and schools across the globe.

Dr. Marshall Foster, author, producer and master historian, closed the meeting with a history lesson that used past events to challenge us all to carry the torch forward.

As the meeting ended our organizing committee (which by the way had functioned like clockwork!) jumped into gear and returned the room to its original state, ready for regular Sunday events. The committee members have been meeting and preparing since last February. They too deserve kudos. Katrina Stotelmeyer served as Chair, Registrar, and Treasurer. Aprile Johnson served as dedicated intercessor. Rebecca Beach, whose inspiration helped create the event, served as stage manager. I served as event facilitator. Sue Stotelmeyer served as my “Lieutenant”. Fran Gilmore coordinated table arrangement and catering. Sue Ricci and Geri Scalzi were in charge of setup and take down. Debra Jackson coordinated communication. The whole team served as volunteer drivers between the airport and the hotel.

The church staff offered wholehearted support. Matt Hutton and Cory Besmer handled videography. Rich Litvinchuk was our audio engineer. And the outstanding catering chef was Michelle Cowles.

Those with any steam left returned to the hotel lobby to continue their fellowship. This 88 year old “facilitator” was out of steam! Much as I wanted to be in the hotel lobby, my body was in bed by 9:30! Our Lord’s hand was apparent throughout the whole affair. To God be the glory!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-09-24 WOW! ‘Honoring The Vision’ Read More »

2017-09-09 God is so good!

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


September 9, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

God is so good!

Last February Rebecca Beach, Fran and I were discussing significant teachers and their methods. William Ames, John Locke, William Blackstone, Charles Montesquieu, …

These men of the 17th and 18th centuries had a profound impact upon the founding of America, the first Christian Constitutional Republic in human history. The founding fathers read their work. More significantly – The founding preachers read their work and found it to be biblical. In turn, these preachers passed it from the pulpit to the pews!

When Alexis de Tocqueville toured the colonies, he was surprised by the political sophistication of the American people. It was the fruit of those founding sermons! Today, our society has exchanged that sophistication for a mess of pottage!

The seeds of a restoration movement were planted in the 1960’s. A few of those seed planters, now in their later years, are joining to inspire and share. This is a once-on-a-lifetime gathering of master teachers who have spent decades inspiring the next generation of student patriots and their parents.

I started writing with thoughts about what God has made out of our conversation last February. He raised up a great committee to share the effort. He brought in thousands of dollars to support it. Then He reached across the nation to collect the people. God is so good!

The event comes up in two weeks from 10am to 8pm, on the 23rd in the Atrium of Destiny Church in Rocklin, CA. If you have had thoughts about what you were not taught about the true and inspiring story of our nation, this event is for you! If you are fed up with false and twisted accounts of America’s history, this is your opportunity to spend the day with master teachers who make history and government come alive!

Pre-registration is appreciated (lunch and dinner included), but last minute walk-ins will be welcome. Please go to or call 916-722-2501 for information.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-09-09 God is so good! Read More »

2017-09-02 God has not given you …

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


September 3, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

God has not given you a Spirit of fear …

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” [2nd Timothy 1:7] In military combat, my experience has been that adrenaline kicks in and training takes over. There is no time for fear. Early in my Christian life I was called upon to deal with what appeared to be a demoniac. A wise mentor advised me, “Rebuke fear. It is the enemy’s weapon.”

Today, we are pressured from every side with temptations to be afraid. Will North Korea attack? Will the economy collapse? Are the swamp critters overwhelming the drainers? With power, love, and a sound mind there is no time for fear! Faith and training kicks in.

Evidently God is saving America for His glory, else we would have long since been disbursed by the sword, famine, and pestilence! I believe that if we could see the world as He sees it (That is – the real world including the unseen battles.) the good guys are winning for a change!

Every day hidden truth is fighting to the surface. Every day corruption, and just pure evil is being exposed. It is not to be negotiated with, it is to be dealt with! We negotiated with a divided Korea in 1953, now we must deal with it! We are negotiating with a divided congress, now we must deal with it in the primaries next spring.

In my opinion, Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, should be the poster boy for evil swamp critters. He has spent mountains of money in behalf of crony candidates vs. their betters. In the current race for Alabama’s open Senate seat, McConnell is backing crony candidate Luther Strange against Roy Moore the “Ten Commandments judge”. I believe this is a spiritual battle the Alabama voters must deal with.

What makes this an extra special race – Trump went with McConnell and endorsed Luther Strange. I suspect Judge Moore will win the primary. It will be a valuable learning experience for the President and a valuable humbling experience for Donald Trump!

In the light of all America has done to deserve God’s wrath, it is an illustration of God’s grace that she still exists! I sense an army of mighty men of valor, prayed up and ready for spiritual battle. Sunday. September 3 has been designated a “National Day of Prayer.” It is a good time to enlist!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-09-02 God has not given you … Read More »

2017-08-26 Press Release – HTV

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


August 26, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

Press Release

“Honoring The Vision” event

I have been asked for some updates on the event. I decided to post it as a blog.

“Honoring The Vision” is the name of an exciting all day event to be held at Destiny Christian Church, 1900 Destiny Drive, Rocklin, CA. The day begins at 10 AM includes lunch and dinner which is over at 8 PM, Saturday, September 23rd. Registration received by August 31st is $55, after that $60 (under 16 only $30).

In the 1960’s a movement to restore knowledge of American exceptionalism and the true and unique history of her founding was begun. Some of the seeds of this movement were planted by the Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE) in San Francisco. They sprouted into thousands of home schools, private schools, church schools, book writers and publishers, plus independent lecturing groups all across the nation and around the world.

It is the planting and fruit of those seeds, fifty years ago, that this event is honoring. We want to encourage others to continue planting. Master teachers who have been researching, reading, relating, and recording the documentation of the hand of God in human history for all these years are gathering in Rocklin to honor the vision that became a movement and share what they have learned.

A web site [] has biographies of a few of those traveling to the event. Not listed is a late comer, John Hunter, headmaster of a Christian day-school in Namibia. He and his wife, Suzanne are directors of, “Teachers for Africa”. John, a master-potter, has been teaching principles of government for decades. He enjoys teaching object lessons with his potter’s wheel. John has been a leader with YWAM for 45 years.

“We are very excited about this event.” said Ben Gilmore of Citrus Heights, CA, one of the local enthusiasts. “We need to know and understand the principles that made America great. When you take God out of anything it dies! That is why we have drifted from our roots.”

Gilmore continued, “This event is a gathering of giants who have been teaching Biblical principles of government for decades. It is a rare opportunity for both adults and teens to meet and chat with master teachers. Those who have studied under “Principle Approach” teachers are being encouraged to attend and share their role in the movement to restore knowledge of America’s Christian roots. If you are unable to share in person please mail your written testimony to the letterhead address.

The event committee has arranged volunteers for local transportation – Just advise us of your flight schedule.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-08-26 Press Release – HTV Read More »

2017-08-23 America – an idea

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


August 23, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

Did you know America is an idea?

Most nations are formed on the basis of racial, linguistic or ethnic affinities. For example, England, France, Germany, and China are all nations established on shared genetic and cultural bonds. America is the only nation that was birthed not by racial or ethnic necessities, not by aristocracy or oligarchy, but solely by the power of the idea of “living to God,” by subjecting civil and religious liberty to His revealed law.

It has been said that God chose Israel, but America chose God.

The heroic story of America began in ancient times in the mind of God who placed man at liberty in the Garden of Eden. Recorded history, beginning with the Bible, shows man’s resistance to God and the enslaving consequences of rule by various tyrants—kings, pharaohs, caesars, despots, emperors, dictators—often governing malevolently. The Bible teaches us God’s plan of redemption through the Gospel and man’s struggle to regain civil freedom. The Gospel not only frees man from sin but makes him wise in governing himself without oppression.

America’s story

Our story is the story of people and events, but ultimately the story of an idea—the capacity of mankind to govern himself, without a king or ruler, with liberty of conscience and with the right to life and property.

Those early colonial patriot-soldiers, who bled and died for the “idea of America,” teach us again several generations later, to cherish that Christian idea.

Adapted from Nation Makers: the Art of Self-Government, by Rosalie J. Slater and Verna M. Hall, edited by Carole G. Adams. Originally published as Rudiments of America’s Christian History and Government.

The author, Dr. Carole Adams, is among the featured speakers, on September 23rd at Destiny Christian Church in Rocklin, CA. Why not join us and introduce your teens to her?

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-08-23 America – an idea Read More »

2017-08-08 Real world speculation

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


August 8, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

“Real world” speculation

Looking at the primary elections next spring and the general elections in November, 2018 – I believe the true situation is setting up for an anti-left landslide.

The Democrat party has taken a hard shift left. Coupled with Trump’s “Make America Great Again” appeal, the Democrats have lost the union labor voting block. The black vote is fragmenting. Heaven only knows what direction the Hispanic vote is going!

Traditionally the “mother’s milk of politics,” money, unlimited in the hands of incumbent Democrats has assured leftist success. Not this time, I believe.

First, recent election cycles have stripped the number of incumbent Democrat office holders.

Next, Trump is leading an ideological movement that is not motivated by money. His supporters are not for sale. The only thing left for sale are politicians! They only have one vote each!

Leftist money can buy demonstrations in an effort to create chaos and confusion as an excuse for civil government to step in with martial law and block elections. Recent efforts at generating riots have not been sustainable and are falling into disrepute.

The “real world” is still in the hands of God! God responds to prayer. Once a man called Moses was told that God was disappointed in His sinful people and was going to wipe them out and start over, again, with Moses. Moses responded, “Don’t do it Lord! It will make You appear mean and give the world a false image of Your character.” God responded to Moses’ prayer and said that He would change His mind and show mercy.

If America fails, it will appear to a hurting world that Christian self-government does not work! Do we deserve to fail? Yes indeed! God’s disappointment in us must be far, far greater than His disappointment in the sinful Hebrew nation. “To whom much is given, much will be required!”

Something is causing the tide to change in favor of righteousness. More evil is daily being exposed. I believe the true cause rests with the thousands of intercessors across America (and the world) who are pleading mercy for America instead of justice.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-08-08 Real world speculation Read More »

2017-08-05 Time flies

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


August 4, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

Time flies!

Grandfather said, “The older you get – the faster time passes.” Now he is gone and I am a great-grandfather! I will testify that I move a lot slower than I did thirty years ago, yet time seems to be racing by.

The next two big events on my calendar, will be the start of the next online “Principles of American Government” (PAG) course in just 4 weeks, on September 4; the summit-like gathering of master teachers, I call them heroes, in just six weeks (Saturday, September 23rd) at Destiny Christian Church in Rocklin. We have named the event, Honoring The Vision.” (HTV)

Most Christians appear to be ignorant of God’s hand in human history. Oh sure, they know all about the Old testament Hebrew history, and even a little bit of Roman history from the New Testament. Some can even tell you how God used those events to teach men to love Him and love one another. BUT I have met few who can tell what God’s hand has done since then.

The reason for that, I believe, – – “Take God out of anything and it dies!” Conversely, “Discover God in anything and it comes alive!” The church has been focusing upon Biblical principles, as it should, BUT has allowed education to take God out of history, science, geography, grammar, entertainment, …

This appears to me to have contributed to the impotence of the church. The Creator God of the Bible is the first cause of anything, if you dig back to the source! That is the essence of the “Principle Approach” (PA) to education that was pretty much universal in America’s colonial days. A movement to restore PA to education was renewed in the 1960’s.

PA teachers greatly influenced the home school movement. They set up Christian schools. They traveled around the country teaching in small group meetings. Those touched by the new vision of God at the root of everything came alive. On the other hand, PA teaching requires

hard work discovering God’s hand. Nothing of value comes without a price!

As a result, many who tried it dropped away. The movement continued and grew even though things like, “American history”, “World history”, “Government” appeared to be dead with God removed from them. PA teachers have been teaching subjects no one thought they needed to learn. That is why I call them heroes!

The very survival of American liberty rests at the feet of those who have discovered the Lord God at the root of liberty! “If there were no Christ there would be no America.” The question “is—not whether Christians formed the Constitution—but whether the form is Christian. The basis for judgment is the Bible.” [Rosalie Slater, Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE)]

Those of you interested in the 3-month online course should get in touch with us (please see letterhead). Those interested in the gathering of heroes on September 23rd should go to

One more thing – We have budgeted $10,000 for this event. Thus far, we have raised $3,000. Please help us pray in the balance.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-08-05 Time flies Read More »

2017-07-23 Take God out – –

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


July 23, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

Take God out of anything and it dies.

Discover God in anything and it comes alive!

We have permitted God to be taken out of American public education by law. Sure enough! Education that teaches God is unimportant (i.e. not significant enough to mention) has produced a lifeless, hopeless, stupid generation. I offer, “Watters’ World” TV, campus interviews as proof.

That part of the student body that managed to overcome stupid and gain knowledge without wisdom is little better off. Knowledge without wisdom will turn on you! Wisdom builds character.

So, you may ask, “Is there no hope!” There is always hope – So long as there is a loving, patient, forgiving God. “The fear of (respect for) the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” [Proverbs 9:10] Where should we look to find wise leaders in the next generation?

For the most part, home school students have grown up at the knees of parents who taught the fear of the Lord in academic subjects. The results are easily discerned. Fran and I are 87 and 84. Home schooling was not yet a modern movement when we started homeschooling our youngest.

With the subsequent explosive growth of the homeschool movement came a whole spectrum of teaching methods – some good – some not so good. The best were based upon discovering God at the root of each academic subject. It came alive for the student.

On September 23, 2017 at Destiny Christian Church in Lincoln, CA, we are going to spend the day (10 am until 8 pm) including lunch and dinner, with master teachers who have been part of the movement to restore God to education since the 1960’s. Those who will be speaking are giants standing on the shoulders of America’s founders, who themselves benefited from the same philosophy of education.

It is unlikely these ageing teachers from across the country will ever be teaching together again. If you are a parent this is a unique opportunity. I hope you will share this article with interested friends.

Please go to for information.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-07-23 Take God out – – Read More »

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: