Ben’s Blog

2017-08-05 Time flies

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


August 4, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

Time flies!

Grandfather said, “The older you get – the faster time passes.” Now he is gone and I am a great-grandfather! I will testify that I move a lot slower than I did thirty years ago, yet time seems to be racing by.

The next two big events on my calendar, will be the start of the next online “Principles of American Government” (PAG) course in just 4 weeks, on September 4; the summit-like gathering of master teachers, I call them heroes, in just six weeks (Saturday, September 23rd) at Destiny Christian Church in Rocklin. We have named the event, Honoring The Vision.” (HTV)

Most Christians appear to be ignorant of God’s hand in human history. Oh sure, they know all about the Old testament Hebrew history, and even a little bit of Roman history from the New Testament. Some can even tell you how God used those events to teach men to love Him and love one another. BUT I have met few who can tell what God’s hand has done since then.

The reason for that, I believe, – – “Take God out of anything and it dies!” Conversely, “Discover God in anything and it comes alive!” The church has been focusing upon Biblical principles, as it should, BUT has allowed education to take God out of history, science, geography, grammar, entertainment, …

This appears to me to have contributed to the impotence of the church. The Creator God of the Bible is the first cause of anything, if you dig back to the source! That is the essence of the “Principle Approach” (PA) to education that was pretty much universal in America’s colonial days. A movement to restore PA to education was renewed in the 1960’s.

PA teachers greatly influenced the home school movement. They set up Christian schools. They traveled around the country teaching in small group meetings. Those touched by the new vision of God at the root of everything came alive. On the other hand, PA teaching requires

hard work discovering God’s hand. Nothing of value comes without a price!

As a result, many who tried it dropped away. The movement continued and grew even though things like, “American history”, “World history”, “Government” appeared to be dead with God removed from them. PA teachers have been teaching subjects no one thought they needed to learn. That is why I call them heroes!

The very survival of American liberty rests at the feet of those who have discovered the Lord God at the root of liberty! “If there were no Christ there would be no America.” The question “is—not whether Christians formed the Constitution—but whether the form is Christian. The basis for judgment is the Bible.” [Rosalie Slater, Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE)]

Those of you interested in the 3-month online course should get in touch with us (please see letterhead). Those interested in the gathering of heroes on September 23rd should go to

One more thing – We have budgeted $10,000 for this event. Thus far, we have raised $3,000. Please help us pray in the balance.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-08-05 Time flies Read More »

2017-07-23 Take God out – –

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


July 23, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

Take God out of anything and it dies.

Discover God in anything and it comes alive!

We have permitted God to be taken out of American public education by law. Sure enough! Education that teaches God is unimportant (i.e. not significant enough to mention) has produced a lifeless, hopeless, stupid generation. I offer, “Watters’ World” TV, campus interviews as proof.

That part of the student body that managed to overcome stupid and gain knowledge without wisdom is little better off. Knowledge without wisdom will turn on you! Wisdom builds character.

So, you may ask, “Is there no hope!” There is always hope – So long as there is a loving, patient, forgiving God. “The fear of (respect for) the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” [Proverbs 9:10] Where should we look to find wise leaders in the next generation?

For the most part, home school students have grown up at the knees of parents who taught the fear of the Lord in academic subjects. The results are easily discerned. Fran and I are 87 and 84. Home schooling was not yet a modern movement when we started homeschooling our youngest.

With the subsequent explosive growth of the homeschool movement came a whole spectrum of teaching methods – some good – some not so good. The best were based upon discovering God at the root of each academic subject. It came alive for the student.

On September 23, 2017 at Destiny Christian Church in Lincoln, CA, we are going to spend the day (10 am until 8 pm) including lunch and dinner, with master teachers who have been part of the movement to restore God to education since the 1960’s. Those who will be speaking are giants standing on the shoulders of America’s founders, who themselves benefited from the same philosophy of education.

It is unlikely these ageing teachers from across the country will ever be teaching together again. If you are a parent this is a unique opportunity. I hope you will share this article with interested friends.

Please go to for information.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-07-23 Take God out – – Read More »

2017-07-20 The Refuge of Lies

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


July 20, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

“The Refuge of Lies”

Isaiah 28:9-17

“Though the Lord desires to bless us and pull us close to Himself, we chose rather to distance ourselves from His presence. God’s plan for each one of our lives is perfect, but fear of His demands, or shame over our sin, cause us to run and hide from the only true Hiding Place (Ps 32:7). Like those before us, we flee, instead, to our refuge of lies.

“Many are hiding in the refuge of running. Adam, Eve, and especially Jonah can testify to the frailty of such a fortress. Its strength lies in our ability to outrun God – which is not a feasible feat.

“Others are hiding in the refuge of relationships. Running to friends before running to God is no answer. Whose companionship do you value more highly than the Savior’s? Your friends and family cannot stand beside you on judgement day – but Jesus can.

“Perhaps you are hiding in the refuge of religion. Religion is nothing more than an adherence to a set of beliefs. A person can go to hell with baptismal waters dripping from his face. You can go to hell with a choir robe on. Even participating in holy communion will not protect you from the wrath to come. Not even your good works can save you. All these things are fine, and extremely important, but they will never serve as payment for a pardon. Only the blood of Jesus can redeem. Remember, religion is hanging around the cross. Christianity is getting on the cross. When our heart is not right, God can see right through the thin veil of our religious refuge.

“Many are hiding from the Lord in the refuge of riches. It is sad how countless millions are caught up in creature comforts. Rather than running to God, many are found indulging in self-satisfying, sensual pleasures. But my friend, all you have shall pass away. It is not what you have on this earth, but whom you have in your heart.

“According to Scripture, the Lord will destroy the refuge if lies. ‘For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known.’ (Luke 12:2). There is only one true refuge: the Eternal God (Deut 33:27)!”

[Steve Hill (1954 – 2014) evangelist, revivalist, pastor, U.S.A.]

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-07-20 The Refuge of Lies Read More »

2017-07-19 What isn’t being said

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


July 20, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

What isn’t being said

Lately, the television news programs seem to have only one or two stories to talk about on any given day. You hear one program and the rest are only repeats. I enjoy listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio in my car or on the net when in my office.

When Mitch McConnell first came out with a “Repeal but don’t replace” proposal, I thought, “Well – at last!” Then Rush pointed out that McConnell’s proposal was not scheduled to repeal for two years. “Kick the can down the road” with no guarantee that repeal would ever happen.

Rush’s analysis seems “right on” to me. Let us pray that the final bill is action “here and now” and at least a step toward getting federal government out of our health decisions. Think about it – A slave master makes choices about his slave’s health. He wants him healthy unless – it becomes too expensive. Then … …

Another thing not being discussed is the power of a free market! When a buyer and seller negotiate, each wants a better deal. When they finally agree on a price – that sets the value of a product. Competition is a wonderful thing in a free market.

Suppose we were to do the right thing and flat-out cancel all federal involvement in healthcare save for things like service veterans where there is a true obligation. The vast majority of people would almost overnight meet in the marketplace, with an array of aggressive insurance companies hungry for their business. Competition would quickly establish pricing at the true value of each product. Much lower than current “regulated” pricing.

There will be a percentage of individuals with “pre-existing” problems the insurance companies have been forced (by regulation) to insure. While the greater part of the healthcare issue will have been settled, the feds and the insurance companies will have to negotiate the government’s obligations to the “Pre-existing” market. People will once more be responsible for their own lives at a much more affordable rate. The size and overreach of the feds will have been reduced!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-07-19 What isn’t being said Read More »

2017-07-17 Looking ahead

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


July 17, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

Looking ahead

There is much cause for optimism. I heard a story about a tortured saint. He adopted the philosophy that death would unite him with Christ. His tormentors told his jailers to treat him well because suffering only made him more optimistic!

Each of us can rest assured that the unseen hand of God is working for good. Further we can see external proof. Hidden corruption is being exposed every day. We should pray daily for the safety and stamina of the Trump team and especially for the thousands of individual and group intercessors who are supporting them.

Another external indication is the familiar red map showing the counties that voted “Trump”. His opponents have done everything in their tired old play-book to turn his supporters against him. They have only driven more people into the Trump camp.

The mid-term elections next year will determine a third of the U.S. Senate seats and all of the U.S. House seats! Add to that all of the thousands of state and local elections. All this at a time when the voting public is more and more fed up with things as they are!

Put that in the context that not one of those is a national election. The blue counties of the red county-by-county map only play a small part in the overall result of next year’s elections!

Here is what we can expect. The goal of the right is to replace as many left supporters with conservatives as possible in order to speed draining the national, state, and local swamps. The goal of the left is to win Democrat seats where they can. If that is unlikely they have an alternative.

The left’s playbook says to stroke the pride of numerous Republican candidates to run against one another and split the conservative vote in behalf of a RINO* who will be like a Democrat wearing a Republican nametag.

In the end voter awareness and every single primary vote counts. In that respect Trump’s endorsement will count a lot. In many races, Trump will be able to pick and choose the winners.

May I share my working definitions. These apply to American politics and may have different meanings in overseas politics. Remember – The one being defined must be willing to accept the definition.

Liberal – A liberal is one who makes his decisions in an effort to produce the best results.

Conservative – A conservative is one who makes his decisions according to the best principles he can find – and lets the results take care of themselves.

Moderate — A moderate is a liberal who cannot define his position.

* (Republican In Name Only)

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-07-17 Looking ahead Read More »

2017-07-14 Healthcare

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


July 14, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –


The word, “healthcare” was not in the English language at the time our nation was founded.

Rather, it was understood that “life” was given by God, not granted by government. Further, “liberty” was necessary in order to obtain things to sustain life. Such things could not support an individual life until they were exclusively private “property.”

To explain – By virtue of being given life you are entitled to the things necessary to support it. The apple in the woods belongs to everyone in common. That apple cannot nourish you until you remove it from the state nature left it in (you pick it up). Just looking at it doesn’t nourish you. Only when it is exclusively yours can it nourish you.

Our declaration says, All men, “… are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable 1 Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness — …”

The meaning and intent if the phrase, “Pursuit of Happiness”, has prompted lots of debate. Obviously, it means pursuit within, “the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” The founders were familiar with John Locke’s frequent phrase, “life, liberty, and property.” I have heard that was the phrase in the original draft. Because of the slavery issue “property” would create more discord.

If good health is part of your “pursuit” – have at it. I do not find anything in America’s founding documents that promise or entitle you to a successful “pursuit” at everyone’s expense. Thus public financed healthcare is outside the authority “We the people” granted our government.

The current healthcare debate was lost the first time “repeal Obamacare” was amended to “repeal and replace Obamacare.” Politicians who want to buy votes with other people’s money can bicker on and on. The only true solution to the healthcare debate is “repeal Obamacare.”

“BUT” – say those who want to bicker, “That leaves millions without healthcare. They will die!” Few even remember the days when there was no public involvement in healthcare. We no longer even think about the market for insurance those millions will create! Nor do we remember the charities that stepped in to help the helpless. All at a far more reasonable price!

Uprooting the pure evil embedded in the “swamp” will take a lot more than one election cycle. Establishment Senators Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Mitch McConnell were just reelected for 6 years! I predict next year’s election will purge several Democrat and a few RINO Republicans from the Senate. The House races, I believe, will be a GOP landslide. House and Senate leadership will likely move significantly right. The voting public’s level of awareness has shifted well beyond that of the TV pundits.

Some may ask why not change leadership now? There is a simple answer in the mechanics. Unless the Republicans can all agree on a single candidate they will split their vote and the Democrats with a single candidate can win leadership offices. RINO legislators would rather lose than move to the right. Their Democrat friends take care of them. They must be purged in Republican primaries next spring.

1 “unalienable” or (?) “inalienable” – an unresolved debate!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-07-14 Healthcare Read More »

2017–07-04 I couldn’t say it better

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


July 14, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –


The word, “healthcare” was not in the English language at the time our nation was founded.

Rather, it was understood that “life” was given by God, not granted by government. Further, “liberty” was necessary in order to obtain things to sustain life. Such things could not support an individual life until they were exclusively private “property.”

To explain – By virtue of being given life you are entitled to the things necessary to support it. The apple in the woods belongs to everyone in common. That apple cannot nourish you until you remove it from the state nature left it in (you pick it up). Just looking at it doesn’t nourish you. Only when it is exclusively yours can it nourish you.

Our declaration says, All men, “… are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable 1 Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness — …”

The meaning and intent if the phrase, “Pursuit of Happiness”, has prompted lots of debate. Obviously, it means pursuit within, “the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” The founders were familiar with John Locke’s frequent phrase, “life, liberty, and property.” I have heard that was the phrase in the original draft. Because of the slavery issue “property” would create more discord.

If good health is part of your “pursuit” – have at it. I do not find anything in America’s founding documents that promise or entitle you to a successful “pursuit” at everyone’s expense. Thus public financed healthcare is outside the authority “We the people” granted our government.

The current healthcare debate was lost the first time “repeal Obamacare” was amended to “repeal and replace Obamacare.” Politicians who want to buy votes with other people’s money can bicker on and on. The only true solution to the healthcare debate is “repeal Obamacare.”

“BUT” – say those who want to bicker, “That leaves millions without healthcare. They will die!” Few even remember the days when there was no public involvement in healthcare. We no longer even think about the market for insurance those millions will create! Nor do we remember the charities that stepped in to help the helpless. All at a far more reasonable price!

Uprooting the pure evil embedded in the “swamp” will take a lot more than one election cycle. Establishment Senators Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Mitch McConnell were just reelected for 6 years! I predict next year’s election will purge several Democrat and a few RINO Republicans from the Senate. The House races, I believe, will be a GOP landslide. House and Senate leadership will likely move significantly right. The voting public’s level of awareness has shifted well beyond that of the TV pundits.

Some may ask why not change leadership now? There is a simple answer in the mechanics. Unless the Republicans can all agree on a single candidate they will split their vote and the Democrats with a single candidate can win leadership offices. RINO legislators would rather lose than move to the right. Their Democrat friends take care of them. They must be purged in Republican primaries next spring.

1 “unalienable” or (?) “inalienable” – an unresolved debate!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017–07-04 I couldn’t say it better Read More »

2017-06-22 Not half-full but overflowing

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


June 22, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

Not half-full but overflowing

A major battle in the global war of the ages is taking place in America. The good news – The “good guys” are winning. Not “just” winning. They are winning big time!

Think about it. David is in the middle of the battlefield with a borrowed sword and his foot on Goliath’s chest. He is shouting to the army of the living God (as opposed to the dead ones), “C’mon men. They are running away.”

If the Hebrew troops had had their heads buried in Philistine newspapers and Philistine TV they would have missed seeing what is in plain sight. They would have worried about Goliath’s four brothers, also giants. (BTW – David had four stones left in his pouch!)

Instead – The army of the living God chased the Philistines all over the map and proceeded to drain the swampy battlefield! I see a movement of citizens who have reached a tipping point. For years they have just wanted to be left alone. They chose to let shady leaders be shady. It was easier than fighting city hall alone and making a fuss.

Trump had the personal resources and personality to represent the things we wanted to see. We have all seen patterns of dominos each knocking down its neighbor. Well, in society it works in reverse also. Stand up one domino and that pulls up the neighbor and momentum builds.

Unless you listen to those interested in reporting on the good things you are likely to miss them. BUT evidence of the righteous movement is all around us if we will but look for it.

The problem is not political. Next year, we will vote on every congressman and a third of the senators plus all levels of state and local offices. Hypothetically – Suppose we elect perfectly qualified, glow in the dark, good guys to every single office. In only a few years the swamp would be back in business! “Why?”, you ask. Because we truly have a representative government. We have (collectively) voted for those with whom we identify!

The answer is to raise the standards of the voter. That is a lot harder than replacing politicians! That has been my passion for four decades. I wanted to shout from the housetops. I expected to be teaching sound (Biblical) principles to hundreds at a time! God patiently spoke to me, “Just teach the ones I put in front of you.” Others have been doing the same. Now a movement appears to be gaining momentum.

If you have not yet visited the web site – please do!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-06-22 Not half-full but overflowing Read More »

2017-06-03 Bragging on s friend

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


June 3, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

Bragging on a friend

I would like to tell you about a dear friend – Desta Garrett.

It must have been around 1975. We were heavily involved with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). Some of the leaders, knowing we were near San Francisco, asked me to meet their flight and drive them to the headquarters of the Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE). I met Miss Hall and Miss Slater there, because I was carrying the brief cases.

It was immediate awe and respect. These two ladies were on a mission to restore knowledge about America by documenting the Christian principles behind the movement that became America. They lived in a house in the Sunset District of San Francisco. It was FACE headquarters.

Miss Slater left a Stanford doctoral program to join Miss Hall in cofounding FACE. Miss Hall left a business career to follow her vision. Miss Slater was a teacher. Miss Hall was a historian. Both were avid readers. Christian school and home school industries were just beginning to blossom. FACE publications were spreading across America.

FACE headquarters was painted in colonial motif. Inside the home were areas representing north, central, and southern colonial furniture, and style. Everything could be used as an historical object lesson. The house was filled with precious books. I particularly enjoyed browsing the microfiche copies of colonial newspapers covering several centuries.

All that to introduce the ladies’ irreplaceable “girl Friday,” Desta Garrett. Desta was always busy on a project for the ladies. She learned to use computers and fought through the start-up battles that always seem to happen with computers. Desta became a professional book editor. She read and type-set the FACE books.

Desta’s daughter, Katheryn, and our Susan were blessed to be in the right place at the right time. Miss Slater missed the classroom and offered to teach the girls a course in Literature. Susan, now having completed homeschooling her own two kids cherishes her memories of that course.

Later, after Miss Hall passed in 1987, FACE headquarters and Miss Slater moved to Chesapeake, Virginia. Desta launched her own book editing business. I never knew her not to have several books that needed her expertise. Fran and I visited Desta’s family a number of times. Desta is a researcher as well. Her home was a treasure trove.

The Garrett’s have had their share of tragedies. Their adult son died, then Desta was widowed. She was a trooper. Always meticulous in her editing. We watched as one pressure after another built upon her. God is faithful! He will always make a way to escape so that we can bear it.

Katheryn, now married with a family of her own was able to couple her home and Desta’s into a larger one and move her mom into her own room in the larger southern California home.

We are so looking forward to thanking Desta for her work and sacrifices in behalf of the FACE vision come the big “Honoring The Vision” event on September 23rd in Rocklin, California. All the “old timers” will be there plus the next generation of vision restorers.

Come join us!

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-06-03 Bragging on s friend Read More »

2017-05-18 Honoting The Vision update

ACH Study Groups

Ben & Fran Gilmore – Cofounders

7659 Gingerblossom Drive

Citrus Heights, CA 95621


May 18, 2017

This is a letter to our friends –

Honoring The Vision update

The organizing committee members are grateful for the $1650 contributions toward the targeted $10K we have budgeted. We are using it to purchase the first air fares for honored guests. Yet to be covered – TV crew, caterer, hotel, venue, honoraria. If you plan to join us please register soon. If you care to help us share news of this event and help us raise funds -Please do so.

Please – everyone who reads this – Pray for the success of this significant event. Pray for our committee. Pray for America!

Those who were active in the 1960’s when this restoration movement was beginning are beginning to age (smile). We want to gather their memories and preserve them for future researchers. If you are among them we want you included.

Those of you who are younger need to be there to learn and be inspired (living history). Understanding God’s hand in human history and what He has done and is doing in America is vital in today’s society. Come network with master teachers and browse their books.

Remember this please – The unrighteous want to do everything they can to convince you that God and His ways are unproductive and unreliable. We must respond in the opposite spirit – one of faith and optimism.

These columns are archived since 12/10/09


“Ben’s Blog”

2017-05-18 Honoting The Vision update Read More »

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Ben Gilmore 1929-2023

On March 30, 2023 Ben Gilmore, the co-founder of ACHStudyGroups (co-founded with his wife Fran), went to be with the Lord in Glory.

A Memorial: